Guidance on sex question in UK census must be changed, high court rules – The Guardian

Posted March 10th, 2021 in birth certificates, census, gender, judicial review, news by sally

‘Guidance on the sex question in the UK census must be changed before the official day to complete it on 21 March, a high court judge has ruled.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th March 2021


High Court judge dismisses legal challenge over lack of Sikh tick-box in 2021 Census – Local Government Lawyer

Posted November 10th, 2020 in census, news, Sikhism by sally

‘A High Court judge has rejected a second legal challenge from the Sikh Federation UK over the lack of a Sikh tick-box as a distinct available response to the ethnic group question in the forthcoming 2021 Census.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 9th November 2020


Sikh Federation UK launches another legal challenge over Census 2021 – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 27th, 2020 in census, equality, judicial review, news, Sikhism by sally

‘The Sikh Federation UK has brought a second judicial review challenge against the Cabinet Office over government plans for the 2021 Census.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 24th April 2020


Disclosure of census data – high court judgment – Panopticon

Posted July 17th, 2012 in census, disclosure, news, privacy by sally

“The High Court has recently handed down a judgment in a really interesting case concerning the legality of disclosures of census data by the UK Statistics Board. Every decade since 1801, householders in England and Wales have been required to complete a national census form. Failure to complete the form amounts to a criminal offence. The most recent census was conducted by the newly established UK Statistics Board (‘the Board’) in 2011. The Board was established by the Statistics and Registration Act 2007 (‘SRA’). Under s. 39(1) SRA, the Board’s employees are subject to a general duty not to disclose personal data acquired pursuant to the census. However, s. 39(4) creates a number of specific exemptions in respect of that general duty. Not least, under s. 39(4)(f), the Board has a specific power to disclose census data amounting to personal data (including sensitive personal data) where the disclosure is made ‘for the purposes of a criminal investigation or criminal proceedings (whether or not in the United Kingdom)’.”

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Panopticon, 17th July 2012


Census faces high court challenge over right to privacy – The Guardian

Posted June 21st, 2012 in census, data protection, disclosure, news, privacy, third parties by sally

“A high court judge will be told on Thursday that the 2011 census was unlawful because a provision in the act that governs it allows data to be passed to third parties.”

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The Guardian, 21st June 2012


Census objector granted leave to challenge Census Act – The Guardian

“The government’s prosecution of census objectors is in jeopardy after a Birmingham man was granted a judicial review to challenge the legality of the act that makes it an offence not to complete the 10-yearly survey.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th May 2012


Man fined for refusing census over Lockheed Martin link – The Guardian

Posted January 18th, 2012 in census, fines, news by sally

“A devout Christian has been fined for refusing to complete last year’s census form because of its links with a defence contractor.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th January 2012


Sikh campaigners threaten legal fight over 2011 census – BBC News

Posted February 25th, 2010 in census, news, race discrimination, religious discrimination, Sikhism by sally

“The UK Sikh Federation says it might take legal action over the Office for National Statistics’ 2011 census form.”

Full story

BBC News, 25th February 2010


Census ‘should be scrapped now’ – BBC News

Posted August 21st, 2008 in census, news by sally

“The national census is out of date, too costly and should be scrapped immediately, a think tank has claimed.”

Full story

BBC News, 21st August 2008
