Parliament to vote on bill to ban child marriage in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘A bill that would ban child marriage in England and Wales will be presented to parliament for its second reading this week and has been welcomed by campaigners as a “huge stride” forward.’

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The Guardian, 16th November 2021


The meaning of the term “associated person”- s.62 (3) of the Family Law Act 1996 – Becket Chambers

‘Why is it important to show that the parties are “associated persons” for the purposes of FLA 1996 (FLA 1996)?’

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Becket Chambers, 17th June 2021


Outdoor civil wedding and partnership registrations to be legalised – Ministry of Justice

Posted June 21st, 2021 in civil partnerships, marriage, Ministry of Justice, news by tracey

‘Outdoor civil wedding and partnership ceremonies in England and Wales are set to be legalised for the first time – offering greater choice to couples in a boost to the wedding sector.’

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Ministry of Justice, 20th June 2021


Perspectives on civil partnerships and marriages in England and Wales: aspects, attitudes and assessments – Family Law

Posted June 14th, 2021 in civil partnerships, equality, homosexuality, marriage, news by tracey

‘This article considers the developments since the turn of the century in the provision of new options for same sex and opposite sex couples to formalise their unions with full legal recognition. The available statistical information on the take-up of same sex civil partnerships and marriages is analysed and evaluated, and an early estimation made of their dissolutions and divorces. The possible implications of recent trends are considered, and a personal appraisal made of prospects for the immediate future. To a lay person, the sequence of introducing civil partnerships and same-sex marriage in England and Wales has been a curious, if not puzzling, progression, perhaps only really understood by the initial opposition to (same sex) civil partnerships, and in particular that they should not be accorded equivalence to marriage. The whole story[1] is also simultaneously one of developing pressure, firstly for the availability of a legal union for same sex couples, and then for greater freedom of choice, and for equal status. The latter was only achieved for civil partnerships[2] after much effort.’

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Family Law, 11th June 2021


The modern family – the interpretation of children, spouses and civil partners in older trust deeds – Wilberforce Chambers

‘It has become cliché to say that modern familial arrangements are vastly different now to how they were 50 years ago, but that does not make it any less true. In 2019, almost half of all births were outside of a marriage or civil-partnership, and 3,440 children were adopted from local authority care. With the passage of the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Act 2013, and the Civil Partnership (Opposite Sex Couples) Regulations 2019, the range of relationships that can be legally recognised, and the form that this recognition takes are also very different. Given the age of many settlements, traditional definitions of “children” or “spouse” can cause real difficulties.’

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Wilberforce Chambers, 17th February 2021


When is a wedding not a marriage? Exploring non-legally binding ceremonies – Law & Religion UK

Posted January 13th, 2021 in civil partnerships, Law Commission, marriage, news by sally

‘Why might couples in England and Wales today opt for a non-legally binding wedding ceremony in addition to their legally binding one?’

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Law & Religion UK, 12th January 2021


Civil partnership conversion for landmark gay couple – BBC News

Posted December 7th, 2020 in civil partnerships, equality, homosexuality, marriage, news, Northern Ireland by sally

‘Chris and Henry Flanagan-Kane were the first gay men in the UK to get a civil partnership back in 2005.’

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BBC News, 7th December 2020


Civil law, religion and marriage in the United Kingdom: a long read – Law & Religion UK

‘This began as a handout for the Cardiff LLM in Canon Law: it’s about the law on the formation of marriage – “weddings law” – rather than matrimonial law more generally.’

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Law & Religion UK, 11th November 2020


Back bill to ban marriage for under-18 in England and Wales, MPs urged – The Guardian

Posted October 6th, 2020 in bills, children, civil partnerships, consent, forced marriages, marriage, news by tracey

‘The UK is undermining its international efforts to end child marriage because an exception to the law in England and Wales that allows 16 and 17-year-olds to marry with parental consent is putting children at risk, parliament will be told today.’

