Drunk driver jailed over student’s death in Nottingham – BBC News
‘A driver has been jailed after causing the death of a university student in a hit-and-run last year.’
BBC News, 13th May 2021
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A driver has been jailed after causing the death of a university student in a hit-and-run last year.’
BBC News, 13th May 2021
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘The 64-page users guide for litigants in person navigating the new Official Injury Claim portal has been strongly criticised by a leading academic for being “hopelessly complicated”.’
Legal Futures, 13th May 2021
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘On 29 April 2021, the government published a consultation on what is to be called the Residential Property Developer Tax (or RPDT). This sets out proposals for the design of a new tax to be charged on the largest residential property developers.’
Practical Law: Construction Blog , 5th May 2021
‘An employment lawyer who appeared at tribunals during a time he said he was “pretty constantly bed bound” due to a back injury has had his disability discrimination claim rejected.’
Legal Futures, 10th May 2021
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘A 64-page users’ guide aimed at litigants in person who have to navigate the “straightforward” Official Injury Claim (OIC) portal for whiplash claims was published yesterday.’
Legal Futures, 30th April 2021
Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk
‘Survivors and bereaved relatives from the Grenfell Tower fire disaster say they are furious after parliament voted for measures that will leave householders facing huge bills for removing dangerous cladding from homes.’
The Independent, 29th April 2021
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘The government has been defeated for a fourth time on its Fire Safety Bill as the House of Lords voted to shield residents from fire safety work costs.’
BBC News, 27th April 2021
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘It would be unjust for a defendant to be bound by the acceptance of a six-year-old part 36 offer on behalf of a protected party just hours before their death, the High Court has indicated.’
Litigation Futures, 22nd April 2021
Source: www.litigationfutures.com
‘Caroline Hall of DAC Beachcroft provides this case summary (via the DAC Beachcroft website) in the case of Vincent v Walker [2021] EWHC 536 (QB). Caroline, instructed by Mike Green at Zurich Insurance on behalf of the defendant driver successfully defended a claim brought by an injured pedestrian.’
Old Square Chambers, 23rd March 2021
Source: oldsquare.co.uk
‘Details of the new SCT RTA Protocol[1] (“the Protocol”) which sits alongside the new whiplash tariff, as set out in The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 (“the Whiplash Regulations”) were announced at the end of February. They will come into force, alongside the accompanying changes to the Civil Procedure Rules, on 31 May 2021.’
12 King's Bench Walk, 3rd March 2021
Source: www.12kbw.co.uk
‘The Vue cinema chain has admitted two health and safety charges over the death of a man crushed under a motorised footrest.’
BBC News, 7th April 2021
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Delays in cases going through the civil court continue to spiral upwards, with the whiplash reforms set to increase pressure on the small claims court even further in the coming months.’
Litigation Futures, 23rd March 2021
Source: www.litigationfutures.com
‘Details of the new SCT RTA Protocol[1] (“the Protocol”) which sits alongside the new whiplash tariff, as set out in The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 (“the Whiplash Regulations”) were announced at the end of February. They will come into force, alongside the accompanying changes to the Civil Procedure Rules, on 31 May 2021.’
12 King's Bench Walk, 3rd March 2021
Source: www.12kbw.co.uk
‘If you are unlucky enough to have a car crash after 31 May 2021 and suffer whiplash injuries, you will face a very different approach to the valuation of and means of obtaining your damages. The new tariff regulations – The Whiplash Injury Regulations 2021 – will reduce general damages significantly, from the potential £4,080 for a 12-month whiplash injury under the Judicial College Guidelines to a fixed £1,320 under the tariff scheme.’
No. 5 Chambers, 1st March 2021
Source: www.no5.com
‘In Jarman v Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust [2021] EWHC 323 (QB), the Claimant brought a claim against the Defendant hospital for failing to promptly diagnose Cauda Equina Syndrome (“CES”).’
Ropewalk Clinical Negligence Blog, 25th February 2021
Source: www.ropewalk.co.uk
‘The government has confirmed that legislation paving the way for whiplash reforms will come into force from 31 May. Newly-published draft statutory instruments have also finally indicated the tariff levels at which damages will be set for soft tissue injuries suffered in road traffic accidents.’
Law Society's Gazette, 26th February 2021
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘A fraudster who faked a road traffic accident and invented a fictitious accident management company to facilitate a whiplash claim has been handed a suspended prison sentence.’
Litigation Futures, 24th February 2021
Source: www.litigationfutures.com
‘An electrician has been cleared of killing a seven-year-old boy who was electrocuted by a set of poorly installed lights in a pub garden.’
BBC News, 16th February 2021
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Highways England has been referred to the Crown Prosecution Service to consider if corporate manslaughter charges are appropriate following a smart motorway death.’
The Independent, 11th February 2021
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘The London Fire Brigade (LFB) has only implemented four of the 29 recommendations suggested to it by the first part of the Grenfell inquiry, a new report has found.’
The Independent, 12th February 2021
Source: www.independent.co.uk