Tribunal rules after surgeon left women in agony – BBC News

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in consent, doctors, health, medical treatment, news, professional conduct by sally

‘A surgeon who left patients in “agony” made a number of failures, a tribunal has found.’

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BBC News, 2nd July 2024


Naoise Coakley: “You could be waiting forever”: Managing Autism Assessment Waiting Lists – Essex CAJI

‘In 2023, the York Disability Rights Forum announced their intention to bring judicial review proceedings against the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board on the basis that its adult autism and ADHD assessment pilot pathway was unlawful. The pilot had been introduced in March 2023 in response to increasing numbers of adults seeking an assessment, a growing waiting list, and an existing system which could not keep up. Effectively, the pilot introduced narrowed eligibility criteria so that only adults who were considered ‘at-risk’ were added to the waiting list for an assessment. All other adults could be placed on another waiting list with no end date, and no guarantee of an assessment. The York Disability Rights Forum says that this pilot restricts the rights of neurodivergent people from gaining diagnosis, and may violate the right to family and private life protected under Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights.’

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Essex CAJI, 2nd July 2024


Raising Racism at Inquests – Law Pod UK

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in chambers articles, inquests, news, podcasts, racism by sally

‘In Episode 201 Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Emma Snell of JUSTICE and Christian Weaver, a barrister at Garden North Chambers about Achieving Racial Justice at Inquests: A Practitioner’s Guide (2024), a guide recently published by JUSTICE and INQUEST.’

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Law Pod UK, 3rd July 2024


Navigating belief, discrimination, employment and professional ethics: Ngole – Law & Religion UK

‘Readers with long memories may recall that when Felix Ngole was a second-year Master’s student on a social work course at Sheffield University, he was excluded from the course by the Faculty of Social Sciences Fitness to Practise Committee after comments he had posted on Facebook about his personal opposition to same-sex marriage. He sought judicial review of that decision, and though the Administrative Court found for the University, in R (Ngole) v The University of Sheffield [2019] EWCA Civ 1127 the Court of Appeal allowed his appeal and remitted his case for reconsideration. We noted the appeal here.’

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Law & Religion UK, 2nd July 2024


Judge rejects defendant’s request to pay law firm’s £2m costs – Legal Futures

Posted July 3rd, 2024 in costs, fees, fraud, law firms, news by sally

‘A High Court judge has refused a request from a defendant in the London Capital & Finance fraud case to use the proceeds of sale of his home to pay his solicitors over £2m.’

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Legal Futures, 3rd July 2024


How has Lucy Letby tried to fight guilty verdicts and what could happen next? – The Guardian

‘Lucy Letby was convicted last year of murdering seven babies and attempting to kill six others at the Countess of Chester hospital in north-west England, where she worked as a nurse. She is serving 14 whole-life sentences, meaning she will never be released from prison.’

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The Guardian, 2nd July 2024
