The (Shifting) Audience of Energy Law – King’s Law Journal

Posted July 31st, 2024 in climate change, energy, housing, news by sally

‘Energy is key to our climate goals, our economy and our everyday lives: from the electricity that is now powering your laptop, the stove that cooks your food, to the energy used by the factory that has produced your shoes. Energy prices in the UK rose dramatically between 2021 and 2023, increasing the strain on household-level and public costs.’

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King's Law Journal, 28th July 2024


Court of Appeal expresses “cautious concern” for both parties and judges in commercial cases – Gatehouse Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in agreements, chambers articles, licensing, news, trade marks, trade names by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has upheld the decision of the Commercial Court in Virgin Aviation TM Ltd & Anor v Alaska Airlines Inc (Formerly Virgin America Inc) [2024] EWCA Civ 622, the trial of which took 5 days and involved extensive expert evidence, on the question of the proper interpretation of provisions in a licensing agreement relating to royalty payments.’

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Gatehouse Chambers, 4th July 2024


Statutory homelessness (England): Causes and government policy – House of Commons Library

Posted July 31st, 2024 in budgets, homelessness, housing, news by sally

‘Outlines the main drivers of homelessness and summarises the UK Government’s approach to tackling homelessness in England, including stakeholder views and comment.’

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House of Commons Library, 30th July 2024


How clean is your cash? – Mountford Chambers

‘Fatima Jama examines the Court of Appeal’s decision in R (World Uyghur Congress) v National Crime Agency [2024] EWCA Civ 715, and its implications.’

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Mountford Chambers, 16th July 2024


Deposit orders: Addison Lee Limited v Afshar and others – Old Square Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in chambers articles, deposits, employment tribunals, news by sally

‘In Addison Lee Limited v Afshar and others [2014] EAT 114, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (“EAT”) has given important guidance on the principles which govern the making of deposit orders under rule 39 of the Employment Tribunals Rules of Procedure and has considered the appropriateness of deposit orders in a case involving multiple claimants where some of the issues to be determined had been decided against the respondent in earlier proceedings involving different claimants.’

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Old Square Chambers, 18th July 2024


Court of Appeal expresses “cautious concern” for both parties and judges in commercial cases – Gatehouse Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in agreements, chambers articles, licensing, news, trade marks, trade names by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has upheld the decision of the Commercial Court in Virgin Aviation TM Ltd & Anor v Alaska Airlines Inc (Formerly Virgin America Inc) [2024] EWCA Civ 622, the trial of which took 5 days and involved extensive expert evidence, on the question of the proper interpretation of provisions in a licensing agreement relating to royalty payments.’

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Gatehouse Chambers, 4th July 2024


A Paradigm Case for Non-court Dispute Resolution – Becket Chambers

‘The court’s duty to further the overriding objective by actively case managing has been given added impetus by the revisions to FPR Part 3 and Part 28 which came into effect on the 29 April 2024.’

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Becket Chambers, 23rd July 2024


Constructive Knowledge of Neurodiversity – A Reminder of the Correct Test to be Applied – Parklane Plowden Chambers

‘The EAT handed down its judgment in the case of Godfrey v Natwest Markets plc [2024] EAT 81 on 24 May 2024.’

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Parklane Plowden Chambers, 27th June 2024


New methods of service a boon to landowners seeking interim injunctions against persons unknown – Gatehouse Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in chambers articles, injunctions, news, service, telecommunications by sally

‘A recent landmark decision may allow novel and unusual methods of service in welcome news for landowners who seek to prevent trespassing by persons unknown.’

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Gatehouse Chambers, 15th July 2024


Opening the Sewer-Gates: An Exploration of the Supreme Court’s Decision in Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilities Water Ltd (No. 2) [2024] UKSC 22 – Francis Taylor Building

Posted July 31st, 2024 in chambers articles, news, nuisance, sewerage, Supreme Court, waste, water by sally

‘Winston Churchill once remarked that “[for] my own part, I see little glory in an Empire which can rule the waves and is unable to flush its sewers”. Had he been alive today, he may have lamented that modern Britain now does neither.’

