Detaining children in Britain: No place for the innocent – The Independent

Posted January 12th, 2010 in asylum, children, detention, news by sally

“What kind of country drags vulnerable children from their beds at daybreak, puts them behind bars and fills them with terror? Paul Vallely meets a family who have endured this horror – in Britain. And they’re not alone.”

Full story

The Independent, 12th January 2010


Release of secret child punishment manual ordered – The Guardian

Posted January 11th, 2010 in children, news, prisons, punishment by sally

“The information commissioner has said that a secret prison service punishment manual used in ­privately run child jails should be made public after a three-year freedom of information battle. The 114-page Physical Control in Care training manual details restraint ­techniques authorised for use on children in secure training centres.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th January 2010


Smacking children: the law – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 4th, 2010 in children, corporal punishment, news by sally

“The law on smacking children is a grey area, which campaigners have sought to change in recent years.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd January 2010


Judiciary must speak out on ‘parlous state of family law’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted December 17th, 2009 in children, family courts, judiciary, news by sally

“The judiciary must ‘come off the bench’ and speak out about the ‘parlous state of family law in 2009’, lord justice Wall has said.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th December 2009


Judge leaves court to calm down during case of ‘abandoned’ sick child – The Times

Posted December 8th, 2009 in adjournment, children, local government, medical treatment, news by sally

“A senior family judge took the extraordinary step of leaving court to calm down because he was so angered by two local authorities who ‘abandoned’ a sick boy to save money.”

Full story

The Times, 8th December 2009


Green Cross Code for internet to be launched – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 8th, 2009 in children, internet, news by sally

“Children will be warned not to hand over intimate details to strangers they meet online, in the country’s first ‘green cross code’ for the internet which will be launched by the Government today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th December 2009


Rapist of child fails in appeal – BBC News

Posted December 7th, 2009 in children, news, rape, sentencing by sally

“A rapist who photographed himself abusing a girl has failed in an attempt to reduce his jail term.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th December 2009


Couple’s son, 2, taken into care by social workers after they ‘refused to feed him junk food’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 3rd, 2009 in children, news, social services by sally

“A two year-old boy was taken away by social services and put into foster care after his parents, Paul and Lisa Hessey, refused to follow doctors’ orders and feed him junk food, they have claimed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd December 2009


Age of criminal responsibility ‘should be raised from 10 to 14′ – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 1st, 2009 in children, criminal responsibility, news by sally

“At present, child defendants are at increased risk of suffering miscarriages of justice because the courts service does not identify their vulnerabilities or ensure they understand their legal rights, the Prison Reform Trust claimed. Given that many child offenders are among ‘the most vulnerable children in society’, they should instead be dealt with through a welfare-based system rather than an adversarial court trial.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st December 2009


Detention of children at immigration ‘prisons’ attacked by MPs – The Observer

Posted November 30th, 2009 in children, immigration, imprisonment, news by sally

“Too many children being held at detention centres for too long, says home affairs select committee.”

Full story

The Observer, 29th November 2009



Boys in court after ‘abusing children in park’ – The Independent

Posted November 27th, 2009 in children, news, sexual offences, young offenders by sally

“Three boys who forced their young victims to perform degrading sex acts in a park have been given supervision orders.”

Full story

The Independent, 27th November 2009



R (A) v Croydon London Borough Council; R (M) vLambeth London Borough Council – WLR Daily

Posted November 27th, 2009 in asylum, children, law reports by sally

R (A) v Croydon London Borough Council; R (M) vLambeth London Borough Council [2009] UKSC 8; [2009] WLR (D) 342

“Where an asylum seeker’s claim to be under the age of 18 (and so entitled to accommodation under s 20(1) of the Children Act 1989) was disputed by the local authority who would have to provide the accommodation, the question of age was an objective fact to be ultimately determined, in the event of challenge, by the court.”

WLR Daily, 24th November 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.


Thousands of children jailed – before being found guilty – The Independent

Posted November 27th, 2009 in children, imprisonment, news by sally

“More than 27,000 children have been locked up before being convicted of any crime over the last five years. They include 1,004 under-18s held on remand for more than six months and 83 detained for more than one year.”

Full story

The Independent, 27th November 2009


Teacher, 39, jailed for sex with 15-year-old pupil – The Guardian

Posted November 25th, 2009 in children, news, sentencing, sexual offences, teachers by sally

“A religious education teacher who admitted 10 charges of engaging a 15-year-old pupil in sexual activity has been jailed today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th November 2009


Children and family court service facing ‘strain’ – BBC News

Posted November 25th, 2009 in children, family courts, news by sally

“The body protecting children in family courts is going through unprecedented strain, a union has warned.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th November 2009


NSPCC urges more support for child court witnesses – BBC News

Posted November 24th, 2009 in children, news, witnesses by sally

“More than 1,000 children under the age of 10 were listed as witnesses in courts in England and Wales last year, BBC News has learned.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th November 2009


Leading article: Hard cases and good law – The Independent

Posted November 11th, 2009 in children, hospitals, medical ethics, medical treatment, news by sally

“The sad case of Baby RB, which has been argued to and fro before the High Court, ended summarily yesterday when the one-year-old boy’s father accepted the hospital’s case for withdrawing life support. This unexpected development had two immediate effects. The doctors are now within their rights to halt life support, so as to allow the severely disabled child – as the hospital put it – ‘a peaceful, calm and dignified death’. And the judge will not have to reach a decision – although he hinted what it would have been when he said that the outcome was, in his view, ‘inevitable’.”

Full story

The Independent, 11th November 2009


Rise in divorce actions puts extra strain on children, solicitors warn – The Guardian

Posted November 9th, 2009 in children, divorce, news by sally

“The number of divorce and separation cases being fought in the courts that involve children has risen, with £151m of legal aid money being spent on litigation, according to figures released today.”

Full story

The Times, 9th November 2009


Woman jailed for sex with teenage boy – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 5th, 2009 in children, sentencing, sexual offences by sally

“Rebecca Thompson, who worked as a carer, admitted three counts of sexual activity with the 15 –year-old boy.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th November 2009


Father fights to stop hospital withdrawing life support for baby son – The Guardian

Posted November 2nd, 2009 in children, hospitals, medical treatment, news by sally

“A father whose son was born with a rare neuromuscular condition will go to the high court tomorrow [2nd Nov.] in an attempt to stop a hospital withdrawing the support that keeps the child alive.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st November 2009
