Asylum seekers should be renamed sanctuary seekers, report says – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 20th, 2008 in asylum, news by sally

“The word ‘asylum’ should be phased out and replaced with ‘sanctuary’ when used in relation to foreigners seeking shelter in Britain, a report said today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th May 2008


R (Nasseri) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted May 16th, 2008 in asylum, human rights, law reports by sally

R (Nasseri) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2008] EWCA Civ 464; [2008] WLR (D) 150

“The scope of the deeming provision in Sch 3, Pt 2, para 3(2) of the Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants etc) Act 2004, which required states listed in Sch 2, Pt 2, para 2 of the Act to be treated as countries safe for a person to be returned, was limited to the actual process of executive decision or adjudication of whether a person’s removal would contravene his rights under art 3 of the Human Rights Convention. It did not preclude a more general consideration of whether a listed state’s laws and practices were Convention compliant, therefore the list system was not incompatible with art 3 of the Convention.”

WLR Daily, 15th May 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Regina (A) v West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust – Times Law Reports

Posted May 13th, 2008 in asylum, law reports, medical treatment by sally

Regina (A) v West Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust

Queen’s Bench Division

“A failed asylum seeker could become ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom so as to be eligible for free treatment by the National Health Service.”

The Times, 13th May 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Kurdish father-to-be set for deportation to Iraq – The Guardian

Posted April 25th, 2008 in asylum, deportation, news by sally

“A Kurdish asylum seeker who has been living in Britain for eight years and whose wife is expecting their first baby is due to be deported today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th April 2008


Nnyanzi v United Kingdom (Application No 21878/06) – Times Law Reports

Posted April 23rd, 2008 in asylum, law reports by sally

Nnyanzi v United Kingdom (Application No 21878/06)

European Court of Human Rights

“There was no reason to belive that an applicant who unsuccessfully sought asylum, on the basis of her father’s political activities in Uganda, would be ill treated on her expulsion to that state.”

The Times, 23rd April 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

The Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (Procedure) (Amendment) Rules 2008 and the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal (Fast Track Procedure) (Amendment) Rules 2008 [CP 29/07] – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 22nd, 2008 in asylum, consultations, immigration, tribunals by sally

“This report summarises the responses to the consultation, including how the consultation process has influenced the final shape of the rules.”

Response to consultation (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 21st April 2008


Related link: Consultation paper (PDF)

Detention centres attacked as figures reveal self-harm by asylum-seekers – The Independent

Posted April 21st, 2008 in asylum, detention, news, self-harm by sally

“The true cost of using detention centres to lock up failed asylum-seekers has been exposed by statistics showing the extent of self-harm among those held.”

Full story

The Independent, 19th April 2008


‘Betrayed’ Iraqi staff in test case over UK’s refusal to offer asylum – The Independent

Posted April 14th, 2008 in asylum, interpreters, Iraq, news by sally

“Iraqi interpreters, clerical staff and labourers who face death threats and persecution after risking their lives working for British forces are challenging the Government’s refusal to grant them sanctuary in the UK.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th April 2008


Refugee in High Court fight for NHS care – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 11th, 2008 in asylum, medical treatment, news by sally

“A failed asylum seeker is challenging regulations that prevent him receiving free treatment from the NHS.”

Full story

The Daily Telegraph, 11th April 2008


Asylum: the peers’ revolt – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2008 in asylum, deportation, Iran, news by sally

“Britain must radically change its immigration policy and end immediately the deportation of failed asylum-seekers who fear persecution in Iran, a group of leading peers will tell the Government today.”

Full story

The Independent, 28th March 2008


UK asylum system ‘is still not fit for purpose’ – The Times

Posted March 27th, 2008 in asylum, news by sally

“An independent report warned today that although the United Kingdom’s asylum system had improved slightly it was still not ‘fit for purpose’.

Full story

The Times, 27th March 2008


UK defends Zimbabwean expulsions – BBC News

Posted March 17th, 2008 in asylum, deportation, news, Zimbabwe by sally

“The UK government has defended its decision to resume the deportation of failed asylum-seekers to Zimbabwe.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th March 2008


Reprieve for gay Iranian who fears he will be killed – The Times

Posted March 14th, 2008 in asylum, homosexuality, Iran, news by sally

“A gay Iranian teenager is to be allowed to stay in Britain because his case is now so notorious that it would be dangerous to deport him to Tehran.”

Full story

The Times, 14th March 2008


Iraqi asylum seekers given deadline to go home or face destitution in UK – The Guardian

Posted March 13th, 2008 in asylum, Iraq, news by sally

“More than 1,400 rejected Iraqi asylum seekers are to be told they must go home or face destitution in Britain as the government considers Iraq safe enough to return them, according to leaked Home Office correspondence seen by the Guardian.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th March 2008


Gay teenager is facing gallows as his asylum bid is rejected – The Times

Posted March 12th, 2008 in asylum, homosexuality, Iran, news by sally

“A gay Iranian teenager faces deportation from Britain and execution in his home country after a Dutch court refused to hear his asylum claim.”

Full story

The Times, 12th March 2008


£15,000 for asylum seeker illegally detained in UK – The Guardian

Posted March 10th, 2008 in asylum, news by sally

“The case of an asylum seeker who was raped and tortured in her native Cameroon could have far-reaching legal implications for others making the same claims whose applications for asylum have been refused. Although the case was resolved last month, details were only published in the high court on Friday, and it has been welcomed by organisations in the field.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th March 2008


Now Iranian lesbian who fled to Britain faces deportation – The Independent

Posted March 7th, 2008 in asylum, deportation, homosexuality, special report by sally

“An Iranian lesbian who fled to Britain after her girlfriend was arrested and sentenced to death faces being forcibly returned after losing the latest round in her battle to be granted asylum.”

Full story

The Independent, 7th March 2008


A life or death decision – The Independent

Posted March 6th, 2008 in asylum, homosexuality, Iran, special report by sally

“Mehdi Kazemi is a gay teenager from Iran. He sought sanctuary in Britain after his boyfriend was hanged for homosexuality. So why is Britain so determined to send him back to Tehran – to almost certain execution?”

Full story

The Independent, 6th March 2008


Asylum removals slump as applications rise – The Times

Posted February 27th, 2008 in asylum, news by sally

“The number of failed asylum-seekers and their dependants removed from Britain fell last year by more than a quarter compared with the previous 12 months, according to government figures published yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 27th February 2008


Regina (SK) (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – Times Law Reports

Posted February 26th, 2008 in asylum, damages, deportation, false imprisonment, law reports by sally

Regina (SK) (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home Department

Queen’s Bench Division

“A failed asylum-seeker awaiting deportation whose detention had not been properly reviewed had been deprived of safeguards prescribed by law and was entitled to damages for false imprisonment. His detention had been arbitrary and unlawful and contrary to the right to liberty enshrined in article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights.”

The Times, 26th February 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.