Abortion, mental incapacity and prior intentions: Court of Protection Clarifies the law – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 26th, 2016 in abortion, consent, Court of Protection, domestic violence, medical treatment, news by tracey

‘An NHS Trust v CS (By Her Litigation Friend, the Official Solicitor) ] EWCOP. The Court of Protection does the work of Solomon on a daily basis. Matters of life and death are brought before it, and with them come a mass of conflicting rights, overlapping statutes, and an array of case law from which arguments can be drawn. At the end of it, an individual judge must make a stark decision, which may have the most profound impact on another human being. One of those charged with making such decisions once divided the advocates who appeared before him into those who complicate and those who clarify. There is no surprise as to which he preferred.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 26th February 2016

Source: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com

Woman who took poison to terminate pregnancy jailed – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 18th, 2015 in abortion, news, poisoning, pregnancy, sentencing by tracey

‘Natalie Towers, 24, sentenced to serve two years and six months behind bars after buying poison online to terminate her unborn son.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th December 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Former DPP ‘encouraged abortion on demand’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 30th, 2015 in abortion, Crown Prosecution Service, gender, news, prosecutions by sally

‘High Court case disputes decision by Sir Keir Starmer, the former DPP turned Labour MP, not to bring charges after Telegraph exposé.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th November 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Regina (A and another) v Secretary of State for Health (Alliance for Choice intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted July 30th, 2015 in abortion, appeals, health, human rights, law reports, Northern Ireland by sally

Regina (A and another) v Secretary of State for Health (Alliance for Choice intervening) [2015] EWCA Civ 771; [2015] WLR (D) 335

‘It was entirely logical for the Secretary of State for Health in the exercise of his duty under section 3 of the National Health Service Act 2006 to provide a range of NHS services including abortion services throughout the United Kingdom on the basis of local residence. The Secretary of State was not obliged to exercise his discretion so as to extend free abortion services to women from Northern Ireland and failure to supply such a service was not a breach of rights under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.’

WLR Daily, 22nd July 2015

Source: www.iclr.co.uk

CPS decision to stop private prosecutions of doctors charged with abortion offences – CPS News Brief

‘In February 2012 Drs Sivaraman and Rajmohan were the subject of an undercover operation organised by The Daily Telegraph at various abortion clinics in England. The evidence obtained was passed to the police and, after an investigation, considered by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). It was concluded that in each case there was sufficient evidence of an abortion offence, although this was a finely balanced decision, but that it was not in the public interest to prosecute. On 5 September 2013 and, in more detail, on 7 October 2013 the CPS issued public statements explaining the decision making in these cases.’

Full story

CPS News Brief, 13th March 2015

Source: http://blog.cps.gov.uk

‘Door wide open’ to gender abortion as CPS blocks prosecution of doctors, campaigners claim – Daily Telegraph

‘Prosecutors halt case against doctors filmed in Telegraph investigation over ‘public interest’ considerations.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th March 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

MPs reject backbench bid to amend abortion laws – BBC News

Posted February 24th, 2015 in abortion, amendments, gender, news, parliament, sex discrimination by sally

‘MPs have defeated a cross-party bid to clarify in law that abortion on the grounds of gender alone is illegal in the UK.’

Full story

BBC News, 24th February 2015

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Gendercide abortion law is ‘a risk to mothers’ – The Independent

Posted February 19th, 2015 in abortion, crime, gender, health, news, sex discrimination, women by sally

‘Women’s rights campaigners are calling on MPs to vote against criminalising abortion on grounds of a child’s gender because it could drive the problem underground.’

Full story

The Independent, 18th February 2015

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Abortion doctor will appear in court – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 27th, 2015 in abortion, doctors, news, private prosecutions, sex discrimination by sally

‘Telegraph investigation leads Christian campaigner to mount private prosecution against doctor accused of offering gender-based abortion.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th January 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Toddler who survived abortion is ‘little miracle’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 14th, 2015 in abortion, children, custody, families, health, medical treatment, news, pregnancy by tracey

‘A baby boy who survived a late abortion carried out because his mother’s life was in danger has been described as a “little miracle” by a judge.

