Notice period doubled from next spring for all marriages and civil partnerships – Free Movement

Posted November 25th, 2014 in civil partnerships, fraud, immigration, marriage, news, notification by sally

‘It has been announced today [24 November] by Minister for Security and Immigration James Brokenshire that Part 4 of the Immigration Act 2014 is to be brought into full effect on 2 March 2015. This amends the procedure for marriage and civil partnership for everyone (not just foreign nationals) and creates new powers for duties to report sham marriages and the investigation and preventing of sham marriages.’

Full story

Free Movement, 24th November 2014


Finance & Divorce Update – Family Law Week

Posted November 18th, 2014 in civil partnerships, divorce, financial provision, fraud, news by sally

‘Jessica Craigs, senior solicitor of Mills & Reeve LLP analyses the financial remedies and divorce news and cases published by Family Law Week during October.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 14th November 2014


Does Fatal Accident Legislation Treat Gay Men And Women Differently? – Zenith PI Blog

‘As currently drafted the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 could treat gay men and gay women differently. Here I look at the reason why and examine the possible solution.’

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Zenith PI Blog, 16th October 2014


Church faces legal challenge after blocking job offer to married gay priest – The Guardian

‘The first priest to marry his same-sex partner is to issue a legal challenge to the Church of England after his offer of a job as an NHS chaplain was withdrawn when his bishop refused the necessary permission.’

Full story

The Guardian, 4th August 2014


Civil partnerships can be converted to marriages from December – The Guardian

Posted June 27th, 2014 in civil partnerships, gender, homosexuality, marriage, news by tracey

‘Same-sex couples will be able to convert their civil partnerships to marriages from December this year, the culture secretary has said.’

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2014


Gay couples look forward to getting married on first legal day – The Guardian

Posted March 24th, 2014 in bills, civil partnerships, equality, homosexuality, marriage, news by sally

‘Historic ceremonies scheduled for 29 March herald new era of equality for gay couples across UK.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st March 2014


Christian guesthouse owners go to Strasbourg over ‘discrimination’ case – Daily Telegraph

‘A Christian couple who were told it was illegal to turn unmarried couples away from their guesthouse have launched a landmark legal case at the European Court of Human Rights.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th March 2014


Making it easier for separating couples to manage their finances and property – Law Commission

‘The Law Commission is recommending a set of measures to make it easier for couples to manage their financial affairs on divorce or at the end of a civil partnership.’

Full story

Law Commission, 27th February 2014


Gay couple threaten to sue UK government over same-sex marriage – The Guardian

Posted January 27th, 2014 in civil partnerships, divorce, equality, homosexuality, human rights, marriage, news by sally

‘A gay couple from Barnsley are threatening legal action against the government after discovering they will not be able to marry on 29 March, when the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act comes into force, because they are already in a civil partnership.’

Full story

The Guardian, 24th January 2014


Gay discrimination and Christian belief: Analysis of Bull v. Hall in the Supreme Court – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The recent confirmation by the Supreme Court that it was unlawful discrimination for Christian hotel owners to refuse a double-bedded room to a same-sex couple was of considerable interest as the latest in a string of high-profile cases involving religious belief and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (and the first such judgment involving the highest court in the land). We have already provided a summary of the facts and judgment here, and our post on the Court of Appeal ruling can be found here.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 11th December 2013


Finance and Divorce November 2013 Update – Family Law Week

Posted November 8th, 2013 in civil partnerships, divorce, financial provision, news, stay of proceedings by tracey

“Jessica Craigs, senior solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the financial remedies and divorce news and cases published in October.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 7th November 2013


Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 – Top Ten guide to the new act by Marisa Allman – Zenith Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2013 in civil partnerships, homosexuality, marriage, news by sally

“This is an Act to make provision for same sex couples in England and Wales and about gender change for married persons and civil partners. It does not;

– Change the law relating to marriage for couples of the opposite sex
– Abolish civil partnership or repeal the Civil Partnership Act 2004
– Extend civil partnership to couples of the opposite sex”

Full story

Zenith Chambers, 24th July 2013


Not equal everywhere: legal problems for gay couples who emigrate – Daily Telegraph

“Same-sex couples face continued uncertainty over their legal rights abroad that could leave them vulnerable. Family lawyer Fiona Wood explains more.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 30th July 2013


Gay marriage: freedom of speech and conscience – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

“At the beginning of 2013 11 countries allowed gay marriage to be performed. By the middle of the year that number had increased to 15 with more to come. Some states in the US and Mexico also allow gay marriages to take place and some jurisdictions recognise same-sex marriages conducted elsewhere but do not perform them. While civil partnerships were introduced throughout the UK in 2004, England and Wales and Scotland look likely to be the next jurisdictions to allow same-sex marriage. The Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill 2012-13 to 2013-14 regarding England and Wales is already in the House of Lords and the Marriage and Civil Partnership (Scotland) Bill has just been introduced. Northern Ireland, by contrast, looks set to stick solely with civil partnerships (and will recognise the other jurisdictions same-sex marriages as such).”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 16th July 2013


Spinster sisters could win legal right to be treated as married couples, Peers told – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 25th, 2013 in bills, carers, civil partnerships, families, human rights, married persons, news by sally

“The introduction of same-sex marriage could finally open the way for carers and relatives such as unmarried sisters who live together to be given the same legal status as married couples, the House of Lords has been told.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th June 2013


The truth about gay marriage: legally there is nothing to be gained – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

“The law pertaining to same-sex relationships has come a long way. Until the Sexual Offences Act 1967, homosexual relationships were illegal. Until the Civil Partnership Act 2004, there was no way of formalising a homosexual relationship. The debate has now moved to the more intricate matters surrounding the nature of that formalisation, with many people now campaigning for a law which would allow gay marriage.”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 4th June 2013


Myths and Realities about Equal Marriage – UK Human Rights Blog

“The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill is back before Parliament today for the ‘Report Stage’. The latest version of the Bill is here, updated explanatory notes here, and the full list of proposed amendments here. Predictably, the amendments are the focus of much controversy.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 20th May 2013


Gay marriage: Review of civil partnerships possible but not until 2019 – BBC News

Posted May 17th, 2013 in bills, civil partnerships, homosexuality, marriage, news by sally

“Ministers have said they are prepared to review whether civil partnerships should be extended to heterosexual couples but not until 2019.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th May 2013


Children and same sex families: known biological fathers and contact: the decision in S v D and E / T v X and Y [2013] EWHC – Zenith Chambers

“Where do parents and prospective parents stand after the very recent decision in the case of S v D and E? What can parenting lesbian mothers and the men who donate sperm to enable them to have children expect if there is a disagreement between them as to the role of biological fathers in their children’s lives?”

Full story

Zenith Chambers, 14th February 2013


Finance and Divorce Update – Family Law Week

Posted March 6th, 2013 in bills, civil partnerships, divorce, jurisdiction, news, ombudsmen, statistics by sally

“Anna Heenan, solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse February’s financial remedies and divorce news and cases.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 5th March 2013
