CLAF: ‘A tax on brain-damaged children’ – LegalVoice

Posted October 8th, 2012 in children, damages, legal aid, news, personal injuries by sally

“The CLAF (contingent legal aid fund) is ‘dead’, writes Elizabeth Davidson. That’s according to Roger Smith, director of JUSTICE. A CLAF – a fund which backs claims and re-invests a proportion of any damages won into future cases – was first proposed by JUSTICE in the late 1960s, and has been backed by the Law Society, Bar Council and various consumer bodies at various times, but never found its way into existence.”

Full story

LegalVoice, 4th October 2012


Bar Council eyes greater retention with launch of bar nursery – The Lawyer

Posted October 8th, 2012 in barristers, children, inns of court, legal profession, news by sally

“The Bar Council plans to roll out childcare services to barristers in London before the end of the year in a bid to halt the brain drain among young lawyers with parenting responsibilities”

Full story

The Lawyer, 8th October 2012


Father has no ‘sacred right’ over education of children, rules judge – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 5th, 2012 in children, education, Judaism, news, parental rights by tracey

“The days are gone when fathers held exclusive power over their children’s education, a judge ruled yesterday in rejecting the objections of an ultra-orthodox Jewish father to his ex-wife’s choice of schools for their children.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th October 2012


Big Fat Gypsy Weddings poster ‘endorsed negative stereotypes’ – The Guardian

Posted October 3rd, 2012 in advertising, children, complaints, news, travellers by sally

“The advertising watchdog has criticised Channel 4’s controversial Big Fat Gypsy Weddings poster campaign, ruling that it depicted a child in a sexualised way and reinforced negative stereotypes.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd October 2012


Violence against women not glamorised in age-restricted computer game online ads, watchdog says –

Posted September 27th, 2012 in advertising, children, complaints, internet, news, ombudsmen, video games, violence by sally

“An advert for a computer game that contained ‘scenes of graphic violence’ involving fighting between a man and several women wearing ‘sexually provocative clothing’ was not likely to cause widespread offence or distress to viewers, was not socially irresponsible and did not glamorise violence against women, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled.”

Full story, 27th September 2012


UK asylum process for children labelled ‘traumatic’ – BBC News

Posted September 21st, 2012 in asylum, children, immigration, news by tracey

“Children who come to the UK alone to seek asylum find the experience confusing, stressful and traumatic, a report suggests.”

Full story

BBC News, 21st September 2012


Fact Finding Hearings: Who Pays? – Family Law Week

Posted September 17th, 2012 in appeals, children, costs, families, family courts, news by sally

“Stuart Hughes, Senior Solicitor at Greene and Greene Solicitors, and Sabuhi Chaudhry, barrister at Coram Chambers, consider recent developments concerning costs in fact finding hearings and the divergence between private law and public law cases.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 14th September 2012


Special Independent investigation: Babies behind bars – The Independent

Posted September 17th, 2012 in birth, children, news, prisons, women by sally

“The shocking rate at which Britain jails women damages thousands of innocent children every year and poses mounting risks for society. In a special week-long series, we ask: Isn’t there a better way?”

Full story

The Independent, 17th September 2012


Legislative presumption of shared parenting ‘flawed’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 6th, 2012 in children, legislation, news, parental responsibility, parental rights by sally

“Government plans to introduce a legislative presumption of shared parenting could undermine child welfare and increase the volume of litigation, according to the Law Society.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 6th September 2012


Children: Private Law Update – Family Law Week

“Alex Verdan QC of 4 Paper Buildings considers those judgments of the last few months which are of most importance in the area of private law children proceedings.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 5th September 2012


International Children Law Update: August 2012 – Family Law Week

Posted September 4th, 2012 in children, custody, international law, news, residence orders, treaties by tracey

“Jacqueline Renton of 4 Paper Buildings, reviews the latest key decisions in international children law.”

Full story

Family Law week, 3rd September 2012


In re L (A Child) (Recognition of Foreign Order) – WLR Daily

In re  L (A Child) (Recognition of Foreign Order): [2012] EWCA Civ 1157;   [2012] WLR (D)  252

“The English court would not refuse recognition of a parental agreement freely reached in a member state of the European Union unless a party seeking to challenge it showed a very high degree of procedure or principle error which led to the conclusion and ratification of the agreement in the country where the child was habitually resident at the time of the agreement. A child’s two monthly rotational residence in England lacked degree of permanence to find habitual residence in England for the English court to make a residence order.”

WLR Daily, 21st August 2012


Man guilty of raping three children – The Independent

Posted August 21st, 2012 in children, drug abuse, news, rape, sexual offences by sally

“A man pleaded guilty today to raping three young children he had drugged and who were also forced to sexually abuse each other while he watched.”

Full story

The Independent, 20th August 2012


Tia Sharp: council launches serious case review – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2012 in children, local government, murder, news, social services by sally

“A serious case review has been launched into the death of 12-year-old Tia Sharp, whose body was found.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th August 2012


Judge rules boy’s life support can be switched off despite parents’ hope of miracle – Daily Telegraph

“A judge has ordered that doctors can switch off a young boy’s life-support system even though his devout Christian parents pleaded for him to be kept alive in case of a miracle.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th August 2012


Suffer the little children to come unto me – The Guardian

Posted August 10th, 2012 in children, Christianity, Judaism, news, parental rights by tracey

“Should a 10-year-old Jewish girl be baptised against her mother’s wishes? Judge Platt handed down an empathetic judgment last week.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th August 2012


Aalihya Jordon-Fellows killing by uncle ‘preventable’ – BBC News

Posted August 9th, 2012 in children, homicide, news, reports by sally

“The death of a four-month-old girl in Birmingham four years ago ‘could and should have been prevented’, according to a serious case review.”

Full story

BBC News, 9th August 2012


Judge decides that Jewish girl could be baptised – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted August 6th, 2012 in children, Christianity, divorce, Judaism, judiciary, jurisdiction, news, parental rights by sally

“Judges have to get involved in disputes on divorce, of which the current case is an exquisitely difficult example. Its facts are very simple. C was 10. Her parents and grandparents are Jewish. Her father is a Christian convert, and C wanted to be baptised. Her mother did not want this. She said father had brainwashed C, and it was premature. Mother went to court to stop any baptism proceeding until C was 16. The Court could not simply wash its hands of the case; that would encourage self-help taken by one or other parent, to the lasting resentment of the other.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 4th August 2012


Girl of 10 can choose to convert from Judaism to Christianity, judge rules – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 3rd, 2012 in children, Christianity, families, Judaism, news by tracey

“The schoolgirl’s divorced parents were ‘at war’ over her desire to be baptised at the church her father, himself a convert, now attends. But at the end of an unusual case a judge has ruled that she is mature enough to choose her religion, and alongside his judgment wrote a personal letter to the girl explaining his decision.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 2nd August 2012


The Issue of Costs following the Supreme Court Decision in T (Children) – ‘Not about the money?’ – Family Law Week

Posted August 2nd, 2012 in appeals, children, costs, grandparents, local government, news by sally

“Dorothea Gartland, barrister, 4 Paper Buildings and Penny Logan, principal lawyer, Cafcass, consider the lessons to be learned from T (Children).”

Full story

Family Law Week, 1st August 2012
