Noisy sex woman admits Asbo breach – BBC News
“A woman who was given an anti-social behaviour order banning her from making loud noises during sex has admitted breaching the order.”
BBC News, 15th December 2009
“A woman who was given an anti-social behaviour order banning her from making loud noises during sex has admitted breaching the order.”
BBC News, 15th December 2009
“An outspoken Home Office adviser said the government had let people down on antisocial behaviour and the criminal justice system was out of step with public opinion.”
The Guardian, 19th October 2009
“More trouble makers who break anti-social behaviour orders (Asbos) will be tracked down and prosecuted, Home Secretary Alan Johnson is to pledge.”
Full story
BBC News, 13th October 2009
“His music had his neighbours Rockin’ All Over The World – but now Paul Lloyd is risking going Down Down.”
The Independent, 16th September 2009
“A 74-year-old man from Devon has been barred from speaking to anyone aged under 18 in England and Wales.”
BBC News, 8th September 2009
“A busking duo who tormented a Birmingham village by continuously playing just two songs have been given an ASBO banning them from performing in the area.”
The Independent, 20th August 2009
“The number of anti-social behaviour orders has plummeted by almost half in two years signalling the death of Labour’s flagship weapon.”
Daily Telegraph, 19th August 2009
R v Charles [2009] EWCA Crim 1570; [2009] WLR (D) 265
“Where a person was charged with an offence under s 1(10) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 of doing something which he was prohibited from doing by an anti-social behaviour order without reasonable excuse, the legal burden of proving that the defendant acted without reasonable excuse lay on the prosecution.”
WLR Daily, 30th July 2009
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“Delays of up to two years in issuing an asbo are to be cut under proposals unveiled by the new home secretary, Alan Johnson, in his first major speech on crime and antisocial behaviour.”
The Guardian, 2nd July 2009
“Anti-social behaviour fines have been criticised for being inherently ‘flawed’ after figures showed half are never paid.”
Daily Telegraph, 6th May 2009
“Neighbours of a woman who ended up in court for her noisy love-making were savouring peace and quiet today after she was locked up accused of breaking her anti-social behaviour order.”
The Independent, 27th April 2009
Birmingham City Council v Dixon
Queen’s Bench Divisional Court
“Evidence of a defendant’s antisocial behaviour which occurred after the making of an application for an antisocial behaviour order against him was admissible when a court was determining (i) whether a defendant had acted in an antisocial manner and (ii) whether it was necessary to make an antisocial behaviour order.”
The Times, 13th April 2009
R (Longato) v Camberwell Green Magistrates’ Court [2009] WLR (D) 104
“The statutory procedure for an application to extend a closure order, set out in s 5(3) of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003, which provided that within a reasonable time before the hearing of an application a summons might be issued by a justice of the peace to the former occupier of the premises, did not oust or modify the general procedural requirements of the Magistrates’ Courts Act 1980 or r 99 of the Magistrates’ Courts Rules 1981; if the court failed to issue and serve the summons in the manner prescribed, its ability to hear the complaint was fettered.”
WLR Daily, 23rd March 2009
Please note once a case has been fully reported in once of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“Magistrates have refused to lift an Asbo on a woman who has made repeated seaside suicide attempts.”
BBC News, 20th February 2009
“A new Asbo designed to prevent gang violence by preventing youths congregating or wearing certain clothes will be announced by Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary.”
Daily Telegraph, 5th February 2009
Wandsworth London Borough Council v Webb
Court of Appeal
“It was not reasonable to make a possession order against a secure tenant on the ground that her son, who no longer lived with her, had been prosecuted and acquitted on three occasions of breaching an antisocal behaviour order. ”
The Times, 5th January 2009
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
“A man has been given an Asbo for playing loud rap music for up to 22 hours a day.”
Daily Telegraph, 18th December 2008
“On 9 December 2008 the Sentencing Guidelines Council published its definitive guidelines ‘Theft and burglary in a building other than a dwelling’ and ‘Breach of an anti-social behaviour order’.”
Sentencing Guidelines Council, 9th December 2008
“A man has been fined £80 for swearing at his own television while drunk.”
Daily Telegraph, 7th December 2008