Child protection takes lead role in national crime agency – Home Office

Posted May 10th, 2011 in child abuse, children, crime prevention, national crime agency, news by sally

“The UK’s ability to protect children from harm will be further strengthened when the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) becomes part of the National Crime Agency (NCA) the government announced today, emphasising its commitment to safeguarding children.”

Full story

Home Office, 9th May 2011


Barnado’s issues warning over asbo repeal – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 10th, 2011 in ASBOs, charities, children, news by sally

“A leading children’s charity this week warned of the dangers of government plans to repeal the anti-social behaviour order (asbo).”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th May 2011


Child’s right to privacy in danger if redacted documents were publishable, court says –

Posted May 4th, 2011 in children, injunctions, news, privacy, publishing by sally

“Redacted information in a document that can be easily deciphered and contains personal information about a child should be prevented from being published in the media, the Court of Appeal has ruled.”

Full story, 4th May 2011


Former West Yorkshire Pc jailed for child sex offences – BBC News

“A former West Yorkshire Police officer has been jailed for three years and nine months for a string of sex offences against children.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th April 2011


Private prisons illegally restrain children – The Independent

Posted April 26th, 2011 in children, detention, news, prisons, restraint, young offenders by sally

“Juveniles in private prisons are at risk of serious injury or death through the use of illegal restraints, according to research by the penal reform charity the Howard League.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th April 2011


ETK v News Group Newspapers Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted April 21st, 2011 in appeals, children, human rights, injunctions, law reports, privacy by sally

ETK v News Group Newspapers Ltd[2011] EWCA Civ 439; [2011] WLR (D) 141

“The principles applicable to the grant of an interim injunction restraining publication of private information were well established, but in appropriate cases the court’s approach was to be tempered by a clearer acknowledgment of the importance of the best interests of children.”

WLR Daily, 19th April 2011


Please note that once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Frankie Boyle’s Katie Price jokes censured – BBC News

Posted April 4th, 2011 in children, complaints, media, news by sally

“Media regulator Ofcom has censured comedian Frankie Boyle and Channel 4 for broadcasting ‘offensive’ jokes about Katie Price and her son Harvey.”

Full story

BBC News, 4th April 2011


Ministers ignoring Child Poverty Act, warn family campaigners – The Guardian

Posted April 4th, 2011 in children, local government, news, poverty, social services by sally

“Child poverty campaigners have written to the government warning ministers that they have broken a legal commitment to implement the Child Poverty Act fully.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th April 2011


Children deserve better from family justice system – Ministry of Justice

Posted March 31st, 2011 in children, delay, family courts, press releases, reports by sally

“The family justice system needs significant reform to tackle delays and ensure that children and families get the service they deserve, says an independent panel set up to review how the system works.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 31st March 2011


Grandparents to get legal powers over access in divorce battles – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 31st, 2011 in arbitration, children, divorce, grandparents, news by sally

“Grandparents will get new legal powers to guarantee them access to their grandchildren following divorce battles under proposals unveiled today, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st March 2011


An ugly totem for the abject failure of our criminal justice system – The Guardian

Posted March 18th, 2011 in children, criminal responsibility, news by sally

“At 10, our age of criminal responsibility is the lowest in Europe. But can you ever use age to determine maturity?”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th March 2011


Campaign to raise age of criminal responsibility – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 16th, 2011 in children, criminal responsibility, news by sally

“Children in England understand the difference between right and wrong at age 10, according to the law. Ten years old is also the age of criminal responsibility in Wales, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th March 2011


How the law can be used to fight cuts to services for disabled people – Law Society’s Gazette

“Disabled children and disabled adults need significant support from public bodies to help them lead ordinary lives. These groups require both specialist and targeted services and flexible universal services which can be adapted to their needs.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 10th March 2011


‘Pc Nipples’ and her colleagues taught boys a lesson on name-calling – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 10th, 2011 in children, news, police, restorative justice by sally

“Four police officers held a 90 minute ‘restorative justice conference’ with five schoolboys after they called a woman constable ‘PC Nipples’.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th March 2011


Paedophile cult leader convicted for ‘satanic’ rape campaign – The Guardian

“A man has been found guilty of leading a ‘satanic’ sex cult from his home in a small Welsh town. Colin Batley, 48, of Kidwelly, west Wales, presided over a group that preyed on young children and held occult rites.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th March 2011


Regina v Grout – WLR Daily

Posted March 4th, 2011 in children, drafting, indictments, law reports, sexual offences by sally
“Care had to be taken when drafting a count in an indictment alleging an offence contrary to section 8(1) of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 because that section created at least two separate offences: (i) causing a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and (ii) inciting a child under 13 to engage in a sexual activity.”
WLR Daily, 3rd March 2011
Please note that once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Ken Clarke faces legal challenge to trace victims of ‘brutality’ in child jails – The Guardian

Posted February 15th, 2011 in children, news, restraint, secure training centres by sally

“A high court challenge has been launched over the Ministry of Justice’s refusal to identify hundreds of children who have been unlawfully restrained in privately run child jails using techniques that have since been banned.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th February 2011


Criminal checks on people working with children scaled back – Home Office

Posted February 11th, 2011 in children, criminal records, press releases, vetting by sally

“More than nine million people working or volunteering with children and vulnerable adults will no longer need to register and be monitored by the state.”

Full press release

Home Office, 11th February 2011


Supreme Court ruling puts children first in immigration cases – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 10th, 2011 in asylum, children, deportation, immigration, news, Supreme Court by sally

“A landmark Supreme Court ruling has put the ‘best interests of the child’ at the centre of decision-making in immigration cases involving the deportation or removal of their parents.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 10th February 2011


Asbo replacement orders condemned by children’s charities – The Guardian

Posted February 8th, 2011 in ASBOs, charities, children, news by sally

“Children’s charities today criticised the coalition’s plans to replace asbos with a new regime to tackle anti-social behaviour as little more than a rebranding exercise that would continue to demonise young people.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th February 2011
