Man jailed for four years after fathering two children with his niece in ‘appalling’ incest case – The Independent

Posted June 27th, 2016 in children, community service, DNA, incest, news, sentencing, sexual offences by sally

‘A man has been jailed after fathering two children with his niece.’

Full story

The Independent, 26th June 2016


‘Revenge porn’ threats could be made a crime in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘The threat of circulating “revenge porn” would be criminalised and the evidence threshold lowered to bring England and Wales in line with Scottish law, under changes to be proposed by a former Lib Dem cabinet minister.’

Full story

The Guardian, 11th June 2016


Carers tie woman, 88, in towel to ensure a ‘quiet shift’ – BBC News

‘Two carers who wrapped a pensioner in a towel to ensure they had a quiet night shift have been given suspended prison sentences.’

Full story

BBC News, 6th June 2016


Lawyer who supplied ‘chemsex’ party drugs which killed his boyfriend is sentenced – BBC News

Posted May 10th, 2016 in barristers, community service, drug abuse, drug offences, news, sentencing by sally

‘A barrister whose teenage boyfriend died from a lethal cocktail of “chemsex” party drugs has been sentenced for drug possession.’

Full story

BBC News, 9th May 2016


Reducing women’s imprisonment: sentencing of mothers – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘Ciara O’Neill wrote recently on the Halsbury’s Law Exchange about Michael Gove’s talk on 4 November at the AGM of the Howard League for Penal Reform: “He believes that our sentencing framework needs a complete overhaul…Gove recognised that evidence shows short sentences are more likely than not to lead to recidivism, and that the system needs a more appropriate sentencing framework. This will be based on extensive research into the effectiveness of current sentencing practices.” (“Gove admits the UK sentencing framework needs to be more sensitive, & 7 more things we learned at the 2015 Howard League AGM“).’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 3rd May 2016


Bradford judge spares girl jail for stabbing abuser – BBC News

‘A judge has spared a teenage girl who stabbed the man who sexually abused her as a child from a prison sentence.’

Full story

BBC News, 20th April 2016


Man who urinated on Manchester Cenotaph told to clean memorials – The Guardian

Posted April 20th, 2016 in community service, monuments, news, public order, sentencing by sally

‘A man who urinated on the Manchester Cenotaph has been ordered to spend 200 hours cleaning war memorials across the city as part of his punishment.’

Full story

The Guardian, 20th April 2016


Bristol man Attila Kovacs admits selling smuggled puppies – BBC News

Posted April 18th, 2016 in community service, dogs, HM Revenue & Customs, news, sentencing by sally

‘A man who admitted selling illegally imported puppies has been given a 200-hour community order.’

Full story

BBC News, 15th April 2016


Sentencing Council launches new revised definitive guideline for sentencing dangerous dog offences – Sentencing Council

Posted March 17th, 2016 in community service, dogs, fines, news, sentencing by tracey

‘The Sentencing Council has published a revised guideline for judges and magistrates on the sentencing of dangerous dog offences. The new guideline, which has been issued following a public consultation, will come into effect on 1 July 2016.’

Full guideline

Sentencing Council, 17th March 2016


Driver who used Bond-style smokescreen to escape police chase avoids jail – Daily Telegraph

‘A speeding driver who deployed a James Bond-style smokescreen device in a bid to shake off police has been spared jail.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17 February 2016


Imposition consultation – Sentencing Council

Posted January 15th, 2016 in community service, consultations, news, sentencing by sally

‘The Sentencing Council is proposing to issue a new definitive guideline for imposition of community and custodial sentences.’

Full story

Sentencing Council, 14th January 2016


Too many offenders let off probation, inspectors say – BBC News

Posted January 12th, 2016 in community service, news, probation, reports, sentencing by sally

‘The way that offenders sentenced to unpaid community work in England and Wales are managed and supervised has been criticised by inspectors.’

Full story

BBC News, 12th January 2016


Nurses jailed for falsifying stroke patients’ records – The Guardian

Posted December 15th, 2015 in community service, negligence, news, nurses, sentencing by sally

‘Two nurses have been jailed for “playing with people’s lives” by falsifying vulnerable stroke patients’ vital medical tests.’

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2015


Foreign prisoners ‘will be let out early’ under agreement they leave UK – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 9th, 2015 in community service, deportation, early release, immigration, news, prisons by sally

‘The new plans have surfaced among fears that tension is mounting in overcrowded prisons.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th December 2015


Postman walks free after stealing 11,000 items of post over 22 years – Daily Telegraph

‘A postman who has stolen over 11,000 items of post since 1993 says he is “so sorry” for what he did.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th November 2015


Up-skirt lewd photographer sentenced to community order – BBC News

‘A PhD student who took lewd pictures up women’s skirts at a wedding has been spared jail so he can learn how to control his “urges”.’

Full story

BBC News, 6th November 2015


Fake monk Damon Kelly spread gay hate leaflets – BBC News

Posted October 26th, 2015 in community service, freedom of expression, harassment, homosexuality, news by sally

‘A fake monk who distributed leaflets condemning homosexuality and other “works of darkness” has been banned from doing so for five years.’

Full story

BBC News, 24th October 2015


Woman who grew cannabis to help dying husband gets community order – The Guardian

Posted September 25th, 2015 in cancer, community service, drug offences, medical treatment, news, sentencing by sally

‘A woman who grew cannabis worth £34,000 to extract hemp oil to act as a painkiller for her dying husband has been sentenced to an 18-month community order after a judge accepted she was not embroiled in a commercial enterprise.’

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd September 2015


Stephen Tillyer sentenced over £300k viola theft from train – BBC News

‘A man who stole a viola worth £300,000 after it was left on train has been given a suspended prison sentence.’

Full story

BBC News, 16th September 2015


Banker who took ‘upskirt’ pictures of women avoids prison sentence – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 11th, 2015 in community service, news, outraging public decency, photography, sentencing by tracey

‘A banker who commuted from Hull to London to take “upskirt” pictures of women on Tube escalators has been spared jail.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th September 2015
