Smith and another v Jafton Properties Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted November 4th, 2011 in assignment, enfranchisement, law reports, leases by tracey

Smith and another v Jafton Properties Ltd; [2011] EWCA Civ 1251;  [2011] WLR (D)  314

“At common law an assignment of part of a leased property by which the leased property was physically severed had the effect that the holder of each severed part had privity of estate with the landlord only in respect of that severed part. In short, as a holder only of part of the land, he was the tenant of that severed part only.”

WLR Daily, 2nd November 2011


Simpson (as assignee of Alan Catchpole) v Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust – WLR daily

Posted October 20th, 2011 in appeals, assignment, law reports, third parties by tracey

Simpson (as assignee of Alan Catchpole) v Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital NHS Trust [2011] EWCA Civ 1149;  [2011] WLR (D)  294

“A claim for damages for personal injury was a chose in action capable of assignment. The law would not, however, recognise on the grounds of public policy an assignment to a party who did not have sufficient interest to support what would otherwise be a bare right of action.”

WLR Daily, 12th October 2011


K/S Victoria Street v House of Fraser (Stores Management) Ltd and others – WLR Daily

Posted August 1st, 2011 in assignment, covenants, law reports, leases by tracey

K/S Victoria Street v House of Fraser (Stores Management) Ltd and others [2011] EWCA Civ 904;  [2011] WLR (D)  265

“Any contractual arrangement contained in a tenancy (or a prior agreement ), which imposed an obligation on an existing or prospective guarantor of the tenant’s liabilities to guarantee the liabilities of a future assignee, would be void by reason of section 25(1) of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 because it frustrated the operation of section 24(2) of that Act, by which the original tenant’s guarantor was released from his obligation on the assignment of the tenancy. Similarly, a contractual arrangement contained in a later document, for instance, a renewal obligation imposed on a guarantor of an assignee’s liabilities in an assignment or a licence to assign, would be invalid.”

WLR Daily, 27th July 2011


Crosstown Music Co 1, LLC v Rive Droite Music Ltd and others – WLR Daily

Posted November 5th, 2010 in assignment, contracts, copyright, law reports, news by sally

Crosstown Music Co 1, LLC v Rive Droite Music Ltd and others [2010] EWCA Civ 1222 ; [2010] WLR (D) 277

“An assignment of copyright which was subject to automatic reverter in the event of an unremedied notified material breach of contract prior to the expiration of the period of copyright was permitted by s 90 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.”

WLR Daily, 3rd November 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Shanks v Unilever plc and others – WLR Daily

Posted December 7th, 2009 in assignment, compensation, law reports, patents by sally

Shanks v Unilever plc and others [2009] EWHC 3164 (Ch); [2009] WLR (D) 354

“The words ‘that person’ in s 41(2) of the Patents Act 1977 referred to a notional non-connected counterparty operating in the appropriate market at the appropriate time.”

WLR Daily, 4th December 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lewis and another v Metropolitan Property Realisations Ltd – WLR Daily

Lewis and another v Metropolitan Property Realisations Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 448; [2009] WLR (D) 189

“The word ‘realise’ in the context of s 283A(3)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986 was not, in its context, capable of covering a transaction where there was deferred monetary consideration during the period before that consideration came in, so that a bankrupt’s interest in property that had formerly vested jointly in him and his wife revested in him on the third anniversary of his bankruptcy despite his trustee in bankruptcy having assigned that interest to a creditor by way of an agreement for consideration of £1 and 25% of any eventual sale of the interest.”

WLR Daily, 17th June 2009


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Pickthall Ltd v Hill Dickinson LLP and another – WLR Daily

Pickthall Ltd v Hill Dickinson LLP and another [2009] EWCA Civ 543; [2009] WLR (D) 183

“It was an abuse of process for a party to issue proceedings on the day before the limitation period expired in the knowledge that the cause of action was vested not in him but in his trustee in bankruptcy, despite the party’s intention of later seeking an assignment of the cause of action and amending the claim form so that the assignment (which had been obtained after the expiration of the limitation period) could be pleaded.”

WLR Daily, 12th June 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Doleman v Shaw – Times Law Reports

Posted April 22nd, 2009 in assignment, leases, news, winding up by sally

Doleman v Shaw

Court of Appeal

“When a liquidator disclaimed a lease, that did not determine any liability under the lease of the original lessee or of the guarantor in relation to leases or assignments of the leases executed after the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 had come into force on January 1, 1996, although the liability of the insolvent assignee company had ceased after the disclaimer.”

The Times, 22nd April 2009


Hatzl and Another v XL Insurance Co Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted April 16th, 2009 in assignment, carriage of goods, insurance, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Hatzl and Another v XL Insurance Co Ltd

Court of Appeal

“On a proper construction of article 31(1)(a) of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, scheduled to the Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965, a dispute did not become justiciable in England merely by the fact that an assignor of one of the contracting parties happened to be domiciled in England if that was the only connection with the jurisdiction.”

