Day: 19 February 2020
Home Office to release information about detainees’ access to lawyers – The Guardian
‘The Home Office has agreed to release information about whether it has deported immigration detainees who did not have access to working phones to contact their lawyers.’
The Guardian, 18th February 2020
Residence requirements for Partners – Richmond Chambers
‘Unlike most visa routes, partner visas do not have any specific residence requirements or prescribed limits on the number of days of absences from the UK.’
Richmond Chambers, 18th February 2020
Council to review decision on admission of summer-born child after criticism from LGO – Local Government Lawyer
‘Warwickshire County Council has said it will review its decisions in two cases in which it denied parents’ requests for deferred summer-born children to start school in reception class rather than year one after receiving criticism from the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).’
Local Government Lawyer, 18th February 2020
The new UK immigration rules tell employers to suck it up – The Guardian
‘The self-employed Polish plumber will be a thing of the past. Uber taxis in Britain’s big cities could be harder to come by. Anybody who wants to hire a Lithuanian nanny will have to pay them £500 a week – and make sure the taxman knows about it.’
The Guardian, 18th February 2020