‘The couple had married in the Republic of Somaliland in 2012 in a religious ceremony, in a further ceremony attended by family and friends, and finally by registration in the local district court in Hargeisa [1]. They had what Roberts J described as “a very happy and settled relationship” [2] and they regarded themselves as husband and wife. They were prepared to undergo a further civil ceremony in this country, but the local registrar took the view that they could not do so because they might already be married to one another [2]. The problem was that at the time the couple registered their marriage at the district court in Hargeisa, the Republic of Somaliland was not recognised by the United Kingdom as an independent legal jurisdiction [3] – so the issue arose as to whether or not, in those circumstances, they could be regarded as married under the law of England and Wales.’
Full Story
Law and Religion UK, 10th February 2020
Source: www.lawandreligionuk.com