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Francis Taylor Building, 18th July 2024


Anatomising a disaster: The Infected Blood Inquiry – Landmark Chambers

‘After 40 years of campaigning, thousands of people affected by the infected blood scandal gathered on 20 May in Westminster Central Hall to give the chair of the Infected Blood Inquiry what can only be described as a ‘rock star’ welcome.’

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Landmark Chambers, 16th July 2024


Statutory homelessness (England): The legal framework and performance – House of Commons Library

Posted July 31st, 2024 in homelessness, housing, local government, news, statistics by sally

‘An overview of the legal framework for statutory homelessness support in England and how local authorities are delivering these duties. The briefing also summarises official homelessness statistics.’

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House of Commons Library, 30th July 2024


Alfie Lewis examines recent case law on the tort of inducing a breach of contract – Littleton Chambers

‘The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment in the case of Northamber PLC v Genee World Limited anors [2024] EWCA Civ 428. Arnold LJ, with whom Phillips LJ and Lewisham LJ agreed, has shed light on important aspects of claims for inducing breach of contract.’

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Littleton Chambers, 24th July 2024


Alerter by Jack Castle – Manchester Ship Canal (No.2) and Group Litigation – Henderson Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in chambers articles, news, nuisance, sewerage, Supreme Court, waste, water by sally

‘The Supreme Court in Manchester Ship Canal (No.2) [2024] UKSC 22 has decided that a riparian owner will have a right of action in private nuisance against a water company for discharge of foul water, without needing to show the water company’s negligence or deliberate misconduct. This is a substantial clarification of Marcic v Thames Water Utilities Ltd [2003] UKHL 66, which (it was thought) decided that such claims were barred against sewerage undertakers by the existence of the statutory scheme following privatisation. This decision may mark the beginning of group litigation against sewerage undertakers for discharging untreated sewage into rivers and canals.’

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Henderson Chambers, 12th July 2024


Case Summary (Property): The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilities Water Ltd No 2 [2024] UKSC 22 – Lamb Chambers

Posted July 31st, 2024 in chambers articles, news, nuisance, sewerage, Supreme Court, waste, water by sally

‘Absent negligence or deliberate misconduct, can owners of watercourses or bodies of water bring actions for nuisance or trespass where water is polluted from statutory sewerage undertakers?’

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Lamb Chambers, July 2024


‘Cult’ members guilty of trying to kidnap coroner – BBC News

Posted July 31st, 2024 in conspiracy, coroners, false imprisonment, kidnapping, news by sally

‘Members of an “anti-establishment cult” who stormed into a court with handcuffs have been found guilty of trying to kidnap a coroner.’

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BBC News, 30th July 2024


Remediation orders under s.123 of the BSA 2022: what might fetter an unfettered discretion? – Falcon Chambers

‘The First-tier Tribunal has now twice rejected an argument that the power of the Tribunal to make a remediation order under s.123 must be exercised where the threshold criteria are met.’

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Falcon Chambers, 10th July 2024


Irregular, not illegal: what the UK government’s language reveals about its new approach to immigration – EIN Blog

Posted July 31st, 2024 in asylum, deportation, government departments, immigration, news, Rwanda by sally

‘One of Keir Starmer’s first acts as prime minister was to kill off the previous government’s flagship asylum policy. The Rwanda plan was doomed from the start, dogged by legal and political difficulties and culminating in a £320 million bill to the taxpayer with no planes actually taking off.’

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EIN Blog, 30th July 2024


Review body warns on quality of judges as it calls for 6% pay rise – Legal Futures

Posted July 31st, 2024 in judges, judicial appointments commission, judiciary, news, remuneration by sally

‘The Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) has expressed its “unease” at a “long-term decline” in quality ratings for new district and circuit judges as it recommended a 6% pay rise across the bench.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 31st July 2024


An update on handling applicable law issues in cross-jurisdictional cases: The cases of Yordanov v. Vasilev & Ors [2024] and Nicholls v. Mapfre [2024] – Farrar’s Building

‘This article provides a short synopsis of two key 2024 decisions, Yordanov [2024] and Mapfre [2024], which raised issues surrounding the applicable law to substantive issues, interest, and subrogated claims.’

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Farrar's Building, 17th July 2024
