Grandparents to get legal powers over access in divorce battles – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 31st, 2011 in arbitration, children, divorce, grandparents, news by sally

“Grandparents will get new legal powers to guarantee them access to their grandchildren following divorce battles under proposals unveiled today, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st March 2011


Family lawyers face up to challenges ahead – Law Society’s Gazette

“Family law is facing an unprecedented year of change, with practitioners under intense pressure to be innovative if they want to maintain the viability of their practices. Some family law departments are already downsizing, or are being closed, as experienced practitioners move firms or set up their own niche practices. However, others are embracing change and are among their firms’ top teams in terms of fee income and profitability.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th March 2011


Fulham Football Club (1987) Ltd v Sir David Richards and another – WLR Daily

Posted December 3rd, 2010 in arbitration, company law, law reports, sport, unfairly prejudicial conduct by sally

Fulham Football Club (1987) Ltd v Sir David Richards and another [2010] EWHC 3111 (Ch); [2010] WLR (D) 312

“The statutory right conferred on a member of a company to present an unfair prejudice petition under s 994 of the Companies Act 1996 was not an inalienable one: members of companies and the companies themselves could agree to refer disputes that might otherwise support unfair prejudice petitions to arbitration, provided that the types of remedies sought were not, inter alia, in a category that was limited by public policy or sought to bind third parties or affected the public at large, so as to limit the scope of the available arbitrations.”

WLR Daily, 2nd December 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

English court intervenes to stop Indian case going ahead –

Posted November 11th, 2010 in arbitration, contracts, India, jurisdiction, news by sally

“An Indian solar panels manufacturer cannot continue legal action in India because to do so would undermine an earlier English court ruling, the High Court in London has ruled.”

Full story, 10th November 2010


Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious Affairs, Government of Pakistan – WLR Daily

Posted November 5th, 2010 in arbitration, enforcement, jurisdiction, law reports, Pakistan by sally

Dallah Real Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious Affairs, Government of Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46; [2010] WLR (D) 279

“When an English court was asked to enforce a foreign arbitration award made against a non-signatory to the contract containing the arbitration clause, whom the arbitral tribunal had determined had been a party to the contract, the court would, if the enforcement claim was challenged, determine anew the question as to whether or not the non-signatory had been a party.”

WLR Daily, 4th November 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Broda Agro Trade (Cyprus) Ltd v Alfred C Toepfer International GmbH – WLR Daily

Posted October 14th, 2010 in arbitration, contracts, jurisdiction, law reports, setting aside by sally

Broda Agro Trade (Cyprus) Ltd v Alfred C Toepfer International GmbH [2010] EWCA Civ 1100; [2010] WLR (D) 246

“A party who had been named in arbitration proceedings could simply ignore the arbitration proceedings if he considered that he had not entered into the agreement and come to court to challenge the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal; but if he had taken part in the proceedings disputing the jurisdiction of the court or the tribunal’s exercise of their asserted substantive jurisdiction, his right was limited to challenging the award under s 67 of the Arbitration Act 1996.”

WLR Daily, 13th October 2010


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Courts should be a last resort says minister – Ministry of Justice

Posted September 20th, 2010 in arbitration, dispute resolution, news by sally

“Minister Jonathan Djanogly has said that more use should be made of mediation as an alternative to using courts in civil and family justice disputes.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 20th September 2010


What isn’t wrong with Sharia law? – The Guardian

Posted July 6th, 2010 in arbitration, children, islamic law, news, tribunals, women by sally

“To safeguard our rights there must be one law for all and no religious courts.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th July 2010


Bilta (UK) Ltd (in liquidation) v Nazir and others – WLR Daily

Bilta (UK) Ltd (in liquidation) v Nazir and others [2010] EWHC 1086 (Ch); [2010] WLR (D) 129

“An application for a stay of legal proceedings made under s 9 of the Arbitration Act 1996 was not subject to the procedural rules contained in CPR Pt 11 for challenging the jurisdiction of the court. An application for an extension of time to serve the defence was not a step in the proceedings to answer the substantive claim and the defendant was not debarred from seeking a stay by s 9(3) of the Act.”

WLR Daily, 19th May 2010


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Educating future mediators – Speech by Lord Neuberger, Master of the Rolls

Posted May 12th, 2010 in arbitration, legal education, speeches by sally

“Educating future mediators – speech by Lord Neuberger at the Fourth Civil Mediation Council National Conference on 11th May 2010.”

Full speech

Judiciary of England and Wales, 11th May 2010


Mayor threatens Tube legal action over £4.4bn ruling – BBC News

“Mayor of London Boris Johnson is considering legal action after it was ruled Underground maintenance firm Tube Lines’ costs should be £4.46bn.”

Full story

BBC News, 10th March 2010


Midgulf International Ltd v Groupe Chimique Tunisien – WLR Daily

Posted February 12th, 2010 in appeals, arbitration, documents, injunctions, law reports by sally

Midgulf International Ltd v Groupe Chimique Tunisien [2010] EWCA Civ 66; [2010] WLR (D) 34

“Where the court had found that there was a valid contract governed by English law to conduct arbitration of disputes in England, it would be inappropriate for one party to the contract to seek a foreign court to declare that there was no such agreement and the English Court could restrain that party who had submitted to the jurisdiction of English court from instituting or continuing the action in the foreign court contrary to the arbitration agreement.”

WLR Daily, 11th February 2010


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Fundamental review of the family justice system announced – Ministry of Justice

“An expert panel will examine reform of the current family justice system in England and Wales so that it better supports children and parents under a wide-ranging review announced by the Ministry of Justice today.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 20th January 2010


National Ability SA v Tinna Oils & Chemicals Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted December 17th, 2009 in arbitration, enforcement, law reports, limitations by sally

National Ability SA v Tinna Oils & Chemicals Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1330; [2009] WLR (D) 36

“An application to enforce an arbitration award in the same manner as a judgment under the procedure set out in s 26 of the Arbitration Act 1950 and s 66 of the Arbitration Act 1996 was subject to the same limitation period of six years under s 7 of the Limitation Act 1980 as an ordinary action on the award.”

WLR Daily, 14th December 2009


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Woolf calls for arbitration overhaul as he launches new guidance – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted December 4th, 2009 in arbitration, news by sally

“International arbitration has ‘lost its way’, the former lord chief justice Lord Woolf (pictured) told the Gazette this week, as he launched a set of guidelines which will build mediation into the arbitration process.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 3rd December 2009


Dallah Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government of Pakistan – WLR Daily

Posted July 22nd, 2009 in arbitration, estoppel, jurisdiction, law reports, Pakistan by sally

Dallah Estate and Tourism Holding Co v Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Government of Pakistan [2009] EWCA Civ 755; [2009] WLR (D) 2

“When a court was reviewing an international arbitration award made under ss 100–103 of the Arbitration Act 1996 careful attention was to be accorded to the type of hearing and the standard of proof required to establish that an award was “not valid” for the purposes of s 103(2)(b) of the 1996 Act. Further, when an assertion of estoppel was made, going to the matter of non-validity, the fact that the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal was founded on consent, rather than legislation, could be critical.”

WLR Daily, 21st July 2009


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Syska and another v Vivendi Universal SA and others – WLR daily

Posted July 13th, 2009 in arbitration, EC law, insolvency, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Syska and another v Vivendi Universal SA and others [2009] EWCA Civ 677; [2009] WLR (D) 236

“Where a party to an arbitration reference became insolvent in an EU member state while the arbitration proceedings were pending in another member state, the appropriate law applicable to determine the validity of the agreement to progress the arbitration was the law of the member state where the arbitration was pending.”

WLR Daily, 10th July 2009


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Football teams club together to win groundbreaking WIPO domain name case –

Posted May 20th, 2009 in arbitration, domain names by sally

“Some of England’s biggest football clubs have become the first companies to band together to win case under the best-known arbitration system for domain name disputes.”

Full story, 19th May 2009


London arbitration court opens in India – The Times

Posted April 21st, 2009 in arbitration, India, news by sally

“Dignitaries representing the British and Indian legal professions gathered in New Delhi this weekend to mark the latest step in the opening of the prized Indian legal services market to foreign law firms.”

Full story

The Times, 20th April 2009


EDO Corpn v Ultra Electronics Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted April 2nd, 2009 in arbitration, disclosure, law reports, pre-action conduct by sally

EDO Corpn v Ultra Electronics Ltd [2009] EWHC 682 (Ch); [2009] WLR (D) 114

The procedure for pre-action disclosure provided by s 33(2) of the Supreme Act 1981 was not available to a party where the underlying dispute he might have with the proposed defendant arose out of a contract which required any dispute to be determined by arbitration.”

WLR Daily, 1st April 2009


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