Coroner warns Met failures leading to murder of Zara Aleena could happen again – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in coroners, inquests, murder, news, offensive weapons, police, probation, recidivists, stalking by michael

‘In a report addressed to the home secretary, the justice secretary, Met commissioner Mark Rowley and others, East London area coroner Nadia Persaud warned that similar deaths would occur unless services improved.’

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The Guardian, 2nd August 2024


Salon owner ‘exhausted’ by legal battle with L’Oréal – BBC News

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in intellectual property, news, trade marks by michael

‘The French firm is opposing Rebecca Dowdeswell’s attempt to renew the trademark on the name of her business – nkd – in Leicester city centre.’

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BBC News, 2nd August 2024


Face of British army recruitment drive wins payout for racist and sexist abuse – The Guardian

‘A former soldier who appeared on recruitment posters for the British army has received a settlement and an apology after taking it to an employment tribunal over the racist and sexist abuse she was subjected to during her career.’

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The Guardian, 2nd August 2024


Juror swears oath on river in legal first – BBC News

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in environmental health, environmental protection, juries, news, water by michael

‘Paul Powlesland was not far off quoting Shakespeare when he became probably the first juror in history to swear a legal oath on a river.’

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BBC News, 2nd August 2024


Obstruction of the highway – Local Government Lawyer

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in licensing, local government, news, roads, statutory duty by michael

‘Highway authorities have a statutory duty to assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of any highway for which they are the highway authority (Section 130 of the Highways Act 1980) and part of this statutory duty is to try to prevent obstruction of highways.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 2nd August 2024


Green light for billionaire to challenge law firm’s £13m fees – Legal Futures

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in appeals, costs, fees, law firms, news, solicitors by michael

‘The Court of Appeal has upheld a decision that none of the 79 invoices worth nearly £13m received by a billionaire businessman over six years were statutory bills, meaning they remain open for challenge.’

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Legal Futures, 2nd August 2024


Why did a judge name Southport stabbing suspect Axel Rudakubana?

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in anonymity, children, judges, murder, news, public interest, public order, young offenders by michael

‘Under Section 49 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933, minors facing criminal charges have an automatic right to anonymity in a youth court. Judges will also impose reporting restrictions for most cases heard in an adult court if the defendant is under 18.’

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The Independent, 1st August 2024


Senior police officer who tackled violence against women fired for ‘punching two women’ – The Independent

‘A panel concluded on Wednesday that the officer’s behaviour in May last year constituted gross misconduct. He has been dismissed and placed on the barred list (banned from policing)’

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The Independent, 1st August 2024


Serial killer Levi Bellfield blocked from having civil partnership – The Guardian

Posted August 2nd, 2024 in civil partnerships, human rights, imprisonment, legal aid, marriage, murder, news, prisons by michael

‘The serial killer Levi Bellfield has been blocked from having a civil partnership, after a new law came into force stopping the most serious offenders getting married behind bars.’

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The Guardian, 2nd August 2024


‘My rapist is now my stalker’: Woman blames years of police errors – BBC News

‘A woman who says she was raped in 2017 has described the criminal justice system as “absolutely broken” after a series of problems and errors allowed the accused man to allegedly start stalking her.’

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BBC News, 2nd August 2024


Headteacher paid damages in disability discrimination case against Ofsted – The Guardian

‘A primary school headteacher with multiple sclerosis (MS) has been paid damages in a landmark disability discrimination case against Ofsted, after her request to postpone an inspection over a relapse in her symptoms was refused.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 1st August 2024
