Despite recent controversy, civil partnerships have been a huge success – The Independent

Posted June 19th, 2008 in civil partnerships, news, registrars, religious discrimination by sally

“Last month, a civil registrar who refuses to officiate at partnerships between same-sex couples, claiming it is ‘sinful’ and against her religion, brought a legal case that could have implications for ceremonies nationwide. ‘As a matter of religious conscience,’ Lillian Ladele said she couldn’t perform civil partnerships for gay couples and has accused North London’s Islington council of religious discrimination and victimisation because it asked her to continue performing them despite her views.”

Full story

The Independent, 19th June 2008


Registrar sues for right not to marry gays – Daily Telegraph

“A registrar is taking her employer to a tribunal this week to determine whether she can refuse to officiate at homosexual ‘weddings’ because of her religious beliefs.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th May 2008


Forms pose discrimination risk, civil partners warned – The Guardian

Posted December 4th, 2007 in civil partnerships, news, sexual orientation discrimination by sally

“Gay and lesbian people who enter into civil partnerships are at risk of ‘forced outing’ through everyday activities such as taking out a bank loan, according to a report to be published tomorrow.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th December 2007


School cannot sack head in ‘gay marriage’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 13th, 2007 in civil partnerships, news, teachers by sally

“Lawyers have told the Roman Catholic Church that it cannot sack a Catholic headmaster who has entered a civil partnership with a male teacher.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th August 2007


Woman sentenced over bigamous same-sex partnership – The Guardian

Posted August 6th, 2007 in bigamy, civil partnerships, news by sally

“A mother of five who admitted entering into a civil partnership with another woman while still married was today given a suspended prison sentence.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th August 2007
