Litigation funding supports the public interest, major research finds – Legal Futures

Posted May 23rd, 2024 in champerty, civil justice, news, public interest, reports by sally

‘Litigation funding supports the public interest and access to justice but will remain niche in aiding consumers, according to major research which identified 44 cases in the last five years.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 23rd May 2024


Premier League club boss wins anonymity in child sex abuse civil case – BBC News

Posted May 10th, 2024 in anonymity, child abuse, children, civil justice, damages, news, sexual offences, sport by sally

‘A Premier League boss has been granted a High Court anonymity order in a civil case against him for allegedly sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl.’

Full Story

BBC News, 9th May 2024


County court has “borne brunt” of court reform failure – Legal Futures

Posted May 9th, 2024 in budgets, civil justice, county courts, news, select committees by sally

‘The county court has “borne the brunt” of the failure of the court modernisation programme to deliver, a former adviser to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th May 2024


Lady Chief Justice sets up Transparency and Open Justice Board – Local Government Lawyer

Posted May 2nd, 2024 in civil justice, courts, criminal justice, news, tribunals by sally

‘The Lady Chief Justice, Dame Sue Carr, has created a Transparency and Open Justice Board, which will “lead and coordinate the promotion of transparency and open justice across the courts and tribunals of England & Wales”.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 1si May 2024


Trauma-informed lawyering in the context of civil claims for sexual violence – Journal of Law and Society

Posted May 1st, 2024 in civil justice, compensation, damages, news, sexual offences, victims by sally

‘Over the last decade, there has been an increase in civil compensation claims for sexual violence in the United Kingdom (UK). Given that trauma-informed approaches have been called for in relation to legal responses to sexual violence, we put forward seven key principles of trauma-informed lawyering in this context and draw on interviews with UK-based civil lawyers who represented sexual violence survivors to explore the extent to which trauma-informed work is taking place. While we found that our sample of lawyers typically had a very good knowledge of sexual violence and the trauma that it can cause, there was less certainty about how to accommodate the impacts in practice. Moreover, there was a tendency to prioritize individual healing and medicalize a form of social injustice. We conclude by emphasizing the need for legal training and education on a trauma-informed approach that accounts for the social and political dimensions of sexual violence and trauma.’

Full Story

Journal of Law and Society, 29th April 2024


Vicarious liability and reforming the law of apologies in civil proceedings? – Law & Religion UK

‘Section 2 of the Compensation Act 2006 (Apologies, offers of treatment or other redress) was enacted to make it easier for organisations to apologise for their actions without admitting civil liability: it reads, “An apology, an offer of treatment or other redress, shall not of itself amount to an admission of negligence or breach of statutory duty”.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 10th April 2024


Courts already using automated decision-making, Lord Justice Birss reveals – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 3rd, 2024 in artificial intelligence, civil justice, courts, judges, news by tracey

‘Algorithm-based digital decision making is already working behind the scenes in the justice system, the deputy head of civil justice has revealed. In an upbeat speech last month, Lord Justice Birss said that algorithm-based decision making – controversial because of the possibility of built-in bias – is already solving a problem at the online money claims service.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 3rd April 2024


Former Lord Chief cautions against regulation of litigation funding – Legal Futures

Posted March 15th, 2024 in bills, civil justice, Civil Justice Council, news, third parties by sally

‘Regulation may not be answer for the future of the third-party litigation funding market, a former Lord Chief Justice has cautioned ahead of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) review of the sector.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 15th March 2023


New law to make justice more accessible for innocent people wronged by powerful companies – Ministry of Justice

‘The Lord Chancellor, Alex Chalk, will introduce a new law to make it easier for members of the public to secure the financial backing of third parties when launching complex claims against moneyed corporations with sizeable legal teams which they could otherwise ill-afford.’

Full Story

Ministry of Justice, 4th March 2024


Long-term sustainability of civil legal aid in doubt, MoJ research finds – Legal Futures

Posted January 22nd, 2024 in civil justice, legal aid, legal profession, Ministry of Justice, news, statistics by tracey

‘There is “notable cause for concern” over the long-term sustainability of the civil legal aid sector, research commissioned by the Ministry of Justice has concluded.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd January 2024


Brand new guide to help public easily access court hearings – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 2nd, 2024 in civil justice, courts, criminal justice, Ministry of Justice, news, tribunals by tracey

‘People are being encouraged to see how justice is done in courtrooms with the publication of a new and simple “how to” guide for attending court hearings today.’

Full Story

Ministry of Justice, 30th December 2023


Civil Justice Council working group consult on procedure for determining mental capacity in civil proceedings – Local Government Lawyer

‘A Civil Justice Council (CJC) working group has launched a consultation on the procedure for determining mental capacity in civil proceedings.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 18th December 2023


Speech by the Lady Chief Justice: Civil Justice Council’s 12th National Forum – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted November 24th, 2023 in civil justice, judges, news, speeches by tracey

‘Speech by the Lady Chief Justice: Civil Justice Council’s 12th National Forum.’

Full speech

Full Story

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 20th November 2023


Fixed costs rules not as simple as we wanted, Birss admits – Legal Futures

Posted October 30th, 2023 in civil justice, costs, news by tracey

‘The deputy head of civil justice has issued a robust defence of the new regime of fixed recoverable costs (FRCs) for cases worth up to £100,000 – while acknowledging it is not as simple as he would like.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 30th October 2023


Law Society urges reform of “outdated” mental health legislation – Local Government Lawyer

Posted October 12th, 2023 in bills, civil justice, Law Society, mental health, news, tribunals by sally

‘The Law Society has called for urgent reforms to the Mental Health Act, which it has described as “outdated”.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 11th October 2023


Speech by the Lord Chief Justice: Commonwealth Judges and Magistrates Conference 2023 – Courts & Tribunals Judiciary

Posted September 12th, 2023 in anonymity, civil justice, criminal justice, media, news, remote hearings, rule of law, speeches by tracey

‘Open Justice Today Commonwealth Judges and Magistrates Conference 2023.’

Full speech

Full Story

Courts & Tribunals Judiciary, 11th September 2023


Justice secretary must “get to grips” with escalating civil court delays – Legal Futures

Posted September 7th, 2023 in civil justice, courts, delay, Ministry of Justice, news by sally

‘Justice secretary Alex Chalk must urgently “get to grips” with increasing civil court delays to help thousands of consumers trapped in “legal limbo”, the Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ACSO) has argued.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 6th September 2023


Employment law highlights “gender gap” in civil legal justice – Legal Futures

‘Employment law is one of the main areas where women face systemic barriers to seeking civil legal help and legal aid needs to be expanded as a result, a feminist think tank has urged.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 17th July 2023


Legal aid cuts denying vulnerable women access to justice, says thinktank – The Guardian

‘Vulnerable women in England and Wales, including survivors of domestic and sexual abuse, are being denied justice because of cuts to the civil legal aid budget, a thinktank has said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th July 2023


New Judgment: R (on the application of Officer W80) v Director General of the Independent Office for Police Conduct and others [2023] UKSC 24 – UKSC Blog

‘W80, an armed police officer, shot Jermaine Baker dead in a police operation. Mr Baker was implicated in a plot to snatch two individuals from custody. The police had intelligence that the plotters would be in possession of firearms. W80’s account was that during the intervention, Mr Baker’s hands moved quickly up to a shoulder bag on his chest. Fearing for his life and those of his colleagues, W80 fired one shot. No firearm was found in the bag, but an imitation firearm was in the rear of the car.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 5th July 2023