Details of the boy’s survival emerged in a Family Court judgment which concluded that the boy should live with his father’s family as his mother said she was unable to look after him.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th January 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board v Doogan and another – WLR Daily

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board v Doogan and another [2014] UKSC 68; [2014] WLR (D) 550

‘The right of conscientious objection under section 4(1) of the Abortion Act 1967 extended to the whole course of medical treatment which brought about the ending of a pregnancy including the medical and nursing care connected with the process, but only in relation to the actual looking after and treatment of the patient rather than the host of ancillary, administrative and managerial tasks associated with it.’

WLR Daily, 17th December 2014

Source: www.iclr.co.uk

Greater Glasgow Health Board (Appellant) v Doogan and another (Respondents) (Scotland) – Supreme Court

Greater Glasgow Health Board (Appellant) v Doogan and another (Respondents) (Scotland) [2014] UKSC 68 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 17th December 2014

Source: www.youtube.com/user/UKSupremeCourt

Catholic midwives’ abortion ruling overturned by supreme court – The Guardian

Posted December 17th, 2014 in abortion, midwives, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘The UK’s highest court has overturned a ruling made in favour of two Catholic midwives who object to any involvement in abortion procedures.’

Full story

The Guardian, 17th December 2014

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Doctor to appear in court in UK’s first gender abortion prosecution – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 10th, 2014 in abortion, conspiracy, doctors, gender, news, private prosecutions by sally

‘Doctor exposed in Telegraph investigation served summons to face conspiracy allegation in landmark sex-selective abortion private prosecution.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th November 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Abortion investigation: Group launches private prosecution – Daily Telegraph

‘Papers submitted to court in bid to trigger rare private prosecution of doctors exposed in The Telegraph’s undercover abortion investigation.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th October 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Do Not Resuscitate notices: Patients’ rights under Article 8 – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The Court of Appeal has declared that the failure of a hospital to consult a patient in their decision to insert a Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Notice in her notes was unlawful and in breach of her right to have her physical integrity and autonomy protected under Article 8.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 17th June 2014

Source: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com

Midwives can take leading role in abortions – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 2nd, 2014 in abortion, midwives, news by sally

‘New guidelines, attacked by MPs and campaigners, clarify that nurses and midwives can ‘administer abortion drugs’ if doctors remain ‘in charge throughout”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 2nd June 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Gender-selective abortion is illegal, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to announce – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 23rd, 2014 in abortion, gender, news by sally

‘Ministers to issue new guidance making clear that sex-selective abortion and pre-signing abortion forms is illegal.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd May 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Girl, 13, can make her own decision about termination, says judge – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 12th, 2014 in abortion, news, young persons by sally

‘A High Court judge has ruled that a 13-year-old girl is capable of making her own decision about whether or not to terminate a pregnancy.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th May 2014

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Do we need a root-and-branch review of the Abortion Act? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted May 6th, 2014 in abortion, doctors, legislation, news by tracey

‘In a thoughtful piece in the Guardian, MP Sarah Wollaston calls for a review of the Abortion Act. She focuses on the decision by the General Medical Council (GMC) not to pursue Fitness to Practice proceedings against 67 doctors who had pre-signed, without assessing the women concerned, the forms used to authorise abortion. She concludes: “… it makes no sense to prolong outdated and paternalistic attitudes that only doctors can make judgments about whether the grounds for the Abortion Act are satisfied. It makes even less sense to leave the situation as it is now with doubts about the legal obligation for a doctor to have seen the woman to whom form HSA1 refers; clear guidance must be issued as to whether doctors may sign based on evidence from clinical nurse specialists. A change to allow clinicians other than doctors to certify directly would, however, require an amendment to the Abortion Act.
In my view, the act is no longer fit for purpose. This would be a good time for a wider review of the ethical arguments and public attitudes, and to establish a legal framework fit for the 21st century.” ‘

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 2nd May 2014

Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk