Parties can contract out of fixed costs regime – Litigation Futures
‘Parties can agree to contract out of fixed costs, a regional costs judge has ruled.’
Litigation Futures, 24th February 2020
‘Parties can agree to contract out of fixed costs, a regional costs judge has ruled.’
Litigation Futures, 24th February 2020
‘A supporter of the banned Islamic State terror group has admitted plotting to blow herself up in a bomb attack on St Paul’s Cathedral.’
BBC News, 21st February 2020
‘The Grenfell Tower public inquiry has been delayed again over demands from companies involved in the disastrous refurbishment that their evidence should not be used to help jail them.’
The Guardian, 23rd February 2020
‘The case of R (Miller) v The College of Policing & The Chief Constable of Humberside [2020] EWHC 225 (Admin) is yet another decision arising out of an individual’s use of Twitter to share transphobic, or as they see it “gender critical”, views.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 21st February 2020
‘The Financial Remedies Courts (FRCs) have been established as a subsidiary structure within the Family Court. In November 2019, two documents were published: Overall Structure Of The Financial Remedies Courts And The Role And Function Of The Lead Judge, and Financial Remedies Courts Good Practice Protocol. It is the protocol which is essential reading for family law practitioners.’
Law Society's Gazette, 24th February 2020
‘In this case comment, Michael Cox of CMS comments on the judgment handed down in the matter of The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd (Formerly General Motors UK Ltd) [2019] UKSC 46. Michael is a senior associate in the Real Estate Dispute team at CMS. Michael advises on all aspects of property law, with a particular emphasis on development advice and dispute resolution.’
UKSC Blog, 21st February 2020
‘A “landmark” legal case could determine whether the use of outsourcing firms to employ black and minority ethnic (BAME) workers on “inferior” pay and conditions is discriminatory.’
Each Other, 21st February 2020
‘A man who repeatedly stabbed his former partner in front of her children has been jailed for a minimum of 17 years.’
BBC News, 21st February 2020
‘National guidance is urgently needed to oversee the police’s use of data-driven technology amid concerns that it could lead to discrimination, a report has said.’
The Guardian, 23rd February 2020
Supreme Court
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
High Court (Administrative Court)
High Court (Chancery Division)
High Court (Commercial Court)
High Court (Patents Court)
High Court (Queen’s Bench Division)
‘A group of senior judges at the helm of the civil courts are considering a review of the guideline hourly rates (GHR) “as a matter of urgency”, it has emerged.’
Litigation Futures, 21st February 2020
‘In this December article for Personal Injury Focus, Devereux’s Rob Hunter and Bethany Sanders of Leigh Day explore the complexity of life expectancy evidence, providing background, comment, and practice advice on the issue.’
Devereux Chambers, 14th February 2020
‘On 7 February 2020 Mrs Justice Cockerill DBE handed down judgment in PBS Energo AS v Bester Generacion UK Ltd & Anor [2020] EWHC 223 (TCC). Steven Walker QC and Tom Owen appeared for Bester instructed by Rebecca Williams of Watson Farley Williams.’
Atkin Chambers, 7th February 2020
‘An abysmal mess? What our prisons tell us about our country today – by Nick Hardwick.’
Counsel, February 2020
‘Welcome to the February issue of Spire Barristers’ Public Law Newsletter covering news from around the web, practice updates and case reviews in Court of Protection and Public Law matters.’
Spire Barrister, 14th February 2020
‘The High Court has rejected a challenge to the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) failure to extend qualified one-way costs shifting (QOCS) to discrimination claims in the county court.’
Litigation Futures, 20th February 2020
‘Where a Local Authority (the ‘Billing Authority) applies by way of complaint to the Magistrates Court for a liability order against an alleged ratepayer, for allegedly due but unpaid, national non-domestic rates (‘Business Rates’), the Magistrates Court will issue a summons requiring the alleged ratepayer to attend the Magistrates Court to answer the complaint (the ‘Complaint’).’
33 Bedford Row, 16th February 2020
‘The dispute arose from the claimant’s back problems, which, it was agreed, made her disabled within the Equality Act 2010. She was unable to travel far and wanted to work mainly from home. This caused difficulty because her role, auditing the performance of National Health Service bodies, was “client facing” and required her to visit those bodies. She was eventually dismissed for reason of ill-health capability after an occupational health report and negotiations with her union representative. The respondent was concerned that she was not meeting her financial targets, i.e. the required amount of chargeable time billed to the respondent’s clients. These receipts from clients funded her salary. There were not enough clients within the short travelling distance from her home that she could manage.’
3PB, 7th February 2020
‘A man has been found guilty of murdering a landlord who barred him from his pub for “bragging about carrying a knife”.’
BBC News, 20th February 2020