Indefinite detention: not very British – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 8th, 2012 in bail, deportation, habeas corpus, human rights, immigration, news, torture by sally

“‘Human Rights Act to blame!’ is a frequent refrain in the media, as well reported on this blog. Often, though, the outcome that has attracted media ire is not one that has much to do with the Human Rights Act at all. The decision to release Abu Qatada on bail is one such example.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 8th February 2012


Abu Qatada: attorney general says government must follow rule of law – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2012 in bail, detention, news, rule of law, terrorism by sally

“The attorney general, Dominic Grieve, has voiced his concern over a decision to release the radical Muslim cleric Abu Qatada on bail but added that courts could not allow people to be held in indefinite detention without trial.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th February 2012


Abu Qatada release: Home Office fury as judge frees ‘Bin Laden aide’ – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2012 in bail, news, terrorism by sally

“The Home Office clashed openly with judges on Monday when it criticised a decision to free on bail within days the radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada, who is accused of posing a grave threat to British national security.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th February 2012


Prosecutors to be able to challenge bail decisions – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 12th, 2012 in appeals, bail, Crown Court, news by sally

“Prosecutors will be able to challenge crown court decisions to release suspected serious offenders out on bail after David Cameron announced a change in the law yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th January 2012


Gina Robins cooked kitten to death in microwave – BBC News

Posted November 24th, 2011 in animal cruelty, bail, news, sentencing by sally

“A woman who microwaved a 10-week-old kitten to death has been found guilty of causing it unnecessary suffering.”

Full story

BBC News, 23rd November 2011


Director of public prosecutions backs right to challenge bail orders – The Guardian

Posted October 24th, 2011 in appeals, bail, Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“The director of public prosecutions has said he would welcome a right to appeal against crown court judges’ decisions to grant bail. Keir Starmer last week met the parents of nurse Jane Clough, who was stabbed to death by her ex-partner, to discuss their campaign to amend bail laws.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd October 2011


Barber secretly shaved ‘fool’ on back of man’s head, court told – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2011 in assault, bail, learning difficulties, news by sally

“A barber shaved the word ‘fool’ in 1in letters on the back of the head of a man with severe learning difficulties, a court has been told.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th October 2011


England riots: 1,400 suspects have appeared in court – BBC News

Posted August 23rd, 2011 in bail, detention, news, police, violent disorder by sally

“More than 1,400 people have appeared in court in connection with the riots that spread across England’s towns and cities two weeks ago, new figures show.”

Full story

BBC News, 23rd August 2011


Riots: Metropolitan police planned to hold all suspects in custody – The Guardian

Posted August 23rd, 2011 in bail, detention, judicial review, news, police, violent disorder by sally

“Senior Metropolitan police officers devised a policy of holding all people arrested on riot-related offences in custody and recommending that the courts also refuse bail after they were charged, according to a leaked ‘prisoner processing strategy’ that lawyers argue could pave the way for a mass legal challenge.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd August 2011


Related link: Operation Withern’s prisoner processing strategy

Recent riots and disorder – should offenders feel ‘the full force of the law’? – Legal Week

Posted August 23rd, 2011 in appeals, bail, magistrates, news, sentencing, violent disorder by sally

“Much controversy has been raised by the sentencing meted out to some of those charged with offences committed during the recent disorder. Many cases have already been sentenced either in the Magistrates’ Court. A lesser number of cases have been dealt with by the Crown Court. (Given the short time between committal to Crown Court and sentence, the latter would be guilty pleas).”

Full story

Legal Week, 22nd August 2011


Bail refused for many riot accused as courts work overtime – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2011 in bail, news, violent disorder by sally

“Many of those charged with riot offences from last week have been refused bail by magistrates.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th August 2011


Charging and convicting rioters is not a simple matter – The Guardian

Posted August 11th, 2011 in bail, news, sentencing, violent disorder by sally

“Amid the present – understandably febrile – state of public opinion we are hearing, as we often do in these circumstances, calls to short-circuit the cumbersome processes of the law in order to bring the rampaging rioters and looters to justice. The prime minister is reported as saying that a ‘major police operation’ is under way to track down looters caught on CCTV ‘picture by picture’, and that ‘phony concerns about human rights’ issues won’t stop them being published. He wants anyone convicted of violent disorder to be sent to prison.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th August 2011


Regina (BB) v Special Immigration Appeals Commission – WLR Daily

Posted August 11th, 2011 in bail, deportation, human rights, immigration, law reports by sally

Regina (BB) v Special Immigration Appeals Commission [2011] EWHC 2129 (Admin); [2011] WLR (D) 272

“Proceedings before the Special Immigration Appeals Commission to determine the immigration bail conditions of a person subject to a deportation order were interim proceedings in the deportation proceedings or ancillary to them. Article 6.1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms did not apply to the bail proceedings.”

WLR Daily, 2nd August 2011


Regina (BB) v Special Immigration Appeals Commission – WLR Daily

Posted August 10th, 2011 in bail, deportation, human rights, law reports by sally

Regina (BB) v Special Immigration Appeals Commission [2011] EWHC 2129 (Admin); [2011] WLR (D) 272

“Proceedings before the Special Immigration Appeals Commission to determine the immigration bail conditions of a person subject to a deportation order were interim proceedings in the deportation proceedings or ancillary to them. Article 6.1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms did not apply to the bail proceedings.”

WLR Daily, 2nd August 2011


Banned activist Sheikh Raed Salah to remain on bail – BBC News

Posted July 27th, 2011 in bail, deportation, detention, inciting racial hatred, Islam, Israel, news by tracey

“An appeal judge has said a leading Israeli Arab activist, who was detained in London on the home secretary’s orders, should remain on bail pending the outcome of legal proceedings.”

Full story

BBC News, 27th July 2011


Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011 –

Posted July 14th, 2011 in bail, detention, legislation, police by tracey

Police (Detention and Bail) Act 2011 published

Full text of Act


Critics attack Theresa May plan to rush through emergency bail bill – The

Posted July 7th, 2011 in bail, bills, news, police by sally

“The home secretary, Theresa May, is to ask MPs to pass an emergency bill to resolve the police bail crisis amid warnings from defence lawyers that it amounts to a ‘smash and grab raid’ to boost police powers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th July 2011


Police bail debate raises legal eyebrows – The Guardian

Posted July 7th, 2011 in bail, bills, detention, legislation, news, stay of execution, Supreme Court by sally

“The supreme court seemed to be exercising powers it does not have when it offered to consider suspending the bail ruling”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th July 2011


Society calls for safeguards in bail legislation – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 6th, 2011 in bail, bills, news, police by sally

“The Law Society has urged the home secretary to consider safeguards to the emergency bail legislation about to go through Parliament to prevent abuse of the bail system by police.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 6th July 2011


Supreme court dismisses police bail ruling appeal – The Guardian

Posted July 5th, 2011 in bail, detention, legislation, news, Supreme Court by sally

“The supreme court has dismissed an application from the police to suspend a ruling that triggered a bail crisis, leaving the legal position of 85,000 suspects in doubt.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th July 2011
