‘The case of Andy Casey sheds light again on the difficult question of diagnosing death by neurological criteria (“DNC”), and the wider question of what, in fact, it means to be dead. For those who want to know more about it, this explainer by my colleagues Victoria Butler-Cole KC and Ben Tankel is helpful; my review of the recent book on the medico-legal development of neurological death in the UK by Dr Kartina Choong may also be helpful. And some may want to see the 2008 Code of Practice for the Diagnosis and Confirmation of Death by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, as well as the 2015 RCPCH Code relating to those under 2 months old (both currently under review).’
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Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 25th September 2023
Source: www.mentalcapacitylawandpolicy.org.uk