Airline worker found guilty of terrorism offences – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted March 1st, 2011 in airlines, Crown Prosecution Service, news, terrorism by sally

“Rajib Karim, a software engineer for British Airways (BA), was found guilty today at Woolwich Crown Court of involvement in preparing a ‘chilling plan’ to blow up a passenger plane.”

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 28th February 2011


British Airways plc v Mak and others – WLR Daily

British Airways plc v Mak and others [2011] EWCA Civ 184; [2011] WLR (D) 63

“The employment tribunal had jurisdiction to entertain claims for race and age discrimination brought against a British airline by employees based in Hong Kong, who worked for the airline on flights between Hong Kong and London among other destinations, since they did work partly in Great Britain and their employment was therefore to be regarded as being at an establishment in Great Britain.”

WLR Daily, 25th February 2011


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd v Delta Air Lines Inc – WLR Daily

Posted February 28th, 2011 in airlines, appeals, law reports, patents, summary judgments by sally

Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd v Delta Air Lines Inc [2011] EWCA Civ 162; [2011] WLR (D) 60

“Notwithstanding the difficulties which could arise in cases where the technology was complex, it should not be assumed that summary judgment was not for patent disputes; the general rules as to summary judgment applied equally to patent cases as to other types of case and where the technology was relatively simple to understand, and the court was able, on summary application, to form a confident view about the claim and its construction, in particular about the understanding of the man skilled in the art, there was no good reason why summary procedure could not be invoked.”

WLR Daily, 25th February 2011


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

‘Airline’ man jailed for London to Durham flights scam – BBC News

Posted December 21st, 2010 in airlines, fraud, news, sentencing by sally

“A man who said he was setting up an airline to operate flights between London and Durham Tees Valley Airport has been jailed for fraud.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th December 2010


Court of Appeal dismisses US-style class action bid – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 26th, 2010 in airlines, class actions, news, price fixing by sally

“The Court of Appeal has dismissed an attempt to bring a US-style class action against British Airways for participating in an airfreight price-fixing cartel, just nine days after the European Commission (EC) fined the airline more than €100m (£85m) for its role in the cartel and told claimants that they could seek damages in national courts.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th November 2010


Malone and others v British Airways plc – WLR Daily

Posted November 5th, 2010 in airlines, collective agreements, contract of employment, law reports, news by sally

Malone and others v British Airways plc [2010] EWCA Civ 1225; [2010] WLR (D) 280

“When considering whether a term in a collective agreement was incorporated into employees’ individual contracts of employment, regard would be had, inter alia, to: (i) whether the provision impacted upon the working conditions of the employees; (ii) whether the provision was in truth a collective matter rather than a personal one; and (iii) what the parties had intended the provision to mean.”

WLR Daily, 4th November 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Regina (Kibris Turk Hava Yollari and another) v Secretary of State for Transport – WLR Daily

Posted October 14th, 2010 in airlines, carriage by air, Cyprus, law reports, treaties by sally

Regina (Kibris Turk Hava Yollari and another) v Secretary of State for Transport [2010] EWCA Civ 1093; [2010] WLR (D) 247

“The Secretary of State for Transport was entitled to refuse to grant operating permits to a Turkish airline and travel agent to allow them to operate scheduled and chartered flights between the United Kingdom and northern Cyprus.”

WLR Daily, 13th October 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

EasyJet founder wins Ryanair libel payout – The Independent

Posted July 15th, 2010 in advertising, airlines, damages, defamation, news by sally

“EasyJet founder Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou accepted undisclosed libel damages today over Ryanair advertisements which accused him of lying.”

Full story

The Independent, 15th July 2010


Ryanair guilty of misleading ads – The Independent

Posted July 14th, 2010 in advertising, airlines, news by sally

“Ryanair has been reprimanded for misleading customers with low-fare offers.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th July 2010


BA pays damages to passenger who was moved – The Independent

Posted June 25th, 2010 in airlines, damages, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A male passenger who claimed British Airways discriminated against him has received an apology and compensation from the airline.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th June 2010


Regina v George and others – WLR Daily

Posted June 15th, 2010 in airlines, appeals, conspiracy, law reports, price fixing by sally

Regina v George and others [2010] EWCA Crim 1148; [2010] WLR (D) 147

“Where a statute imposed criminal liability on an individual who dishonestly agreed with one or more other people to do a prohibited act, the intention and purpose was to criminalise that individual, regardless of whether those other persons were also dishonest.”

Full story

WLR Daily, 14th June 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

EasyJet feud descends into court battle – The Guardian

Posted June 14th, 2010 in airlines, dividends, news, shareholders by sally

“War between budget airline and its largest shareholder moves to high court as Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou accuses easyJet of breaching branding agreement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th June 2010


Easyjet founder takes airline to court in row over branding rights – The Independent

Posted June 9th, 2010 in airlines, brand names, news, shareholders by sally

“A simmering row between flamboyant entrepreneur Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the company he founded, easyJet, is to be taken to court in a battle which could limit the operation of the no-frills airline, and even lead to it losing its name.”

Full story

The Independent, 9th June 2010


British Airways plc v Unite the Union – WLR Daily

Posted May 24th, 2010 in airlines, appeals, ballots, industrial action, law reports, trade unions by sally

British Airways plc v Unite the Union [2010] WLR (D) 131

“When, following a ballot the result of which supported strike action, one was asking whether a union and its members were protected from a claim in tort under certain provisions within Part V of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, the conditions contained in s 231 of the Act as to the provision by the union of information to its members concerning the results of the ballot were critical. However, s 231 was poorly drafted and it was not appropriate to adopt an over-literal interpretation of its wording.”

WLR Daily, 21st May 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

British Airways strikes banned by High Court – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 18th, 2010 in airlines, industrial action, news, trade unions by sally

“Air passengers have received a double dose of good news as the British Airways strike was averted and regulators changed the rules on flying through volcanic ash.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th May 2010


OFT under fire over whistleblowers after BA price-fixing trial fails – The Guardian

Posted May 12th, 2010 in airlines, news, price fixing, whistleblowers by sally

“The consumer watchdog’s reliance on whistleblowers as the bedrock of anti-cartel cases is under scrutiny following the embarrassing collapse of the British Airways price-fixing trial. Legal experts warned that offering immunity in exchange for full co-operation with an investigation threatened to undermine Office of Fair Trading prosecutions by giving whistleblowers influence over evidence gathering and fostering complacency among investigators.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th May 2010


BA price-fixing trial collapses – The Guardian

Posted May 10th, 2010 in airlines, news, price fixing by sally

“Serious and significant failings by the Office of Fair Trading led to the collapse of the trial of senior British Airways executives over allegations of price-fixing with Virgin Atlantic.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th May 2010


Kuwait invasion airline battle back in court – The Independent

Posted May 5th, 2010 in airlines, compensation, news by sally

“An airline battle sparked by Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990 returned to the High Court in London today – six years after the emirate won a judgment against Iraqi Airways which now stands at 1.2 billion dollars.”

Full story

The Independent, 5th May 2010


BA pilot holiday pay row lands in court – BBC News

Posted February 24th, 2010 in airlines, holiday pay, news, trade unions by sally

“British Airways is due in court to fight a union’s attempt to change its policy on holiday pay for pilots.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th February 2010


BA cabin crew lose high court battle to prevent airline cuts – The Guardian

Posted February 19th, 2010 in airlines, contract of employment, news, trade unions by sally

“British Airways cabin crew today lost their high court bid for a permanent injunction preventing the airline from imposing cost-cutting proposals.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th February 2010
