Councillor who sold puppies without licence handed £50k confiscation order – Local Government Lawyer

Posted June 19th, 2024 in animals, confiscation, licensing, local government, news, proceeds of crime by sally

‘A councillor in Gloucester has been ordered to pay £49,823.36 for selling puppies without a licence.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 18th June 2024


Stephen Lawrence detectives will not face charges – BBC News

‘Four retired detectives who ran the first Stephen Lawrence murder investigation should not face criminal charges for their actions in the case, a review has concluded.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th June 2024


Oceans group takes UK government to court over oil and gas licences – The Guardian

‘A marine conservation group has initiated legal action against the UK government, claiming the Conservatives’ decision to issue North Sea oil and gas licences without taking into account their impact on the environment was unlawful.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th June 2024


Employment can offer barristers more ethical protection – Legal Futures

Posted June 19th, 2024 in barristers, employment, law firms, news by sally

‘Being employed by companies or law firms can give barristers more protection when faced with ethical challenges than those in private practice, it has been suggested.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 19th June 2024


Fern Britton stalker given 10-year restraining order – BBC New

Posted June 19th, 2024 in community service, media, news, restraining orders, sentencing, stalking by sally

‘A man with a “crush” on TV presenter Fern Britton has been given a 10-year restraining order following a “prolonged campaign” against her.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th June 2024


Joey Barton to pay Jeremy Vine £75,000 after calling him a ‘bike nonce’ – The Guardian

Posted June 19th, 2024 in damages, defamation, internet, media, news, sport by sally

‘The former footballer and manager Joey Barton has issued a public apology on the social media site X and has agreed to pay £75,000 to Jeremy Vine, after a high court ruling that calling the broadcaster a “bike nonce” on social media was defamatory.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 18th June 2024


BAILII: Recent Decisions

Posted June 18th, 2024 in law reports by tracey

Court of Appeal (Civil Division)

The Persons Identified In Schedule 1 To the Re-Amended Particulars of Claim v Standard Chartered Plc [2024] EWCA Civ 674 (17 June 2024)

High Court (Administrative Court)

Birmingham City Council, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Transport [2024] EWHC 1487 (Admin) (17 June 2024)

High Court (Chancery Division)

Matrix Receivables Ltd v Musst Holdings Ltd [2024] EWHC 1495 (Ch) (17 June 2024)

Tinkler v Esken Ltd & Ors [2024] EWHC 1490 (Ch) (17 June 2024)

Hobson & Anor v OAS Realisations (2022) Ltd [2024] EWHC 1491 (Ch) (17 June 2024)

High Court (King’s Bench Division)

Yordanov v Vasilev & Ors [2024] EWHC 1496 (KB) (17 June 2024)

Holcroft v Thorneycroft Solicitors Ltd [2024] EWHC 1473 (KB) (17 June 2024)


Tracing The Effects Of Salary Hikes For Sponsored Workers – EIN Blog

Posted June 18th, 2024 in immigration, news, remuneration, sponsored immigrants by tracey

‘On April 4, new salary thresholds for sponsored workers came into effect, as part of the wide-ranging changes to immigration rules that the government confirmed in March.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 17th June 2024


Illegal disposal of pews: Church of St Michael, Bath, Twerton-on-Avon – Law & Religion UK

Posted June 18th, 2024 in ecclesiastical law, faculties, jurisdiction, news by tracey

‘In a guest post, Shirani Herbert, Legal Correspondent of the Church Times, reviews the errors, irregularities and illegality following the removal of pews under licence – Re: Church of St Michael, Bath, Twerton-on-Avon, [2024] ECC B&W 1.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 18th June 2024


UK seaman visa guidance gives clarity to offshore employers –

Posted June 18th, 2024 in employment, immigration, news, ships, visas by tracey

‘Recently published UK government guidance provides employers, particularly those operating in UK territorial waters, with important clarification on the issue of which seamen and offshore workers require a work visa and which do not, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 17th June 2024


