BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted August 20th, 2024 in law reports by tracey

High Court (Chancery Division)

Michael Wilson & Partners, Ltd v Short [2024] EWHC 2113 (Ch) (19 August 2024)

Matrix Receivables Ltd v Musst Holdings Ltd [2024] EWHC 2167 (Ch) (19 August 2024)

Wright & Ors v Chappell & Ors, Re BHS Group Ltd & Ors [2024] EWHC 2166 (Ch) (19 August 2024)

Finnan v Candey Ltd [2024] EWHC 2157 (Ch) (19 August 2024)

High Court (Commercial Court)

Thiscompany Ltd & Ors v Welsh & Ors [2024] EWHC 2159 (Comm) (19 August 2024)


Family reunion and human rights: KF (Syria) overturned in new Upper Tribunal decision – EIN Blog

Posted August 20th, 2024 in families, human rights, immigration, news by tracey

‘In the newly reported Upper Tribunal decision in Al Hassan & Ors. (Article 8; entry clearance; KF (Syria)) [2024] UKUT 00234 (IAC), my client, a Syrian national, arrived in the UK through a resettlement scheme. She applied to be reunited with her siblings, as well as her nieces and nephews. This was through the standard family reunion route, outside of the Immigration Rules. Our point, inter alia, was that KF and others (entry clearance, relatives of refugees) Syria [2019] UKUT 413 (IAC) was wrong in law to only look at the sponsor’s rights, as well as the argument that the risk of refoulement in a family reunion appeal surely has to be the biggest interference in family life.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 19th August 2024


Jurisdiction of the FTT on referrals of rent increases. – Nearly Legal

Posted August 20th, 2024 in appeals, housing, jurisdiction, landlord & tenant, news, rent, repossession, tribunals by tracey

‘A couple of cases, one Upper Tribunal, one Court of Appeal, both concerned with the Tribunal’s jurisdiction on proposed rent increases in assured and assured shorthold tenancies.’

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Nearly Legal, 19th August 2024


Firm “did not know solicitor was disabled” when it withdrew job offer – Legal Futures

‘A legal business did not know a solicitor was disabled and had bipolar disorder when it decided to withdraw his job offer, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 20th August 2024


Law student wins partial victory in court challenge to expulsion – Legal Futures

Posted August 20th, 2024 in bail, disciplinary procedures, judicial review, news, ombudsmen, universities by tracey

‘A law student has won a partial victory in a judicial review challenging the recommendations of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), an independent body which reviews student complaints about universities.’

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Legal Futures, 20th August 2024


Procurement Act guidance on frameworks is out – Buyers beware! – Local Government Lawyer

‘The latest batch of guidance on the Procurement Act 2023 (the Act) released by the Cabinet Office includes the eagerly awaited guidance on frameworks. Dr Steven Brunning looks at the key considerations.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 16th August 2024


The interpretation of teaching regulation legislation – Local Government Lawyer

‘Leon Glenister reports on a successful defence to a judicial review challenging the established interpretation of teaching regulation legislation.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 19th August 2024


Police custody death investigated by watchdog – BBC News

Posted August 20th, 2024 in death in custody, news, ombudsmen, police by tracey

‘A man’s death after he was arrested and held in custody in Surrey is being investigated by the police watchdog.’

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BBC News, 19th August 2024


GP deemed unfit to practice after unlawful protests – BBC News

‘A tribunal has ruled that a retired GP, who caused criminal damage during climate protests, committed professional misconduct and is unfit to practice.’

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BBC News, 19th August 2024


Sixfold rise in foreign care workers in UK complaining of exploitation – The Guardian

‘The number of foreign social care workers reporting that they are trapped in exploitative contracts has risen sixfold in the last three years, in the latest evidence of widespread abuse of migrants in the British care system.’

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The Guardian, 19th August 2024


Lawyers seeking arms export ban submit claims of Israeli war crimes to UK court – The Guardian

Posted August 20th, 2024 in export controls, international law, Israel, news, war, war crimes, weapons by tracey

‘Claims of Palestinians being tortured, left untreated in hospital and unable to escape constant bombardment have been submitted to the high court in London by lawyers seeking an order preventing the UK government continuing to grant arms export licences to British companies selling arms to Israel.’

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The Guardian, 19th August 2024


‘It’s not like you were beaten’: The horrifying misogyny vulnerable women face from the judge’s bench – The Independent

‘Domestic abuse survivors warn that – inside the secretive family courts – they are being ‘retraumatised’ by the legal system, and say judges are the worst offenders.’

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The Independent, 17th August 2024


140 women win payouts for vaginal mesh complications – The Independent

Posted August 20th, 2024 in compensation, medical treatment, news, personal injuries, time limits, women by tracey

‘Some 140 women who experienced distressing side effects after getting vaginal mesh implants have won payouts expected to stretch into millions of pounds in England.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th August 2024
