Court enforces German law on military wife’s damages – Law Society’s Gazette

‘An English claimant injured in a crash in Germany has failed in a bid to have her compensation case heard in England and Wales.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 7th October 2014


PC Ian Terry death: GMP officer ‘required to resign’ – BBC News

‘A Greater Manchester Police officer has been forced to step down over the fatal shooting of an unarmed colleague during a training exercise.’

Full story

BBC News, 17th September 2014


Cadet paralysed in fatal skydiving accident sues MoD for £300,000 – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 15th, 2014 in accidents, armed forces, damages, disabled persons, inquests, news, personal injuries by tracey

‘ An Army cadet partly paralysed during a skydiving jump which killed a comrade is suing the Ministry of Defence for more than £300,000. Tim Herlihy, 24, of Stourbridge, was left with incomplete paraplegia after suffering injuries including six burst vertebrae during the accident in 2011 when he collided in mid air with another cadet.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th September 2014


‘Ignorant’ crane boss David Saunders fined over death – BBC News

Posted September 9th, 2014 in accidents, fines, health & safety, news by sally

‘A company has been fined £150,000 after a worker was killed when a crane wheel he was dismantling “exploded like a bomb”.’

Full story

BBC News, 9th September 2014


The different burdens of proof in “highway tripping” and “shop slipping” cases – Zenith PI Blog

Posted September 9th, 2014 in accidents, burden of proof, news, personal injuries by sally

‘There is an important difference in the burden of proof between tripping accidents on highway and slipping accidents in shops.’

Full story

Zenith PI Blog,


Sky faces inquiry over MH17 report – The Guardian

Posted August 18th, 2014 in accidents, aircraft, complaints, inquiries, media, news, ombudsmen by tracey

‘Sky News is to be investigated by the media regulator for broadcasting images of one of its presenters handling a passenger’s belongings at the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash site.’

Full story

The Guardian, 18th August 2014


Bite Size RTA Case Law Update – Zenith Chambers

Posted August 7th, 2014 in accidents, duty of care, negligence, news, road safety, road traffic offences by sally

‘Road traffic accidents are notoriously fact specific, but looking at those cases which go to trial can be helpful in terms of understanding what judges think is important. Here I look at three very different recent cases. In Jade Christian v. South East London & Kent Bus Co.the court reiterated that appellate courts have to exercise the greatest restraint before overturning findings of fact made at first instance. In Gray v. Botwright the Court of Appeal went against the general principle that drivers are entitled to assume that no traffic will be crossing against a red light. In Gupta v. Armstrong & Anor a coach driver who was carefully executing a manoeuvre and failed to see a pedestrian who was trying to flag him down to board was not found to have been negligent to any degree.’

Full story (PDF)

Zenith Chambers, 22nd July 2014


Understanding Serious Brain Injury – No. 5 Chambers

Posted August 7th, 2014 in accidents, disabled persons, news, personal injuries, rehabilitation by sally

‘At any time, as those who have suffered a serious injury to the brain or have been close to someone who has will know, your life can be turned upside down in less than a fated second. The first news of a serious traumatic event is shocking, thoughts often turn to simply holding onto life and then anxiety over the serious permanent disability which may follow; in the mind of those involved it is very much the physical disabilities which are at the forefront.’

Full story

No. 5 Chambers, 16th July 2014


Whiplash assessment report fees cut to tackle fake claims – BBC News

‘Medical assessment fees for people who claim they have suffered whiplash are to be cut in England and Wales.’

Full story

BBC News, 3rd August 2014


Manchester Airport tyre blast: Lufthansa and Storm Aviation pay damages – BBC News

Posted July 17th, 2014 in accidents, aircraft, compensation, news, personal injuries by tracey

‘An engineer who lost an arm and a leg when a tyre on an aircraft exploded at Manchester Airport has been awarded about £600,000 in damages.’

Full story

BBC News, 16th July 2014


Drug-dealer passenger gets Euro-damages for car crash – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Many readers may be wondering how it comes about that a drug-dealer is entitled to compensation against Her Majesty’s Government in circumstances where he was injured during the course of a criminal joint enterprise. The understandable reaction might be: there must be some rule of public policy, reflecting public revulsion, which bars such a claim. The short answer is that there is not.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 7th June 2014


New laws to stop claims firms giving away tablet PCs – BBC News

‘Lawyers and claims firms are to be banned from offering incentives such as free tablet computers to encourage people to make insurance claims’

Full story

BBC News, 7th June 2014


Exaggerated whiplash claims to be thrown out of court in Government crackdown – The Independent

Posted June 9th, 2014 in accidents, compensation, fraud, insurance, news, personal injuries by sally

‘Anyone exaggerating whiplash or other injuries to get compensation will be thrown out of court in a Government crackdown on dishonest claims.’

Full story

The Independent, 7th June 2014


Fenland council binman gets £1.8m rubbish truck payout – BBC News

Posted June 5th, 2014 in accidents, damages, news, personal injuries by sally

‘A binman whose shattered leg had to be amputated above the knee after his rubbish truck hit a parked lorry has been awarded £1.8m in damages.’

Full story

BBC News, 4th June 2014


Police photograph motorists capturing images of crash scene on their mobiles – The Independent

Posted May 19th, 2014 in accidents, news, photography, prosecutions, road traffic offences by sally

‘Motorists who use their mobile phones to take photographs of crash scenes while driving could face prosecution, police have said.’

Full story

The Independent, 18th May 2014


Man who drove into lollipop lady found guilty of driving without due care – The Guardian

Posted May 17th, 2014 in accidents, driving without due care & attention, fines, news by sally

‘A motorist who ploughed into a lollipop lady and a group of children outside a primary school during a coughing fit has been found guilty of driving without due care and attention.’

Full story

The Guardian, 16th May 2014


Cox (Appellant) v Ergo Versicherung AG (formerly known as Victoria) (Respondent) – Supreme Court

Cox (Appellant) v Ergo Versicherung AG (formerly known as Victoria) (Respondent) [2014] UKSC 22 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 2nd April 2014


Hillsborough inquest: Questions and answers – Daily Telegraph

‘The new Hillsborough inquests begin today in Warrington, almost 25 years after Britain’s worst sporting disaster and 18 months after the verdicts in the original inquests were quashed.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st March 2014


From “Shaken Baby Syndrome” to “Non-Accidental Head Injury” – The Continuing Research and the Law – Family Law Week

‘David Bedingfield of 4 Paper Buildings charts the recent history of scientific research into serious non-accidental head injuries suffered by babies and the response of the family and criminal courts in England and Wales.’

Full story

Family Law week, 11th March 2014


Network Rail apologises to families over level crossing deaths – BBC News

Posted March 7th, 2014 in accidents, health & safety, news, railways by tracey

‘Network Rail has offered a “full and unreserved apology” to families bereaved by level crossing accidents. Chief executive Mark Carne apologised for “failings” in managing public safety and for “failing to deal sensitively” with affected families. Since 2010 the risk at level crossings had been reduced by a quarter, it said. The apology came as MPs published a report heavily critical of the way the rail infrastructure company had handled tragedies in the past.’

Full story

BBC News, 7th March 2014
