Richard III and Judicial Review – Sovereign Chambers
“There is a row about the bones of the late King Richard III. Or to be precise, where those bones should be reinterred. As is widely known, they were discovered, remarkably intact, buried beneath what is was now a car park for the Social Services Department for Leicester Council. It had previously been part of the graveyard of a Gray Friars Church, I believe, and Richard’s naked body was flung in to a grave after he had died defending his crown at the Battle of Bosworth on 22nd August 1485. All the evidence, including the skeleton itself with its curvature of the spine (scoliosis, not a hunchback, by the way – a Tudor slur, possibly one of many), the manner and cause of death (see below) and now DNA tests via the line of Richard’s relatives which still survive, prove beyond reasonable doubt that the body is that of the King.”
Sovereign Chambers, 28th August 2013