Report calls for major overhaul of BSB enforcement processes – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has the right approach to dealing with complaints about barristers’ conduct but there are “a large number of areas” for improvement, a major review has concluded.’

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Legal Futures, 12th April 2024


Changes to legal migration rules for family and work visas in 2024 – House of Commons Library

Posted April 12th, 2024 in families, government departments, immigration, news, parliament, visas by sally

‘On 4 December 2023 the Home Secretary, James Cleverly, announced future changes to visa rules in what he described as a “five-point plan” to reduce immigration. The Home Office released more information on 21 December, including some adjustments to what had initially been announced.’

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House of Commons Library, 11th April 2024


Post office operator wrongly jailed while pregnant rejects executive’s apology – The Guardian

‘A post office operator who was wrongly prosecuted while pregnant has rejected a Post Office executive’s apology for having sent an email celebrating her conviction as “brilliant news”.’

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The Guardian, 11th April 2024


SLAPP campaigners call for ‘objective’ test in new law – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 12th, 2024 in bills, defamation, freedom of expression, human rights, news by sally

‘Prominent human rights lawyers Helena Kennnedy KC and Mark Stephens are among the legal signatories to a letter calling for a simpler test for a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) in legislation aimed at curbing abusive litigation.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 11th April 2024


Judge urges police to “carefully consider” position and role of Family Court when determining bail conditions – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 12th, 2024 in bail, children, families, family courts, fostering, judges, local government, news, police by sally

‘The High Court has ruled that a family court judge was in a “much better position” to determine whether unsupervised contact with a child could be appropriately managed, than were the Police.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th April 2024


King Charles exempt from Wales’ farming-law prosecution – BBC News

Posted April 12th, 2024 in agriculture, immunity, news, prosecutions, royal family, Wales by sally

‘King Charles cannot be prosecuted under a new farming law in an exemption reluctantly agreed by the Welsh government.’

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BBC News, 10th April 2024


Carers scandal: why are so many being prosecuted by the UK government? – The Guardian

‘George Henderson was convicted of fraud and had to repay £19,500 in carer’s allowance years after ticking the wrong box on the form. He is not alone. The Guardian society editor, Patrick Butler, looks at why thousands are facing prosecution over innocent mistakes.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2024


Human Rights embrace Climate Change – Law Pod UK

Posted April 12th, 2024 in climate change, environmental protection, human rights, news, podcasts by sally

‘Strasbourg Court fashions human rights out of climate change. David Hart KC discusses latest developments with Rosalind English.’

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Law Pod UK, 10th April 2024


Carer convicted over benefit error worth 30p a week fights to clear his name – The Guardian

‘A carer who says he was “dragged through the courts” and had to sell his home to pay back almost £20,000 in benefit overpayments is fighting to clear his name after the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) acknowledged he made an innocent mistake.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2024


Council possession claim rejected after it dismissed long-term homosexual partner of tenant as friend in succession case – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 12th, 2024 in cohabitation, costs, homosexuality, housing, local government, news, repossession by sally

‘Islington Council has been ordered to pay costs after the dismissal of possession proceedings it brought against a tenant that the council did not consider was in a homosexual relationship with the former tenant, who had passed away.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 11th April 2024


UK has real concerns about AI risks, says competition regulator – The Guardian

Posted April 12th, 2024 in artificial intelligence, competition, news, ombudsmen by sally

‘Just six major technology companies are at the heart of the AI sector through an “interconnected web” of more than 90 investments and partnerships links, the UK’s competition regulator has warned, sparking increased concern about the anti-competitive nature of the technology.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th April 2024