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The Guardian, 6th October 2020


High court set to rule on humanist wedding recognition in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘Although the government was authorised by parliament to legally recognise humanist weddings in 2013, it has not done so. More than 6,000 couples who have gone through humanist ceremonies since then have faced a choice between having a second civil ceremony at a registry office or having no legal recognition of their marriage.’

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The Guardian, 1st July 2020


Changes to Capital Gains Tax Reliefs When Spouses and Civil Partners Separate – Pump Court Chambers

‘Among all the other changes being made to people’s financial arrangements, firstly as a result of our anticipated Brexit, and then as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, and their concomitant impact on economies, both macro and micro, share values, savings rates and property values, it’s easy to forget that significant changes have also been made to personal tax arrangements. For those in marriages or civil partnerships who are separating, or for those who have already separated and are going through divorce or dissolution proceedings and their associated financial remedy proceedings, that includes changes to Capital Gains Tax.’

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Pump Court Chamber, 27th April 2020


What is a ‘relationship akin to marriage’? – Richmond Chambers

‘Under the Immigration Rules, a person who is British or Settled in the UK can bring their unmarried partner to the UK. This is sometimes referred to as a ‘partner visa’ or ‘de facto visa’. This is an option that more couples are currently considering, partly due to the ongoing restrictions around the world on wedding ceremonies due to covid-19.’

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Richmond Chambers, 1st May 2020


Civil partnerships for heterosexual couples: what you need to know – Family Law

‘As of 31st December 2019, it is now possible for both same-sex and heterosexual couples to enter into a civil partnership. The institution was initially devised solely for same-sex couples through the Civil Partnership Act 2004; it was meant to be a distinct separate relationship status for same-sex couples akin, but different to, a marriage. This has now changed and moving into 2020, heterosexual couples may opt for a civil partnership instead of a marriage.’

Full Story

Family Law, 5th February 2020


Family Law Newsletter #32 – Spire Barristers

Posted January 9th, 2020 in care orders, civil partnerships, guardianship, marriage, news by sally

‘Articles from around the web, Legislation updates and Case Updates from Care Proceedings and Financial Remedy matters.’

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Spire Barristers, 6th January 2020


Civil Partnerships – A new inequality created by the correction of an old one? – 5SAH

‘Civil partnerships are now to be open to all but the solution of that problem has led to another – while same-sex couples can convert a civil partnership to a marriage, there is no provision for opposite-sex couples to do the same.’

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5SAH, 9th December 2019


Civil partnerships legislation – unfinished business – Law & Religion UK

The draft Civil Partnership (Opposite-sex Couples) Regulations 2019 (“the Regulations”) was the first item of the secondary legislation within the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019 (“the Act”) to achieve the necessary approval of both Houses under the affirmative resolution procedure. It was also the last item of debated business before parliament was dissolved on 6 November. Through section 2(2) of the Act the regulations were subject to a “sunset clause” which required them to be in force by the end of December, and as such, only limited time was available for its scrutiny and approval; this left a number of items of unfinished business, and these are summarized below.

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Law & Religion UK, 18th November 2019


Heterosexual couples may be allowed to convert marriages to civil unions – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2019 in civil partnerships, equality, marriage, news by sally

‘All heterosexual couples in England and Wales will be offered the chance to “convert” their marriages to civil partnerships, or vice versa, under plans being considered by ministers.’

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The Guardian, 10th July 2019


Financial Remedy & Divorce Update, June 2019 – Family Law Week

‘Naomi Shelton, Associate, Mills & Reeve LLP considers the important news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during May 2019.’

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Family Law Week, 20th June 2019


Private Lives and Public Sorrows – Family Law Week

‘Hazel Wright, Partner with Hunters Solicitors, highlights three cases which have emphasised the usefulness to family lawyers of the Human Rights Act.’

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Family Law Week, 30th April 2019


New Acts –

Posted March 27th, 2019 in bereavement, civil partnerships, health, legislation, marriage by tracey

Healthcare (European Economic Area and Switzerland Arrangements) Act 2019

Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019
