Speech by Sir Ernest Ryder: First International Forum on Online Courts – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by Sir Ernest Ryder: First International Forum on Online Courts.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 6th December 2018

Source: www.judiciary.gov

Legal Technology – the future of legal services – Legal Futures

‘One way of viewing the current legal services market is that the legal profession is locked in a race to the death with non-qualified providers, tempted by the lucrative chunk of legal work that is not reserved to qualified lawyers and which forms a big part of their income.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th December 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Legal analytics – when big data meets big law – The Guardian

‘Automated data analysis has changed how scientists think about health research, and is helping uncover inefficiencies in transport systems. Now it’s making waves in the legal sector.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 30th November 2018

Source: www.theguardian.com

Online pleas and AI for judges: minister reveals UK law reform plans – The Guardian

Posted December 4th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, electronic filing, electronic mail, judiciary, news by tracey

‘Court cases conducted by email, more pleas made online and judges helped by artificial intelligence are likely to feature in the next stage of digital law reform, the justice minister Lucy Frazer has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 3rd December 2018

Source: www.theguardian.com

Speech by Lord Chancellor of the High Court: The City UK Launch – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by Lord Chancellor of the High Court: The City UK Launch.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 30th November 2018

Source: www.judiciary.uk

Speech by Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales: The cutting edge of digital reform – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by Lord Burnett of Maldon, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales: The cutting edge of digital reform.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 3rd December 2018

Source: www.judiciary.uk

Annual Bar and Young Bar Conference 2018: David Gauke speech – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 26th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, barristers, brexit, budgets, courts, divorce, fees, speeches by tracey

‘Lord Chancellor David Gauke spoke about the revised Advocates Graduated Fee Scheme in his speech on 24 November 2018.’

Full speech

Ministry of Justice, 24th November 2018

Source: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice

Law Commissions open consultation into new rules for UK’s self-driving future – Law Commission

‘The Law Commission of England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission are launching the first of a series of public consultations about crucial legal reforms which will ensure the country is prepared for the introduction of automated vehicles.’

Full press release

Law Commission, 8th November 2018

Source: www.lawcom.gov.uk

AI will prompt new contract law, says Supreme Court judge – OUT-LAW.com

‘Contract law will need to be updated, and new civil liability rules considered, to account for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in financial services, a senior UK judge has said.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 30th October 2018

Source: www.out-law.com

Robot judges less likely than AI-assisted judges, QC predicts – Legal Futures

‘Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to be used to lower the cost and increase the speed of judicial decisions, a QC specialising in IT and algorithms has predicted.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 30th October 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Lord Hodge at East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China, Speech – Supreme Court

‘Financial Technology: Opportunities and Challenges to Law and Regulation, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai, China.’

Full speech

Supreme Court, 26th October 2018

Source: www.supremecourt.uk

New tech demands code of “cyber ethics” for lawyers – Legal Futures

‘The legal profession will have to develop “cyber ethics” to cope with the very different issues that the growing use of technology is having on the practice of law, a leading academic has suggested.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd October 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Clients “must be told whether legal advice is AI or human” – Legal Futures

Posted October 18th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, legal services, news by sally

‘As legal advice is increasingly driven by artificial intelligence (AI), a mechanism will have to be introduced to inform clients whether they are being advised by a machine or a human lawyer, a top judge has urged.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th October 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Councils using ‘hundreds of thousands of people’s data to try and predict child abuse’ – Daily Telegraph

‘Councils are said to be using hundreds of thousands of people’s data to try and predict child abuse, it has emerged.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 17th September 2018

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Speech by Dr Victoria McCloud, Master of the Senior Courts: Rainbow Lives, Monochrome Laws – Reflections on law and identity – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by Dr Victoria McCloud, Master of the Senior Courts: Rainbow Lives, Monochrome Laws – Reflections on law and identity.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 21st August 2018

Blockchain and AI “could underpin” future law firms – Legal Futures

‘A future where law firms are ‘distributed entities’ based on blockchain and smart contracts, and lawyers will add value by being “stronger” trusted advisers assisted by artificial intelligence, has been mapped out by futurologists.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th August 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Algorithms, apps & artificial intelligence 2: Can data protection laws be used to challenge discriminatory tech? – Cloisters

‘This is the second article from Cloisters’ Robin Allen QC and Dee Masters examining discriminatory technology.’

Full Story

Cloisters, 5th July 2018

Source: www.cloisters.com

Ep. 40: How AI and algorithms impact on regulation and adjudication – Law Pod UK

Posted July 30th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, dispute resolution, news, podcasts by sally

‘Law and Political Science Professor Cary Coglianese from the University of Pennsylvania, and David Lehr, a research affiliate at the Penn Program on Regulation and a student at Yale Law School, join Rosalind English to speculate on how algorithms and artificial intelligence will impact on regulation and adjudication now and in the future.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 27th July 2018

Source: audioboom.com

Lord Chief Justice hails potential of big data and AI to reduce litigation and promote settlement – Legal Futures

Posted June 11th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, dispute resolution, news by sally

‘The Lord Chief Justice has called the ability of computers to use big data to predict outcomes “one of the most exciting developments of the age” and forecast the technology would be used to prevent litigation and promote settlements.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th June 2018

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Law Pod UK Ep. 34: Will AI outwit our laws? – 1 COR

Posted June 8th, 2018 in artificial intelligence, news, podcasts by sally

‘Rosalind English discusses with Professor Karen Yeung of Birmingham University the various opportunities and challenges presented to the law by Artificial Intelligence.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 6th June 2018

Source: audioboom.com