Failure to serve – Local Government Lawyer

Posted June 18th, 2024 in enforcement notices, magistrates, news, service by tracey

‘A recent High Court case illustrates the breadth of the points which can be raised before the Magistrates if the defendant is not served with an enforcement notice, writes Roderick Morton.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 14th June 2024


Urgent judicial review claim issued over planned closure by council of “vital” mental health services – Local Government Lawyer

Posted June 18th, 2024 in judicial review, local government, mental health, news by tracey

‘A group of claimants are challenging Devon County Council’s decision to close the North Devon Link drop-in services, including on the basis that the local authority failed to have regard to mandatory considerations including its duties under the Care Act 2014 and Health and Social Care Act 2012.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 17th June 2024


One in four SME law firms yet to embrace SQE – Legal Futures

Posted June 18th, 2024 in examinations, law firms, news, solicitors by tracey

‘More than a quarter of SME law firms (27%) have not yet embraced the Solicitors Qualiying Exam (SQE), and nearly a half are not offering solicitor apprenticeships, research has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th June 2024


Law firm fined for allowing COFA to steal £157,000 – Legal Futures

Posted June 18th, 2024 in client accounts, fines, fraud, law firms, news by tracey

‘A law firm whose compliance officer for finance and administration (COFA) stole £157,000 has been fined for not having proper systems governing payments from client account.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th June 2024


Law firm moves staff to four-day week – Legal Futures

Posted June 18th, 2024 in law firms, news, remuneration, working time by tracey

‘A law firm with nearly 50 people specialising in family and commercial work has seen fee income rise after introducing a four-day week.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 18th June 2024


Court of Appeal rules on construction of securities linked to Argentina’s gross domestic product – 39 Essex Chambers

Posted June 18th, 2024 in chambers articles, contracts, debts, interpretation, news by tracey

‘On 12 June 2024, the Court of Appeal gave judgment in Palladian Partners LP v The Republic of Argentina [2024] EWCA Civ 641, dismissing Argentina’s appeal against a judgment of Picken J ([2023] EWHC 711 (Comm)) which awarded €1.33bn to institutional and corporate holders of certain Euro-denominated debt securities linked to Argentina’s GDP (“the Securities”) under which Argentina had failed to make payment.’

Full Story

39 Essex Chambers, 14th June 2024


Stalking and harassment: beyond baby reindeer – 7BR

Posted June 18th, 2024 in chambers articles, harassment, news, stalking by tracey

‘This article briefly explains the law concerning the criminal offences of stalking and harassment, considers the definition of these offences, and highlights some relevant recent cases.’

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7BR, 10th June 2024


“Can I get my Rolex back?” – the Seizure and Forfeiture of Listed Assets – Mountford Chambers

Posted June 18th, 2024 in chambers articles, forfeiture, news, proceeds of crime, search & seizure by sally

‘Many criminal defence solicitors will be very familiar with cash detention orders and Account Freezing Orders made by the magistrates’ court under Part 5 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’).’

Full Story

Mountford Chambers, 22nd May 2024


Pupils mocked and put in headlocks by school staff – BBC News

‘A senior staff member at an independent school for children with special educational needs has been recorded by BBC Panorama saying how he wanted to drown a pupil in a bath “like a kitten”.
An undercover reporter spent almost seven weeks at Life Wirral in Wallasey and witnessed staff using offensive language to mock pupils for their neurodiversity or learning disabilities, as well as manhandling them into dangerous headlocks.’

Full Story

BBC news, 17th June 2024


Doctors call for English drink-drive limit to be cut to equivalent of a small drink – The Guardian

Posted June 18th, 2024 in alcohol abuse, doctors, drunk in charge, news, road safety by tracey

‘Doctors have called for England’s drink-driving limit to be reduced to the equivalent of a small glass of wine or beer, in a proposal supported by a number of medical and road safety organisations.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 17th June 2024
