‘Gross failure’ in man’s care led to death from constipation – The Guardian
‘Inquest into death of man with Down’s syndrome criticises care home and hospital over his treatment.’
The Guardian, 8th February 2018
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Inquest into death of man with Down’s syndrome criticises care home and hospital over his treatment.’
The Guardian, 8th February 2018
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Children in care are at risk of being criminalised as police forces are called out to children’s homes at an unnecessarily high rate, a report has found.’
The Independent, 18th December 2017
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘Essex County Council has successfully defended a judicial review challenge to the fees it proposed paying to operators of care homes.’
Local Government Lawyer, 7th December 2017
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘Care homes are breaking the law by charging wealthier residents fees after they have died, a regulator has said. People who pay for their own care are also being charged £12,000 year more each than the fees paid by councils, equivalent to a total shortfall of £1bn a year, the Competition and Markets Authority said.’
Daily Telegraph, 30th November 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘Pensioners at a care home have had their £1 bingo competition banned after a council accused them of breaking the law against illegal gambling dens.’
Daily Telegraph, 19th November 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘The Court of Appeal has allowed a council’s appeal over whether it could lawfully take into account three revenue streams – private fees, top up payments and NHS payments – when making an evaluative judgement of what it would expect to pay for residential care for the elderly.’
Local Government Lawyer, 23rd October 2017
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘The murder of an 18-year-old woman by a fellow resident at a care home who had previously attempted to strangle other women was both predictable and preventable, a serious case review has found.’
The Guardian, 28th September 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘More alleged victims of the former Liberal MP Cyril Smith and officials who investigated him should be allowed to testify at the child sexual abuse inquiry, a preliminary hearing has been told.’
The Guardian, 20th September 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Adult social care is on the financial ropes. Last year it was the introduction of the “national living wage”, this year it’s the requirement to backdate pay for sleep-in shifts. In both cases, the government is being urged to step in to prop up care providers.’
The Guardian, 22nd August 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A senior psychiatrist failed to carry out any risk assessments on an epileptic teenager before he had a seizure and drowned in a bath, a medical tribunal has found.’
The Guardian, 21st August 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘The first application was in respect of adherence to fasting during Ramadan, the second application was in respect of the trimming of body hair.
Issues of capacity were not disputed within the proceedings. The court was concerned with a determination in respect of each application of what is in the best interests of IH under section 4 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005.’
Park Square Barristers, 12th June 2017
Source: www.parksquarebarristers.co.uk
‘Reports of abuse and neglect of the elderly have risen by one third, amid warnings from GPs that the care system is “rapidly disintegrating”. The number of cases referred to social services under safeguarding rules has soared, new figures show, with more than 5,600 referrals last year – an increase of 33 per cent in two years.’
Daily Telegraph, 20th June 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘They can’t manage the stairs, so they can’t exercise, or go to classes. They’re afraid to shower in case they fall. The ones with dementia don’t even know where they are. Is this any way to deal with elderly offenders? By Amelia Hill’
The Guardian, 20th June 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Prisons are now the largest providers of residential care for frail and elderly men in England and Wales and are increasingly turning into hospices, providing end-of-life care for older prisoners and even managing their deaths.’
The Guardian, 20th June 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman has criticised a council for a “systemic fault” in its charging policy for care homes that could have affected a number of people in its area.’
Local Government Lawyer, 14th June 2017
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘Care home staff could not lock doors to prevent a 14-year-old from running away before she and a 13-year-old friend murdered a vulnerable alcoholic in her own home, it has emerged.’
The Independent, 13th june 2017
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘Care home bosses could increasingly face prosecution over the neglect of residents after a “groundbreaking” court case into “organised and systematic” abuse.’
Daily Telegraph, 7th June 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘Separating elderly couples against their wishes when one or both move to care homes must end, Britain’s most senior family judge has said.’
BBC News, 10th May 2017
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Thousands of vulnerable people with dementia and learning disabilities are being detained in hospitals and care homes without the appropriate checks, due to a law unfit for purpose according to the Law Commission.’
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 13th March 2017
Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk