Manslaughter verdicts quashed for boys who stoned pensioner – The Times

Posted December 14th, 2007 in appeals, homicide, news, young offenders by sally

“Five young boys who were convicted of causing a pensioner’s death by pelting him with stones had their convictions for manslaughter overturned yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 14th December 2007


Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) reaches first century in healthy state – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted December 11th, 2007 in appeals, courts, reports by sally

“The latest annual review of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Divison) coincides with the centenary of the court. Perhaps to fittingly illustrate the continuing value and relevance of the court, there has been a rise in both appeals against conviction and sentence in the past year.”

Full story

Judiciary of England and Wales, 10th December 2007


Related link: Court of Appeal (Criminal Division): review of the legal year 2006/2007 (PDF)

‘Lady in Lake’ killer to appeal – BBC News

Posted December 6th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news by sally

“A man found guilty of the ‘Lady in the Lake’ murder of his wife is to appeal against his conviction.”

Full story

BBC News, 6th December 2007


Child killer Allitt’s tariff set – BBC News

Posted December 6th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news, sentencing by sally

“Killer nurse Beverly Allitt, jailed for life for murdering four children and attacking nine others, has had her minimum tariff fixed at 30 years.”

Full story

BBC News, 6th December 2007


‘Angel of death’ gets appeal date – BBC News

Posted November 27th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news, sentencing by sally

“The convicted child killer Beverly Allitt has been given a date for an appeal against her sentence.”

Full story 

BBC News, 26th November 2007


In re DLP Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted November 21st, 2007 in appeals, law reports, patents by sally

In re DLP Ltd [2007] EWHC 2669 (Pat)

“It was the intention of s 74B of the Patents Act 1977 and r 77K of the Patents Rules 1995 that an appeal should lie as of right where it related to part of an opinion issued by the Comptroller, pursuant to s 74A of the Patents Act 1977, which had not been set aside by a hearing officer on review.”

WLR Daily, 20th November 2007


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed. 

Jailed Asian officer to be cleared – The Guardian

Posted November 19th, 2007 in appeals, news, police, race discrimination, theft by sally

“An Asian police officer who claims his colleagues framed him for theft after he sued his force for racism is to have his criminal conviction quashed today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th November 2007


George’s Dando appeal ruling due – BBC News

Posted November 15th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news by sally

“Barry George is due to learn if an appeal against his conviction for the murder of BBC TV presenter Jill Dando in 1999 has been successful.”

Full story

BBC News, 15th November 2007


Warning to media at Dando appeal reopens debate on court coverage – The Guardian

Posted November 12th, 2007 in appeals, media, murder, news by sally

“At the start of the appeal last week into the conviction of Barry George for the murder of Jill Dando, the lord chief justice fired a broadside at those who sought to influence the outcome of the hearing in either direction.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th November 2007


Appeal judges defer decision in Dando case – The Guardian

Posted November 8th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news by sally

“The family and supporters of Barry George, the man convicted of murdering the television presenter Jill Dando, said yesterday that they were ‘hopeful’ his conviction would be quashed. The court of appeal reserved its judgment yesterday but indicated that a decision would be made before the end of the month.”

Full story

The Guardian, 8th November 2007


Dando killer begins new bid for freedom – The Times

Posted November 5th, 2007 in appeals, murder, news by sally

“Barry George, the man convicted of shooting the television presenter Jill Dando in the head at close range eight years ago will begin his latest attempt to overturn his conviction today.”

Full story 

The Times, 5th November 2007


Gay couple adoption appeal lost – BBC News

Posted November 1st, 2007 in adoption, appeals, homosexuality, magistrates, news by sally

“An ex-magistrate who says he was forced to resign because he would not place children for adoption with gay couples has lost his appeal.”

Full story

BBC News, 31st October 2007


Asbestos victims lose compensation fight – Reuters

Posted October 17th, 2007 in appeals, compensation, industrial injuries, news by sally

“Victims of the early effects of exposure to asbestos lost a landmark compensation claim in the Lords on Wednesday.”

Full story

Reuters, 17th October 2007


Princess Margaret’s ‘illegitimate son’ wins appeal right – The Guardian

Posted October 17th, 2007 in appeals, news, royal family, succession by sally

“A man claiming to be the illegitimate son of Princess Margaret today won the right to continue his fight to see the contents of her will.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th October 2007


In re A (a Child) (Duty to seek reasons) – Times Law Reports

Posted October 16th, 2007 in appeals, child abuse, judgments, law reports, reasons by sally

Counsel should seek reasons

In re A (a Child) (Duty to seek reasons)

Court of Appeal

“Before filing a notice of appeal, in cases of doubt, counsel had to ask the judge for amplification of his reasons, where that could solve an issue.”

The Times, 16th October 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Dando killer asks for new legal team – The Times

Posted October 12th, 2007 in appeals, legal representation, murder, news by sally

“Barry George, the man serving a life sentence for the murder of television presenter Jill Dando, has demanded a new legal team three weeks before a second appeal against his conviction is due to begin.”

Full story

The Times, 12th October 2007


Sage (UK) Ltd v Bacco – Times Law Reports

Posted October 11th, 2007 in appeals, documents, employment, law reports by sally

Law reports in appeal papers

Sage (UK) Ltd v Bacco

Employment Appeal Tribunal 

“When lodging copies of authorities for the purposes of an appeal to the appeal tribunal, parties should ensure that where cases had been reported, those reports were copied in the bundle of authorities.”

The Times, 11th October 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Leman-Klammers v Klammers – Times Law Report

Posted October 4th, 2007 in appeals, divorce, France, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Divorce pending appeal valid

Leman-Klammers v Klammers

“It was perfectly reasonable for an English court to grant a decree absolute of divorce to the wife where the husband was waiting for an appeal to be heard in France by the Cour de Cassation on whether the Cour d’Appel de Paris had been correct in holding that the English court had been seised first.”

The Times, 4th October 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Regina v Cottrell; Regina v Fletcher – Times Law Reports

Posted September 5th, 2007 in appeals, Criminal Cases Review Commission, law reports by sally

Change-of-law appeals should not be referred

Regina v Cottrell; Regina v Fletcher

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

“Where the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, would not normally extend time in which to renew an application for leave to appeal against conviction on the basis of a change in the law, the Criminal Cases Review Commission should not normally refer a conviction.”

The Times, 5th September 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Paedophile case appeal ‘possible’ – BBC News

Posted August 28th, 2007 in appeals, child abuse, news, sentencing, sexual offences by sally

“The attorney general is considering appealing against the non-custodial sentence of a paedophile who admitted his crimes.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th August 2007
