Belsner v Cam Legal Services Ltd – Hailsham Chambers

‘In Belsner v Cam Legal Services Ltd [2020] EWHC 2755, Lavender J (“the Judge”) has held that a client (“C”) did not give informed consent to the recovery from her of a sum by her solicitors (“solicitor”) over and above the costs recovered from the defendant in litigation (“D”). As a result, the solicitors were limited to the fixed costs which they recovered from D.’

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Hailsham Chambers, 23rd October 2020


Possession Proceedings: Where are they now? – Tanfield Chambers

‘When the stay on possession proceedings first came into force on 27 March 2020, it appeared to be a straight-forward (albeit blunt) tool to help the Courts manage the effects of the Coronavirus.’

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Tanfield Chambers, 5th October 2020


Court orders costs repayment after client did not consent to deduction – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Fee-recovery lawyers say millions of clients could stand to benefit from a court judgment which reduced legal fees deducted from compensation.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 19th October 2020


Falling over backwards, if at all: The “slip” rule and its application – Becket Chambers

Posted October 19th, 2020 in chambers articles, civil procedure rules, judgments, news by sally

‘Every now and then, a court may make an “error” when giving judgment and making an order. There are circumstances where the judgment or order can be amended without giving notice to the other side and without the need for another hearing, but parties must be careful to ensure any amendments reflect the original intention of the court at the time the judgment and the order were given.’

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Becket Chambers, 13th October 2020


Amendments to Costs Budgeting Rules Coming into Force on 1st October 2020 – St John’s Chambers

‘As of 1st October 2020 several amendments to the costs budgeting rules and the related Practice Direction came into force.’

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St John's Chambers, 2nd October 2020


Contempt of Court – new rules – Transparency Project

Posted October 13th, 2020 in anonymity, civil procedure rules, contempt of court, family courts, news by sally

‘Following an earlier consultation, there has been a comprehensive rewriting of the rules of court dealing with the procedure to be adopted in relation to contempt of court.’

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Transparency Project, 10th October 2020


Keep part 36 offers simple by using form, judge urges – Litigation Futures

Posted September 30th, 2020 in civil procedure rules, interpretation, judges, news, part 36 offers, service, time limits by sally

‘A High Court judge has told parties making part 36 offers that if they simply used form N242A “much of the difficulty” the scheme has caused litigants over the years would be avoided.’

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Litigation Futures, 28th September 2020


Changes afoot as litigators lambast disclosure pilot – Litigation Futures

Posted September 28th, 2020 in civil procedure rules, costs, courts, disclosure, news, pilot schemes, solicitors, statistics by sally

‘Commercial litigators have vented their frustration – and in some cases anger – with the disclosure pilot in the Business and Property Courts, and changes to its rules have been put forward as a result of this and other feedback.’

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Litigation Futures, 24th September 2020


Ban on evictions and notice periods extended in Government u-turn – St Ives Chambers

‘The stay imposed on possession proceedings was due to expire on Sunday 23 August 2020. However, in an 11th hour u-turn, Robert Jenrick announced on Friday afternoon that the ban on evictions would be extended for a further 4 weeks (taking the total ban to 6 months) in England and Wales. In a further, unforeseen twist, it was announced that a new 6 month notice period would be in place until at least 31 March 2021 (this applies to England only) in all matters save for “serious cases”, examples of which are anti-social behaviour and domestic abuse.’

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St Ives Chambers, 21st August 2020


Courts cannot critique “uncontroverted” expert reports – Litigation Futures

‘It is not the role of the courts to subject “uncontroverted” expert reports to “the same kind of analysis and critique as if it was evaluating a controverted or contested report”, the High Court has ruled.’

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Litigation Futures, 25th August 2020


The position on possession – Hardwicke Chambers

‘Andrew Skelly considers the current restrictions on a landlord’s ability to recover possession, and the emergency measures set out in the Coronavirus Act 2020 that will continue to apply after the automatic stay on possession proceedings comes to an end on 23 August 2020.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 12th August 2020


High Court: Counsel’s fee for ex-protocol cases not fixed – Litigation Futures

Posted August 10th, 2020 in barristers, civil procedure rules, costs, fees, news, personal injuries, valuation by sally

‘Counsel’s fees for valuing claims which fall out of the personal injury protocols are not subject to fixed costs, the High Court has ruled.’

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Litigation Futures, 10th August 2020


“Stay” no more: the future for possession claims. Practice Direction 55C (and Christmas?) – Falcon Chambers

‘First it was CPR PD 51Z. Then CPR 55.29. Not to mention Arkin v Marshall [2020] EWCA Civ 620; Hackney LBC v Okoro [2020] EWCA Civ 681; TFS Stores Ltd v Designer Retail Outlet Centres (Mansfield) General Partner Ltd [2020] EWCA Civ 833. Has any other element of civil procedure law, not least one with a mere 5 month lifespan, ever received consideration no fewer than three times by the Court of Appeal? Such is the significance of the coronavirus-related general stay of possession claims.’

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Falcon Chambers, 20th July 2020


Arbitration Claims Under CPR Part 62: Is Forum Non Conveniens Relevant? – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted July 30th, 2020 in arbitration, choice of forum, civil procedure rules, news by sally

‘This article reviews the recent case of Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi AS v OOO “Insurance Company Chubb” & Ors (Rev 1) [2020] EWCA Civ 574.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 23rd July 2020


Court of Appeal stands firm on stay of landlord possession claims – Wilberforce Chambers

‘The Court of Appeal has given important clarity and breathing space to commercial and residential tenants in its recent judgment in TFS Stores Ltd v BMG (Ashford) Ltd & Ors [2020] EWCA Civ 833 by confirming that all parts of proceedings involving a claim for possession brought by a landlord are automatically stayed.’

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Wilberforce Chambers, 23rd July 2020


High Court provides clarity on third-party access to court documents –

‘The English High Court has refused to give access to court documents on the basis that doing so would not advance the principles of open justice.’

Full Story, 28th July 2020


The End is in Sight – but what then?- St Ives Chambers

‘The stay of possession proceedings (which started on 27 March 2020) comes to an end on 23 August 2020 and the courts and government have been working on plans how to resume possession cases after that date.’

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St Ives Chambers, 24th July 2020


Reactivation! – Nearly Legal

‘After the mystery of the Rules laid last Friday, we now had the text of Practice Direction 55C, which will come into effect on 23 August 2020 at the end of the Part 55.29 stay of possession proceedings.’

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Nearly Legal, 21st July 2020


Mystery directions – Nearly Legal

‘In the evening of Friday 17 July, The Civil Procedure (Amendment No. 4) (Coronavirus) Rules 2020 appeared, having apparently been laid earlier that day. These will come into force on 23 August 2020.’

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Nearly Legal, 18th July 2020


The Even Longer Arm of PD51Z: An Update – Guildhall Chambers

‘In the conjoined cases, the tenant (TFS Stores Limited) was the same, but the landlord was different. The tenant will be better known to many as The Fragrance Shop, and the cases at first instance focused on whether the leases in the actions were excluded from the 1954 Act protections. According to HHJ Davis-White QC, they were, and possession orders were made in respect of 5 of the 6 premises caught up in proceedings.’

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Guildhall Chambers, 6th July 2020
