Helicopter sex film officer Adrian Pogmore jailed – BBC News
‘A “sex-obsessed” police officer who used his force helicopter to film people having sex has been jailed.’
BBC News, 8th August 2017
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A “sex-obsessed” police officer who used his force helicopter to film people having sex has been jailed.’
BBC News, 8th August 2017
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Two police officers and two pilots accused of misusing a force helicopter to film naked sunbathers and a couple having sex have been cleared of all charges.’
Daily Telegraph, 4th August 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘All drones weighing at least 250g, as well as the people operating them, will need to be registered under new regulatory proposals outlined by the UK government.’
OUT-LAW.com, 25th July 2017
Source: www.out-law.com
‘Campaigners appeal against ruling that government can keep advice secret because it relates to security agencies.’
The Guardian, 20th July 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A huge haul of drugs and mobile phones has been recovered since the introduction of detection measures to crackdown on prison contraband.’
Ministry of Justice, 9th July 2017
Source: www.gov.uk
‘The law on drones should be reviewed, the Solicitor General has said, after the runway at Gatwick Airport was closed over safety fears. Flights were disrupted for parts of Sunday evening after a drone flew too close to the West Sussex airport.’
Daily Telegraph, 3rd July 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘A man who started a fire in the toilet of a plane carrying more than 200 people has had his prison sentence more than doubled at the Court of Appeal.’
Daily Telegraph, 26th May 2017
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
‘We’ve all had the same problem: you walk too far away from your Wi-Fi router and, all of a sudden, your Wi-Fi stops working. We all know that it’s simply because the router’s signal isn’t strong enough to reach you that extra few feet away. There is sadly a limit on the strength of Wi-Fi connectivity. But, if Wi-Fi is so dependent upon your proximity to a router, doesn’t it seem strange that Wi-Fi can work in an aeroplane, 35,000 feet above the ground?’
4 KBW, 28th May 2017
Source: www.4kbw.net
‘The electric car, once only the domain of eccentric Sci-Fi movies, has now well and truly found its way into everyday consumer life. So, what’s next for the world of fuel innovation? Will we really be able to power commercial flights using just electric fuel, as we now can cars?’
4 KBW, 12th May 2017
Source: www.4kbw.net
‘Pilot errors and ineffective measures to protect the public led to the deaths of 11 men when a vintage jet crashed on to a dual carriageway during the Shoreham air show, investigators say.’
BBC News, 3rd march 2017
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Drone usage has evolved from primarily military purposes to a variety of commercial and non-commercial uses today. Some estimates put global spending on drones at almost $91 billion over the next decade, making drones one of the most dynamic components of the aerospace sector.’
Technology Law Update, 2nd December 2016
Source: www.technology-law-blog.co.uk
‘Justice Secretary embarks on a major shake-up of prisons to help cut £15bn cost of reoffending.’
Ministry of Justice, 3rd November 2016
Source: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice
‘An extra 2,500 frontline prison staff are to be recruited to tackle soaring levels of gang violence, drug abuse and attacks on staff and inmates inside prisons across England and Wales, the justice secretary is to announce.’
The Guardian, 2nd November 2016
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
‘The Divisional Court in R(Secretary of State) v Her Majesty’s Chief Coroner for Norfolk (British Airline Pilots intervening) made some potentially noteworthy comments regarding the coronial role and the need to avoid duplicating previous investigations.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 7th October 2016
Source: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘Drones are rapidly being seen as a feature of the near future, because of the dramatic rise in their private use in the UK.’
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 5th September 2016
Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk
‘Drones are rapidly being seen as a feature of the near future, because of the dramatic rise in their private use in the UK.’
Counsel, September 2016
Source: www.counselmagazine.co.uk
‘People found carrying powerful laser pointers should be arrested even if they are not using them, the head of the UK’s aviation regulator has said.’
The Independent, 24th August 2016
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘It has been an overwhelming few weeks, but the reaction to my book about Syria has raised important issues about the treatment of Muslims and how we tackle radicalisation.’
The Guardian, 15th August 2016
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
‘A young woman died in a car crash Tuesday after her vehicle was followed by police investigating reports of a drone being flown near Wandsworth Prison in London. The incident may be the first fatality linked to the non-military use of drones.’
The Independent, 9th August 2016
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘The UK’s Serious Fraud Office has confirmed that it has opened a criminal investigation into allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption in the commercial airline business of Airbus, the defence and aviation firm. The investigation into potential criminal dealings in the sale of commercial planes was launched in July but revealed at the weekend by the European manufacturer.’
The Guardian, 7th August 2016
Source: www.guardian.co.uk