Cheap supermarket alcohol could be banned in England – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 18th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, news by sally

“Shops could be forced to raise the basic cost of alcoholic drinks by a third or more, as part of plans to make it harder for young people to access cheap alcohol.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th June 2008


Parents to face court over young drinkers – The Guardian

Posted June 2nd, 2008 in alcohol abuse, children, news by sally

“Parents who give their children alcohol risk being hit with court orders under a new government clampdown on teenagers drinking in public.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st June 2008


Drunk ‘Darth Vader’ spared jail – BBC News

Posted May 13th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, assault, news, sentencing by sally

A man has been given a suspended jail sentence for attacking two Star Wars fans while dressed as Darth Vader.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th May 2008


Boris bans alcohol on buses and tube – The Independent

Posted May 7th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, London, news, transport by sally

” New London Mayor Boris Johnson today announced an alcohol ban on transport in the capital.”

Full story

The Independent, 7th May 2008


Bingo jackpot for drunk Asbo offender – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 24th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, ASBOs, news by sally

“A drinker who injured a woman police officer while resisting arrest was given an Asbo banning him from all pubs and clubs – except when he wants to go to bingo.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th April 2008


Drink-drive offenders could keep licences – The Times

Posted April 21st, 2008 in alcohol abuse, news, road traffic by sally

“Drink drivers would no longer automatically lose their licences under government plans to lower the alcohol limit for motorists to the equivalent of less than a pint of beer or glass of wine.”

Full story

The Times, 21st April 2008


Alcohol law claims only one victim – The Times

Posted March 25th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, licensed premises, licensing, news by sally

“Only one person has been found guilty of selling alcohol to a drunk person since the 2003 Licensing Act was introduced, a minister has admitted.”

Full story

The Times, 25th March 2008


Report warns alcohol abuse and drugs ‘are behind most crimes’ – The Times

Posted March 25th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, crime, drug abuse, news by sally

“Hard drug use and heavy drinking have been highlighted as key problems for Britain in a study by the Government’s Strategy Unit.”

Full story

The Times, 24th March 2008


New powers for police to shut rowdy venues and cut drink-related crime – The Guardian

Posted March 5th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, licensed premises, licensing, news, police by sally

“Ministers are to give the police and local authorities powers to create ‘alcohol-free zones’ through the wholesale withdrawal of licences from pubs and clubs in city-centre problem areas.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th March 2008


Plan to allow road breath tests in court – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 3rd, 2008 in alcohol abuse, news, road traffic offences by sally

“Drink-drivers could be prosecuted on the basis of a roadside breath test for the first time as the Government considers dropping the need for motorists to face a back-up test at a police station.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st March 2008


How single day in court exposed the dominance of Britain’s binge culture – The Times

Posted February 27th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, special report by sally

“The scale of youth binge drinking was exposed yesterday by a single day’s hearings in one court where a dozen teenagers claimed that their separate crimes were all drink fuelled.”

Full story

The Times, 26th February 2008


Super-strength alcohol to be banned – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 26th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, news by sally

“Super-strength lager and cider could be cleared from the shelves under council plans to curb binge drinking across England and Wales.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th February 2008


Relaxed pub laws ‘moved crime to early hours’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 25th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, licensed premises, licensing, news by sally

“An attempt to create a Continental-style cafe culture by letting pubs and clubs open for longer will be branded a failure in a major Government review, with people drinking more and committing crimes late into the night.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th February 2008


More than half of 13-year-olds have drunk alcohol, says home secretary – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, children, news by sally

“The majority of Britain’s 13-year-olds have drunk alcohol, marking a worrying ‘tipping point’ for underage drinking, the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, warned yesterday as she promised to step up enforcement action.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th February 2008


Police will get power to take alcohol away from children – The Independent

Posted February 4th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, children, news, police by sally

“Police officers will get new powers to confiscate alcohol from children caught drinking under plans to be announced by the Home Secretary later this week.”

Full story

The Independent, 4th February 2008


Addiction court hears first case – BBC News

Posted January 28th, 2008 in alcohol abuse, drug abuse, family courts, news by sally

“The UK’s first family drug and alcohol court is due to open in London with the aim of helping parents beat addictions so they can keep their children.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th January 2008


Law change threat to stop binge drinking – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 18th, 2008 in advertising, alcohol abuse, news by sally

“Ministers are threatening to change the law to stop supermarkets advertising beer and wine at bargain prices in a bid to tackle the epidemic of binge drinking sweeping Britain.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th January 2008


UK’s first drug and alcohol court – BBC News

Posted November 26th, 2007 in alcohol abuse, drug offences, family courts, news by sally

“Three London councils have combined to set up the UK’s first Family Drug and Alcohol Court.”

Full story 

BBC News, 26th November 2007


Balls calls for new policies to help ‘tweenagers’ cope with temptation – The Guardian

Posted November 20th, 2007 in alcohol abuse, children, drug abuse, news by sally

“A generation of British “tweenagers” – children aged between eight and 13 – are at risk of losing interest in school and experimenting with drugs and alcohol as the problems traditionally associated with teenagers come into effect earlier, a minister warned yesterday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th November 2007


Disability law can protect alcoholic workers –

Posted November 16th, 2007 in alcohol abuse, disability discrimination, news by sally

“Alcoholic workers could receive protection from the Disability Discrimination Act despite the fact that alcoholism is specifically barred from protection, employment experts have said.”

Full story, 16th November 2007
