Owner of four dogs that killed Jade Lomas-Anderson admits cruelty – The Guardian

Posted October 1st, 2013 in animal cruelty, bail, guilty pleas, news by sally

“Beverley Concannon faces jail after admitting animal welfare offence following dog attack on teenager in Wigan.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st October 2013

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Football fan faces jail for punching horse – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 26th, 2013 in animal cruelty, news, violent disorder by sally

“A football fan has been told he faces jail for punching a police horse when his team lost to their arch-rivals.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th September 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Dog attack men get community service for animal cruelty – BBC News

Posted September 18th, 2013 in animal cruelty, community service, dogs, hunting, news, sentencing by sally

“Six men have been sentenced to more than 800 hours of community service for using their dogs to kill other animals.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th September 2013

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Man jailed after admitting sex with goat – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 13th, 2013 in animal cruelty, news, sentencing, sexual offences, suspended sentences by tracey

“A man who admitted having sexual intercourse with a goat has been jailed for six weeks.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th September 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Man jailed for shooting his pet dog – The Independent

Posted August 30th, 2013 in animal cruelty, disqualification, news, sentencing by sally

“A man who tried to kill his pet dog because he wasn’t able to find a new home for it has been sentenced to jail.”

Full story

The Independent, 29th August 2013

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Advertising body drops investigation into Marmite ad – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 22nd, 2013 in advertising, animal cruelty, complaints, food, news by sally

“A Marmite advertising campaign attacked by critics for trivialising the work of animal welfare agencies has been cleared by the Advertising Standards Authority.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st August 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Man banned from every farm in the country after admitting sex with goat – The Independent

Posted August 21st, 2013 in animal cruelty, news, sexual offences by sally

“A man has been banned from all farms where animals are kept after admitting having sexual intercourse with a goat.”

Full story

The Independent, 20th August 2013

Source: www.independent.co.uk

RSPCA accused of using criminal prosecutions to increase revenue – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 8th, 2013 in animal cruelty, charities, news, prosecutions by sally

“The RSPCA is facing calls to give up its role as a criminal prosecutor following claims that it is using court cases as a means of increasing its revenue.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th August 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Man jailed for shooting marble at cat – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2013 in animal cruelty, disqualification, news, sentencing by sally

“A man who left a cat needing surgery to remove its eye after shooting it with a catapult has been jailed.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st August 2013

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

‘Badger was fox’ lie Cumbria men’s convictions upheld – BBC news

“Three men given jail sentences after taking a badger from a wood and trying to pretend it was a fox have had their convictions upheld at an appeal.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th July 2013

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Regina (Gray and another) v Crown Court at Aylesbury – WLR Daily

Posted June 3rd, 2013 in animal cruelty, costs, disqualification, judicial review, law reports by sally

Regina (Gray and another) v Crown Court at Aylesbury [2013] EWHC 500 (Admin); [2013] WLR (D) 204

“The court ought not to record a separate conviction under section 9 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 where a person had been found guilty of an offence under section 4 and the neglect proved under section 9 was no wider than the conduct which caused the unnecessary suffering for which there was guilt under section 4.”

WLR Daily, 12th March 2013

Source: www.iclr.co.uk

Why We Need an Animal Abuser Registry – Criminal Law and Justice Weekly

Posted May 14th, 2013 in animal cruelty, child abuse, crime prevention, news, sexual offences by sally

“Criminals generally grow out of offending with the onset of a delayed maturity or when they become too old to accept the prospect of another spell in prison. However, one group of criminals are constant in their failure to change whatever their age: sex offenders. Although it is a cliché relied upon by defence counsel on behalf of every priest who molests a choirboy or teacher who robs a schoolgirl of her innocence that he acted “out of character”, each advocate is wrong. The reason is for pederasts and rapists and their ilk, their offences are not out of character, but part of their character.”

Full story

Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 10th May 2013

Source: www.criminallawandjustice.co.uk

Animal cruelty convictions up 33% in England and Wales – The Independent

Posted April 30th, 2013 in animal cruelty, news, prosecutions, reports by sally

“Convictions for animal neglect and cruelty have risen by a third in England and Wales, according to an RSPCA report.”

Full story

The Independent, 30th April 2013

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Strasbourg ties itself in knots over advertising ban – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted April 24th, 2013 in advertising, animal cruelty, competition, human rights, news, public interest by sally

“In what was a profoundly sad day for democracy, on 22 April 2013 the European Court of Human Rights found in favour of the UK government in a landmark test case concerning a TV advertisement produced by ADI in 2005, and subsequently banned under the Communications Act 2003.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 23rd April 2013

Source: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com

Jacob Rowbottom: A surprise ruling? Strasbourg upholds the ban on paid political ads on TV and Radio – UK Constitutional Law Group

“The European Court of Human Rights has given its decision in Animal Defenders International , holding that the ban on political advertising on the broadcast media does not violate Article 10. I had been convinced that the Strasbourg Court, following earlier decisions in Switzerland and Norway, would come to the opposite conclusion – but I am relieved that they did not. The ban on political ads has been a crucial measure that has helped to keep the cost of politics down in the UK. That said, it was a close shave. The ban was upheld by a majority of 9, with 8 dissenting. The decision was published earlier this morning, so what follows are my initial thoughts.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 22nd April 2013

Source: www.ukconstitutionallaw.org

UK ban on political advertising may be lifted – The Independent

“Britain may be forced to lift its ban on political advertising when the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rules on its lawfulness tomorrow.”

Full story

The Independent, 21st April 2013

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Rise in convictions of badger cruelty as RSPCA accused of using law to get to hunts – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 15th, 2013 in animal cruelty, hunting, licensing, news, prosecutions, statistics, video recordings by sally

“Badger cruelty prosecutions have almost doubled in five years, according to new figures, as the RSPCA is accused of using the law to target huntsmen.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th April 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Student who fried hamster sentenced – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 7th, 2013 in animal cruelty, community service, news, sentencing by sally

“A student who fried a hamster has been ordered to do 120 hours of unpaid of work in the community.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th March 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

RSPCA told in letter to review its prosecution policies by Charity Commission – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 29th, 2013 in animal cruelty, Charity Commission, news, prosecutions by sally

“The RSPCA, Britain’s biggest animal welfare charity, has been officially asked to review its prosecution policies by the charities regulator after it spent hundreds of thousands of pounds bringing a prosecution against David Cameron’s local hunt.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th January 2013

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Elephant owners in court over alleged animal cruelty – The Guardian

Posted November 20th, 2012 in animal cruelty, news by sally

“Secretly filmed footage of a circus elephant being kicked and hit with a pitchfork has been shown at the trial of a husband and wife who are accused of causing the animal unnecessary suffering.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th November 2012

Source: www.guardian.co.uk