New powers to prevent terrorism – Home Office

Posted January 25th, 2008 in bills, press releases, terrorism by sally

“Tough new measures to protect the public from terrorism were introduced in Parliament today, as the Home Office published the Counter-terrorism Bill 2008.”

Full press release

Home Office,  24th January 2008


Expert View: Passing new laws is no substitute for running the country – The Independent

Posted November 12th, 2007 in bills, parliament, special report by sally

“Most of the 32 measures that were outlined in last week’s Queen’s Speech will need a new Act of Parliament. Add to those the hardy perennials, such as the Finance Act, the odd Private Member’s Bill and other bits and pieces and we might end up with somewhere around 30 new Acts on the statute book by the end of this parliamentary session.”

Full story

The Independent, 11th November 2007


Queen’s Speech 2007

Posted November 6th, 2007 in bills, news, parliament by sally

“The Government has set out its programme for reform in the first Queen’s Speech of Gordon Brown’s premiership.”

Full text


The Serious Crime Bill receives Royal Assent – Home Office

Posted November 1st, 2007 in bills, crime, police, press releases by sally

“The Serious Crime Bill has received Royal Assent today (30 October), providing police with strong powers to crack down on serious crime.”

Full story

Home Office press release, 30th October 2007


Legal Services Act given royal assent – Ministry of Justice

Posted October 31st, 2007 in bills, consumer protection, legal services, news by sally

“An independent body which will handle consumer complaints about legal services in England and Wales is now a step closer under new legislation approved today.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice press release, 30th October 2007


Legal Services Bill prepares for Royal Assent – Legal Week

Posted October 29th, 2007 in bills, legal services, news by sally

“The Government’s controversial Legal Services Bill is on the brink of becoming law after the long-awaited legislation finally passed through Parliament this week.”

Full story

Legal Week, 26th October 2007


Parliament approves legal services reforms – The Times

Posted October 26th, 2007 in bills, legal services, news by sally

“The controversial Legal Services Bill is now awaiting Royal Assent after the House of Lords approved amendments.”

Full story

The Times, 25th October 2007


Bill reaches denouement – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 26th, 2007 in bills, legal services, news by sally

“The Legal Services Bill headed towards its end-game this week in the wake of the House of Lords defeating the government on three key issues, two of which look likely to lead to concessions.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th October 2007


Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill – Ministry of Justice

Posted June 27th, 2007 in bills, criminal justice, immigration, press releases by sally

“Tougher offences to tackle crime and strong, new measures to cut re-offending were announced today (26 June) by David Hanson MP, Minister of Justice and Baroness Scotland, Home Office Minister for Crime Reduction.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice press release, 26th June 2007


Legal Services Bill launches pilot amendments scheme – Ministry of Justice

Posted June 7th, 2007 in bills, news, parliament by sally

“The Legal Services Bill has been selected as the pilot bill to examine how explanatory statements for amendments to bills will work in practice. The first explanatory statements were made today, 7 June.”


Ministry of Justice Announcement, 7th June 2007
