Is the public law family justice system failing those it is supposed to serve? – Family Law Week

Posted August 6th, 2021 in barristers, families, family courts, news by tracey

‘Celestine Greenwood, barrister of Exchange Chambers, offers a personal observation as to the extent that the family justice system adequately and properly serves our society.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 5th August 2021


Bar Council and judiciary to take action on bullying from the bench – Legal Futures

Posted August 6th, 2021 in barristers, bullying, codes of practice, judiciary, news by tracey

‘The Bar Council recently met with the senior judiciary in a bid to ensure there are proper consequences for judges who bully barristers.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 6th August 2021


BSB publishes new research on consumers’ expectations and experience of working with barristers – Bar Standards Board

Posted August 6th, 2021 in barristers, consultations, consumer protection, legal services, news by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published research on consumers’ expectations and experience of working with barristers. As an evidence-based regulator acting to protect and promote the interests of consumers, this new research helps the BSB to gain an up-to-date understanding of what consumers expect from barristers and the findings here will inform the regulator’s work in many areas.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 4th August 2021


Lawyers pledge to boycott extended court hours – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Almost 400 solicitors and barristers have signed an open letter to HM Courts & Tribunals Service, refusing to attend a ‘single court listing outside of regular court hours’. The Ministry of Justice responded today by denying the existence of any plan for weekend sittings.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 5th August 2021


Bar refuses to back down on sexual misconduct sanctions – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The bar disciplinary tribunal has rejected calls for more lenient sanctions against barristers who commit sexual misconduct, saying that public trust in the profession must be maintained.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 4th August 2021


BTAS rejects calls to soften sanctions for ‘low level’ sexual misconduct – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Tribunals & Adjudication Service (BTAS) has rejected the argument that a starting point of 12-months’ suspension for sexual misconduct is too much for some less serious types of behaviour.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 2nd August 2021


Fury as Buckland brings back extended court operating hours – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The government could face legal and strike action over its decision to resurrect extended court operating hours as part of the widely-trailled “Beating Crime Plan” unveiled today.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 27th July 2021


Retention improving at the Bar as average age of barristers rises – Legal Futures

Posted July 28th, 2021 in barristers, diversity, news, statistics by sally

‘The proportion of barristers aged over 50 has tripled over the past 30 years, while the number of pupils has shrunk by almost 30%, research by the Bar Standards Board (BSB) has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 28th July 2021


Longer court hours re-emerge despite concerns over impact – Legal Futures

Posted July 28th, 2021 in barristers, coronavirus, courts, delay, Ministry of Justice, news, pilot schemes by sally

‘Extended operating hours in the courts – bitterly opposed by the legal profession – have returned, at least for now, in the guise of “temporary operating arrangements” (TOA).’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 27th July 2021


Defensive Advising Strategies 2: Know Your Client – Wilberforce Chambers

‘With a history in the world of financial services regulation, “know your customer/client” or “KYC” is a cornerstone of professional practice. What does it mean for legal professionals? In this instalment of my series on defensive advising strategies, I consider three aspects of KYC which are particularly relevant to lawyers, with an emphasis on the interface between solicitors and other professionals and the barristers they instruct. This perspective is based on my own experience as a practitioner and raises issues which crop up relatively frequently.’

Full Story

Wilberforce Chambers, 22nd July 2021


Discrimination the “sole cause” of paucity of Black QCs – Legal Futures

‘Discrimination is the “sole identifiable cause” for the paucity of Black barristers, particularly at QC level, a co-chair of the Bar Council’s race working group has argued.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 26th July 2021


High Court criticises Bar Standards Board for “unjust” decisions – Legal Futures

Posted July 23rd, 2021 in barristers, legal education, news, universities by sally

‘The High Court has ruled that the Bar Standards Board (BSB) made “unjust and unsustainable” decisions in refusing a Bar student’s application for an exemption from the vocational element of his training.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 23rd July 2021


Stronger rules on ongoing competence move step closer – Legal Futures

‘The current regulatory approach to lawyers’ ongoing competence needs to change, the Legal Services Board (LSB) has concluded, with assessments such as spot checks likely to be part of the reform.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 20th July 2021


Lammy hits out at “absolute scandal” of judicial diversity – Legal Futures

Posted July 16th, 2021 in barristers, diversity, judiciary, news, solicitors, statistics by tracey

‘It is an “absolute scandal” that just 1% of judges are Black, the shadow Lord Chancellor has declared in the wake of figures that showed a decline in the number of solicitors on the bench too.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 16th July 2021


New report shows impact of the pandemic on those training for the Bar – Bar Standards Board

Posted July 16th, 2021 in barristers, coronavirus, legal education, news, statistics by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board has today published the seventh and final annual edition of its statistical information relating to student performance on the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC). As the report has shown in previous years, training for the Bar remains highly competitive.’

Full report

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 15th July 2021


Judicial diversity goes into reverse as barristers dominate – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 16th, 2021 in barristers, diversity, judiciary, legal profession, news, solicitors, statistics by tracey

‘Latest diversity statistics show once again a judiciary dominated by barristers – with the number of non-barristers in post lower than it was in 2014.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 15th July 2021


CPS diversity declaration rule to put chambers under spotlight – Legal Futures

‘The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is to use a new annual online declaration by panel barristers of any protected characteristics to analyse the proportionality of case allocation and fee payments within chambers.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th July 2021


Court scolds QC but decides against referring him to BSB – Legal Futures

Posted July 9th, 2021 in barristers, brexit, judicial review, news, queen's counsel by michael

‘A QC who misused the urgent applications procedure for a Brexit-related judicial review has been ticked off by the Divisional Court but escaped being referred to the Bar Standards Board (BSB).’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th July 2021


Junior barristers’ win rates almost on par with QCs, say researchers – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 9th, 2021 in advocacy, barristers, news, queen's counsel, statistics by michael

‘Queen’s Counsel do not win significantly more cases than junior barristers when they are pitted against each other in court, research by a litigation analytics company has found.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 9th July 2021


Changing the picture: diversity at silk level – Counsel

‘Exclusive statistical analysis: Barbara Mills QC outlines how the deeply unhelpful, homogenous BAME acronym is masking the true extent and systemic nature of the Bar’s diversity problem.’

Full Story

Counsel, July 2021