The Times, 16th April 2009


Doleman v Shaw – WLR Daily

Posted April 3rd, 2009 in assignment, law reports, leases, winding up by sally

Doleman v Shaw [2009] EWCA Civ 283; [2009] WLR (D) 115

On a true construction of s 178(4) of the Insolvency Act 1986, on the disclaimer of a lease by a liquidator, although the company ceased to be bound by the tenant covenants so far as its own obligations were concerned, it was treated as still bound so far as third party obligations were concerned.”

WLR Daily, 1st April 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.


Hatzl and another v XL Insurance Co Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted March 20th, 2009 in assignment, carriage of goods, insurance, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Hatzl and another v XL Insurance Co Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 223; [2009] WLR (D) 99

The word ‘defendant’ in art 31(1)(a) of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road should be interpreted purposively so as to extend to the parties to the contract and to other parties to whom the convention ascribed rights and duties, but not to include an assignee, even if he was also an insurer. An assignee of rights under the convention was to be treated as standing in the shoes of his assignor. He had no different rights to be sued in a particular forum than his assignor.”

WLR Daily, 19th March 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in once of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Landlord Protect Ltd v St Anselm Development Co Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted March 2nd, 2009 in assignment, law reports, leases by sally

Landlord Protect Ltd v St Anselm Development Co Ltd; [2009] WLR (D) 72

Where the landlord’s consent was required to an assignment of a lease, the landlord could not reasonably impose a condition which was designed to increase the rights he enjoyed under the headlease.”

WLR Daily, 27th February 2009


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Landlord Protect Ltd v St Anselm Development Co Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted March 2nd, 2009 in assignment, law reports, leases by sally

Landlord Protect Ltd v St Anselm Development Co Ltd

Court of Appeal

“Where the head landlord’s consent was required to an assignment of a lease, he could not reasonably impose a condition which was designed to increase the rights he enjoyed under the headlease.”

The Times, 2nd March 2009


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 from the date of publication.

Court ruling threatens ‘virtual assignments’ of property interests –

Posted February 3rd, 2009 in assignment, leases, news by sally

“Companies which sign over the management of properties they rent without telling their landlord might be in breach of their leases after the High Court ruled in a landlord’s favour in a dispute.”

Full story, 2nd February 2009


Clarence House Ltd v National Westminster Bank plc – WLR Daily

Posted January 27th, 2009 in assignment, covenants, law reports, leases by sally

Clarence House Ltd v National Westminster Bank plc [2009] EWHC 77 (Ch); [2009] WLR (D) 22

“By entering into a ‘virtual assignment’ of leasehold office premises, under which all the economic benefits and burdens of the relevant lease, including any management responsibilities, were transferred to a third party, but without any actual assignment of the leasehold interest or any change in the actual occupancy of the premises in question, the tenant acted in breach of the standard form alienation covenants contained in the lease.”

WLR Daily, 26th January 2009


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Alchemy Estates Ltd v Astor and another – WLR Daily

Posted November 6th, 2008 in assignment, law reports, rescission, sale of goods by sally

Alchemy Estates Ltd v Astor and another [2008] EWHC 2675 (Ch); [2008] WLR (D) 343

“The contractual right of rescission under condition 8.3.3 of the Standard Conditions of Sale had to be exercised promptly, which meant by the contractual completion date, or possibly, within a day or two thereafter.”

WLR Daily, 6th November 2008


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Scottish and Newcastle plc v Raguz – Times Law Reports

Posted November 3rd, 2008 in assignment, law reports, leases, rent, retrospectivity by sally

Scottish and Newcastle plc v Raguz

House of Lords

“Rent increases that would become retrospectively payable under uncompleted rent reviews had not been ‘now due’ within the meaning of section 17 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 and the landlords had not been required to serve protective notices on assignors under that section in respect of them.”

The Times, 3rd November 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Scottish & Newcastle plc v Raguz – WLR Daily

Posted October 31st, 2008 in assignment, law reports, leases, rent, retrospectivity by sally

Scottish & Newcastle plc v Raguz [2008] UKHL 65; [2008] WLR (D) 335

“Landlords were not required to serve notices under s 17 of the Landlord and Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 in respect of rent increases that would become retrospectively payable when rent reviews were completed. Such increases were ‘now due’ within the meaning of s 17.”

WLR Daily, 30th October 2008


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Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd v Abbey National Treasury Services plc (Financial Services Authority intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted August 4th, 2008 in assignment, financial regulation, law reports, third parties by sally

Financial Services Compensation Scheme Ltd v Abbey National Treasury Services plc (Financial Services Authority intervening) [2008] EWHC 1897 (Ch); [2008] WLR (D) 277

“The Financial Services Authority had power under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 to include rules in the financial services compensation scheme which provided for the assignment of third party claims.”

WLR Daily, 1st August 2008


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Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners – Times Law Reports

Posted April 22nd, 2008 in assignment, law reports, VAT by sally

Midlands Co-Operative Society Ltd v Revenue and Customs Commissioners

Court of Appeal

“A taxable person was entitled to assign to another any benefit of repayment he enjoyed from the overpayment of value-added tax.”

The Times, 22nd April 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online fro 21 days from the date of publication.