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‘I appreciate that not everyone will agree but, as well as striving to get to the right answer, correctly applying the law, and so on, most adjudicators also want to provide the parties with a decision that is ultimately enforceable by the TCC. I think I also speak for most adjudicators when I say that it comes as somewhat of a relief when we read a judgment on BAILII or the like and we’ve been enforced.
But what about cases where only part of the decision is enforced, and the other part is severed? It is arguable that for the adjudicator it is, to use the language of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, “just a flesh wound”. However, I can attest to the fact that it is frustrating, having been one of the first adjudicators to be severed back in 2012 in Beck Interiors v UK Flooring Contractors. I was thoroughly annoyed with myself for getting it wrong and only part of my decision was enforced (but I was assured by my peers that “tis but a scratch”).’
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Practical Law: Construction Blog, 19th January 2022
‘As the Assisted Dying Bill is scrutinised in parliament, the debate over whether terminally ill people should have the right to die is heating up again. So, what could a right to die look like in the UK?’
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Each Other, 20th January 2022
‘The proposals, developed by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Health Research Authority (HRA) in collaboration with clinical research experts, are aimed at ending the existing “one size fits all” approach to clinical trials regulation in the UK and replacing it with a risk-based framework.’
Full Story, 18th January 2022
‘A heavyweight Court of Appeal, comprising the Master of the Rolls, the Vice President of the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) and Nicola Davies LJ has handed down judgment in the conjoined appeals of Paul v Wolverhampton NHS Trust; Polmear v Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS Trust; Purchase v Ahmed [2022] EWCA Civ 12 (referred to, together, in this post as “Paul”). The appeal has been awaited and closely watched, dealing as it does with claims for psychiatric injury by secondary victims (that category of cases referred to, historically, as “nervous shock claims”) in a clinical negligence context. The Master of the Rolls gave the leading judgment, with which the Vice President and Nicola Davies LJ agreed.’
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Ropewalk Clinical Negligence Blog, 18th January 2022
‘TVZ and Ors v Manchester City Football Club Ltd [2022] EWHC 7 (QB). Barry Bennell was a football coach who sexually abused a number of boys in the 1980s. He is serving a sentence of 34 years imprisonment and, at the age of 68, is likely to die in jail. The Claimants in this case were his victims. Mr Justice Johnson described each as a ‘remarkable’ men, courageously giving evidence and some waiving their rights to anonymity determined to do everything they could to encourage others to come forward and ensure Bennell was prosecuted and, ultimately, convicted. The issue in this case was not the veracity of their account – the judge made is explicitly clear they were believed and the Defendant did not question the fact the abuse had occurred. The dispute was whether civil liability attached to Manchester City football club for the abuse committed by Bennell. There were two fundamental hurdles for the Claimants: limitation and vicarious liability. On the particular facts, the court found that they failed to overcome both.’
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UK Human Rights Blog, 19th January 2022
‘A county council failed to establish that a child’s injuries were inflicted and the investigation into responsibility for those injuries was “seriously flawed”, a Family Court judge has found.’
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Local Government Lawyer, 20th January 2022
‘Failure to identify an appellant’s cognitive limitations led to procedural unfairness in a case involving children, the Court of Appeal has found.’
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Local Government Lawyer, 20th January 2022
‘A High Court judge has dismissed a judicial review challenge over the Government’s to end the ‘Everyone In’ initiative that was launched to get rough sleepers off the streets during the pandemic.’
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Local Government Lawyer, 20th January 2022
‘The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has threatened to fine the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) if it fails to deal with thousands of outstanding subject access requests (SARs).’
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Legal Futures, 19th January 2022
‘Public authorities do not generally owe a duty of care “where it has intervened but has done so ineffectually” in a way which fails to confer a benefit rather than “making matters worse”, the Court of Appeal ruled today.’
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Law Society's Gazette, 18th January 2022
‘A woman acting as a “guerrilla journalist” when she filmed inside a hospital in an attempt to prove her belief that lockdown measures were disproportionate has been convicted of a public order offence.’
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The Guardian, 19th January 2022
‘After authors including Kate Mosse and Philip Pullman warned that proposals to change the UK’s copyright laws could be “devastating” for writers, the government has paused its plans.’
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The Guardian, 19th January 2022
‘A man told by a judge to read classic literature after being found guilty of a terrorism offence will be jailed after a suspended sentence was quashed.’
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BBC News, 19th January 2022
‘A 14-year-old schoolboy from Darlington has become one of the youngest people in the UK to be convicted of terror charges.’
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The Guardian, 19th January 2022
‘LGBT veterans will be asked about how they were treated when serving in the British military while there was a ban on gay personnel.’
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The Independent, 19th January 2022