Plan to allow ‘disproportionate force’ against burglars included in crime bill – The Guardian

Posted November 26th, 2012 in bills, burglary, news, prosecutions, self-defence by sally

“The justice secretary’s promise to give householders the right to deploy ‘disproportionate force’ in defending their homes will be incorporated into a parliamentary bill this week.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th November 2012


Prisoner voting rights – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 23rd, 2012 in bills, elections, human rights, prisons by tracey

“Draft proposals to ensure that laws on prisoner voting comply with the UK’s international legal obligations were outlined by Justice Secretary Chris Grayling today.”

Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Draft Bill

Ministry of Justice, 22nd November 2012


Secret courts suffer humiliating defeat in House of Lords – Daily Telegraph

“Peers delivered a series of humiliating defeats on Wednesday night to government plans to introduce secret courts.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st November 2012


Votes for prisoners – opening the door? – BBC News

Posted November 20th, 2012 in bills, courts, elections, human rights, news, prisons by sally

“Polls suggest the public are incredulous at the idea. And, famously, we all know that it makes David Cameron physically sick.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th November 2012


Ken Clarke defends ‘secret courts’ proposal – The Guardian

Posted November 19th, 2012 in bills, closed material, intelligence services, news, private hearings by sally

“Ken Clarke has defended his proposals to allow judges to hear evidence relating to national security in secret, saying the current law ‘does not work well’ in civil claims.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th November 2012


Prisoner vote bill to be outlined – BBC News

Posted November 19th, 2012 in bills, elections, human rights, news, parliament, prisons by sally

“The government’s draft bill on prisoner voting is to be outlined by the justice secretary on Thursday, the BBC understands.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th November 2012


These plans for secret hearings are unfair and implausible – The Guardian

Posted November 19th, 2012 in bills, civil justice, closed material, news, private hearings by sally

“The government wants to use secret evidence to counter claims against it. This would undermine the rule of law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th November 2012


Lawyers say Clarke’s justice bill smacks of repressive and undemocratic regimes – The Guardian

Posted November 19th, 2012 in bills, closed material, evidence, legal profession, news, private hearings by sally

“Secret trials and withholding evidence are reminiscent of ‘repressive regimes and undemocratic societies’, the legal profession warns in a letter opposing the government’s justice and security bill.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th November 2012


Bar Council Calls on Government to Protect Injured Workers – The Bar Council

Posted November 15th, 2012 in accidents, barristers, bills, news, personal injuries by sally

“The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, today [14 November] joins the Personal Injuries Bar Association (PIBA) to call on Peers to hold the Government to account on plans to restrict severely access to justice for injured workers, ahead of the House of Lords’ Second Reading of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.”

Full story

The Bar Council, 14th November 2012


Crucial battle against UK ‘secret courts’ begins in earnest – The Guardian

Posted November 15th, 2012 in bills, closed material, intelligence services, news, parliament, private hearings by sally

“The House of Lords on Monday is due to vote on one of the most contentious but important pieces of legislation to come before this parliament.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th November 2012


Lord McAlpine and libel reform – The Guardian

Posted November 14th, 2012 in bills, defamation, immunity, media, news, public interest by sally

“What the Newsnight debacle can tell us about proposed changes to defamation law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th November 2012


Former MI5 chief General Baroness Manningham-Buller backs proposals for judges to hear intelligence evidence in secret – The Independent

“Intelligence relationships between the UK and other countries could be ‘seriously jeopardised’ unless judges are allowed to hear evidence in secret, a former MI5 chief has said today.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th November 2012


Another legal aid review, justice secretary? How original – The Guardian

Posted November 14th, 2012 in bills, budgets, legal aid, news by sally

“If we’re going to review legal aid again, why not widen access to justice for the public, rather than restrict it.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th November 2012


Secret courts plan is radical departure from open justice, says committee – The Guardian

“Secret court hearings should protect only the identity of UK intelligence officers, their sources and security material provided by foreign allies, a critical parliamentary report warns.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th November 2012


Prisons Bill to block mobile phones – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 12th, 2012 in bills, news, prisons, telecommunications by sally

“Legislation providing new powers to block mobile phone signals in prisons has progressed in the House of Lords.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 9th November 2012


Injured workers face tougher battle for compensation under government plans – The Guardian

“Personal injury lawyer says bill making workers prove company negligence favours insurance industry at expense of taxpayer.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th November 2012


Metal theft: Tougher powers unveiled – BBC News

Posted November 8th, 2012 in bills, crime, news, theft by sally

“Measures intended to ‘stamp out’ metal theft with bigger fines for rogue traders and stronger police rights of entry to scrapyards are to be unveiled.”

Full story

BBC News, 8th November 2012


Civil liberties stance over secret courts plan too simplistic, says Ken Clarke – The Guardian

Posted November 5th, 2012 in bills, closed material, human rights, intelligence services, news by sally

“Civil liberties groups are being too ‘simplistic’ and purist in their opposition to the government’s justice and security bill, Ken Clarke has said.”

Full story

The Guardian, 2nd November 2012


Workers’ rights on health and safety to be scaled down – The Independent

“Injured workers will be forced to prove that their employer was directly to blame for their accident before they are eligible for compensation under tough new legislation which critics allege will scale back workers’ rights to those of ‘Victorian times’.”

Full story

The Independent, 3rd November 2012


Secret courts plan may be incompatible with Human Rights Act says watchdog – The Guardian

Posted November 1st, 2012 in bills, civil justice, closed material, human rights, news, private hearings by sally

“The government’s plans for a new generation of secret courts faced a fresh setback on Wednesday when its own human rights watchdog warned the proposals could be incompatible with the law”

Full story

The Guardian, 31st October 2012
