Man awarded £8m Sheffield hospital negligence payout – BBC News
‘A man who was left disabled as a result of negligence during his birth will receive almost £8m in NHS compensation.’
BBC News, 25th May 2017
‘A man who was left disabled as a result of negligence during his birth will receive almost £8m in NHS compensation.’
BBC News, 25th May 2017
‘Babies are dying and being put at risk of major brain injury because it is “commonplace” for British midwives to qualify without training in use of basic equipment, a senior coroner has warned.’
Daily Telegraph, 20th May 2017
‘A 19-year old mother went into hospital, with a shoebox. In the shoebox was the 6-days dead body of her daughter. She told the hospital and the police that she had been raped, hence the shame about reporting the death. She had given birth in her bedroom at home, and she said that the baby had been cold when born.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 6th May 2017
‘An NHS trust facing a review into maternity errors has paid out millions in compensation after similar mistakes led to babies born with brain injuries.’
BBC News, 4th May 2017
‘In the wake of post-Brexit fears for the future of EU citizens in the UK, lawyers should be aware that many of these children are already British, or can become citizens by right, write Solange Valdez-Symonds and Steve Valdez-Symonds.’
Legal Voice, 19th April 2017
‘The Crown Prosecution Service has said there remains “insufficient evidence” to charge anyone over the death of a baby boy at a vicarage.’
Daily Telegraph, 20th March 2017
‘Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority v First Tier Tribunal (Social entitlement Chamber) and Y by his mother and Litigation Friend.’ The predictability of genetic disorders continues to challenge existing law. Here, the Court of Appeal had to consider whether a child born as a result of incestuous rape could claim compensation under the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (CICS) for his congenital disabilities. These were 50% predictable as a result of the nature of his conception, as opposed to 2-3% in the general population.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 15th March 2017
‘The Court of Appeal found that the trial judge, Judge Inglis, should have directed himself according to the Supreme Court’s decision in Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11. However the Court of Appeal didn’t stop there. They went on to find that, had the relevant medical practitioner in this case, followed Montgomery and given the In Claimant’s mother the relevant information; she would have elected to have her baby induced on 27th December which would have avoided the brain injury and consequent disabilities that he now suffers from.’
Zenith PI Blog, 21st February 2017
‘A severely disabled man born after an incestuous rape is seeking compensation at the Court of Appeal as a victim.’
BBC News, 15th March 2017
‘A mother who was “in denial” about her pregnancy and abandoned her newborn baby boy in a bin in toilets at a hospital has been spared jail.’
BBC News, 13th February 2017
‘A primary school teacher who was “terrified” of giving birth died following failures and inadequate treatment at hospital, a coroner has ruled as her family said the truth had finally been acknowledged.’
BBC News, 16th January 2017
‘Doctors can perform a caesarean section on a pregnant woman with learning difficulties who wants to give birth naturally at home, a judge has ruled after a hearing in a specialist court.’
The Guardian, 16th November 2016
‘Parents in England whose children are injured at birth may benefit from a new government compensation scheme.’
BBC News, 17th October 2016
‘Compensation claims against the NHS for catastrophic blunders in childbirth have tripled in a decade, official figures show, as ministers promise “dramatic” changes to improve the safety record of Britain’s maternity units.’
Daily Telegraph, 17th October 2016
‘The inquest into a baby boy’s death at a vicarage in Lancashire has been halted and the coroner has referred the case to prosecutors.’
BBC News, 5th October 2016
‘The courts have tackled the issue of compensation for criminal injuries inflicted before birth.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 25th July 2016
‘The mother of a boy who was born with brain injuries after medical staff failed to notice his slowing heartbeat during labour has said she hopes she can provide a better quality of life for her son after receiving £11m in a high court settlement with the NHS.’
The Guardian, 6th July 2016
‘A man born with severe disabilities after his mother was raped by her father has won the right to claim compensation.’
BBC News, 1st June 2016
‘The Government is coming under pressure to justify why it imprisons pregnant women and their babies, after a report suggested that the practice can cause significant harm to infants and mothers without benefiting public safety.’
The Independent, 26th May 2016