BA cabin crew lose high court battle to prevent airline cuts – The Guardian

Posted February 19th, 2010 in airlines, contract of employment, news, trade unions by sally

“British Airways cabin crew today lost their high court bid for a permanent injunction preventing the airline from imposing cost-cutting proposals.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th February 2010


Eweida v British Airways plc – WLR Daily

Posted February 16th, 2010 in airlines, appeals, employment, law reports, religious discrimination by sally

Eweida v British Airways plc [2010] EWCA Civ 80; [2010] WLR (D) 37

 “A Christian employee who had been suspended from work for wearing with her uniform a small, visible cross in breach of her employer’s staff dress code, which forbade the wearing of visible neck adornment, had not suffered unlawful indirect discrimination.”

WLR Daily, 15th February 2010


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lawyer jailed over £6m airline scam – The Independent

Posted February 8th, 2010 in airlines, fraud, news by sally

“A high-flying City lawyer who conned millions of pounds from her bank bosses to help a friend’s ailing airline has been jailed for five years.”

Full story

The Independent, 6th February 2010


High Court ruling reveals lawyer’s role in £380,000 aviation ‘bribe’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 4th, 2010 in airlines, appeals, bribery, news, solicitors by sally

“A senior City lawyer arranged for a £380,000 ‘bribe’ to be paid to a former Indian state official in a failed attempt to unlawfully secure a lucrative aviation contract for her clients, a High Court ruling has revealed.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 4th February 2010


British Airways faces renewed legal action – BBC News

Posted February 2nd, 2010 in airlines, contract of employment, news, trade unions by sally

“The union Unite is due to go to the High Court to try to get the changes brought in by British Airways to cabin crew last year overturned.”

Full story

BBC News, 2nd February 2010


Government to consult on punishments for breaking online air fare rules –

Posted January 13th, 2010 in airlines, consultations, consumer protection, news, penalties by sally

“The Government will consult within weeks on new penalties for airlines that employ hidden charges to mislead consumers. The action will close a loophole by which airlines can avoid penalties for breaking the law.”

Full story, 11th January 2010


British Airways strike blocked by court – BBC News

Posted December 18th, 2009 in airlines, industrial action, injunctions, news by sally

“A strike by British Airways cabin crew planned for Christmas has been declared illegal in a High Court ruling.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th December 2009


Sturgeon and others v Condor Flugdienst GmbH (Case C-402/07); Böck and another v Air France SA (Case C-432/07) – WLR Daily

Posted November 23rd, 2009 in airlines, carriage by air, compensation, delay, EC law, law reports by sally

Sturgeon and others v Condor Flugdienst GmbH (Case C-402/07); Böck and another v Air France SA (Case C-432/07) [2009] WLR (D) 338

“Airline passengers whose flights were delayed by more than three hours were entitled to compensation.”

WLR Daily, 20th November 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

BA facing union legal challenge – BBC News

Posted October 30th, 2009 in airlines, contract of employment, news, trade unions by sally

“Unite the union is to take legal action to try to stop British Airways’ plans to impose new pay and conditions on 14,000 cabin crew.”

Full story

BBC News, 30th October 2009


Ryanair agrees website clarifications with OFT –

Posted July 14th, 2009 in advertising, airlines, news by sally

“Ryanair will change the way it advertises its services after being referred to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) by advertising regulator the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA).”

Full story, 13th July 2009


British Airways plc v Williams and Others – Times Law Reports

Posted April 28th, 2009 in airlines, law reports, remuneration, working time by sally

British Airways plc v Williams and Others

Court of Appeal

“An airline which based its paid annual leave rate for pilots on their basic salary rather than on what they might be expected actually to earn, including supplements, was not in breach of the statutory holiday pay requirements.”

The Times, 28th April 2009


British Airways plc v Williams and others – WLR Daily

Posted April 7th, 2009 in airlines, law reports, remuneration, working time by sally

British Airways plc v Williams and others [2009] EWCA Civ 281; [2009] WLR (D) 126

“An airline which had paid its pilots during the period of their ‘paid annual leave’ by reference to their basic salary, rather than the pay they might expect to earn, including supplements, during a working week, was not in breach of the applicable statutory requirements as to payment of such paid annual leave.”

WLR Daily, 6th April 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Airlines that break emission rules could have planes seized – The Guardian

Posted March 4th, 2009 in airlines, emissions trading, news, pollution by sally

“The Environment Agency is to be given powers to seize planes from airlines which break the rules of a new scheme to limit flights’ carbon emissions. The transport secretary, Geoff Hoon, and the climate change secretary, Ed Miliband, will today announce the government agency’s new role, which goes far wider than its regulation of other UK industries.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th March 2009


Virgin Atlantic loses design rights and patent claims over flatbed seats –

Posted January 28th, 2009 in airlines, news, patents by sally

“Airline Virgin Atlantic has lost its claim that a rival airline’s seat infringed its intellectual property rights. Virgin Atlantic’s patent design rights were not infringed by a design produced by Virgin’s seat design contractor for a rival, the High Court said.”

Full story, 27th January 2009


Budget airlines break new rules on opt-in website pricing –

Posted December 4th, 2008 in airlines, internet, news by sally

“Budget airlines Ryanair and easyJet are failing to comply with European laws that ban pre-checked boxes on websites that sell flight tickets. New rules provide that optional price supplements must be accepted on an ‘opt-in’ basis.”

Full story, 3rd December 2008


BA executives appear in court to face price-fixing charges – The Times

Posted November 12th, 2008 in airlines, news, price fixing by sally

“Four former and current British Airways executives appeared in court today in the first criminal prosecution for price-fixing against a major UK company.”

Full story 

The Times, 12th November 2008


Stelios takes easyJet to court over branding – The Times

Posted August 18th, 2008 in airlines, brand names, news by sally

” Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou is taking easyJet, the airline that he founded, to the High Court to try to limit its ability to make money from activities that may clash with his other ventures. The surprising spat between the budget carrier and its founder stunned the City yesterday and threatens to limit the airline’s ability to raise revenues.”

Full story

The Times, 18th August 2008


British Airways four charged with criminal price-fixing – The Times

Posted August 8th, 2008 in airlines, news, price fixing by sally

“The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) yesterday charged four past and present executives of British Airways (BA) with criminal price-fixing offences in the first prosecution of its kind against employees of a leading UK business.”

Full story

The Times, 8th August 2008


Office of Fair Trading to charge British Airways executives with price-fixing – The Times

Posted August 7th, 2008 in airlines, news, price fixing by sally

“The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) is set to unveil plans today to charge four past and present executives of British Airways with criminal price-fixing offences. ”

Full story

The Times, 7th August 2008


BAA sues Ryanair over unpaid landing fees – The Times

Posted August 6th, 2008 in airlines, fees, news by sally

“BAA, the airports operator, has started legal action against Ryanair after the budget carrier refused to pay higher landing fees.”

Full story

The Times, 5th August 2008
