Shamima Begum: The Human Rights Impact Of Making Someone Stateless – Rights Info
‘Shamima Begum was just 15 when she was radicalised by Isis militants online and smuggled into Syria.’
Rights Info, 19th February 2019
‘Shamima Begum was just 15 when she was radicalised by Isis militants online and smuggled into Syria.’
Rights Info, 19th February 2019
‘South London Drill artists AM and Skengdo were handed suspended jail sentences for performing their song ‘Attempted’ at a concert in Camden in December 2018.’
Rights Info, 19th February 2019
‘Ever since 31 July 2018, when Fraser J handed down his judgment in Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd v Bresco Electrical Services Ltd (in liquidation) [2018] EWHC 2043 (TCC), many of those involved in either insolvency or construction have been in a state of confusion tinged with disbelief. The potential ramifications were quite startling and the unease was only heightened by the more or less contemporary but very different decision of HHJ Waksman QC (as he then was) in Cannon Corporate Ltd v Primus Build Ltd [2018] EWHC 2143 (TCC). Both matters came before the Court of Appeal in November, since when the legal profession has been holding its collective breath. Now that the Court of Appeal has handed down its much-awaited judgment in these conjoined appeals the exhalation has been audible.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 7th February 2019
‘On 30 January 2019 the Court of Appeal gave their judgment in the case of Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2019] EWCA Civ 40. The following day judgment was handed down by the Honourable Mr Justice Bryan in AssetCo Plc v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2019] EWHC 150.’
Littleton Chambers, 14th February 2019
‘This article will look at just one of the (numerous) issues of which transactional solicitors need to be aware when dealing with residential conveyancing: protected residential tenancies. The following samples the chapter on Residential Leasehold Conveyancing in the Law Society’s latest publication: Risk & Negligence in Property Transactions edited by John de Waal QC.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 15th February 2019
Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd MP has announced that the government will introduce two new criminal offences to penalise the mismanagement of pension schemes.
Doughty Street Chambers, 11th February 2019
‘Can an employer rely on a contractual confidentiality clause to prevent disclosure of allegations of harassment and discrimination? This was the question posed in Linklaters v. Mellish [2019] EWHC 177, heard by the High Court last week.’
Littleton Chambers, 18th February 2019
‘In Manchester Building Society v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2019] EWCA Civ 40, the Court of Appeal yet again had to consider the application of the SAAMCO principle. Perhaps most significantly, the decision underlines the need to distinguish between ‘information’ and ‘advice’ cases when assessing the extent of a defendant’s liability for professional negligence.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 14th February 2019
‘The long running saga of whether Uber drivers are workers has been decided in the Court of Appeal and a split court has granted permission to appeal. This blog analyses the differing approaches in the Court of Appeal and the arguments that are likely to be advanced before the Supreme Court.’
Littleton Chambers, 23rd January 2019
‘The Ministry of Justice recently updated its guidance for UK nationals who are serving sentences in prisons overseas, and who may wish to serve the remainder of their sentences in the UK. You can read that guidance by clicking here. But what are the conditions which must be met, and what are the practical steps which might be taken to help a UK national serve the remainder of their sentence in their own country? Christopher Sykes from our Criminal Law and Appeals Team looks at how to go about achieving this.’
Doughty Street Chambers, 5th February 2019
‘With the Court of Appeal’s decision in Bresco Electrical Services Ltd v Michael J Lonsdale (Electrical) Ltd just a few weeks old, it is hardly surprising that people are looking again at the relationship between insolvency law and adjudication, noting that in cases of liquidation where parties have a cross claim, construction law defers to insolvency law.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 14th February 2019
‘A police officer has been found guilty of having sex with a 14-year-old girl he befriended on social media.’
BBC News, 18th February 2019
‘If the Withdrawal Agreement is approved, then Parliament will be asked to legislate to give domestic legal effect to its content through the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill. One of the most significant provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement, Article 4, purports to give the entire contents of the Withdrawal Agreement special status within the UK’s constitutional order. Even though the UK would no longer be a Member State, the effect of Article 4 (if implemented) would be to give all of the laws within the Withdrawal Agreement the equivalent legal effect of EU law within a Member State. As a result, the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland (the Protocol), which forms part of the Withdrawal Agreement, would be supreme over any other domestic legislative provisions, and any provisions of the agreement which meet the conditions for direct effect would have direct effect. How the UK courts would be able to enforce this status will be determined by how the UK Parliament decides to legislate to give effect to Article 4 in the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Act. It is probable that the Government will propose to give the courts the power to disapply domestic legislation inconsistent with the Withdrawal Agreement by replicating the effect of the European Communities Act 1972 (ECA 1972). Article 4 of the WA, as explored below, already includes the obligation to disapply provisions that contravene EU law. This post looks at the questions that might be raised if a UK court was ever asked to disapply domestic legislation on the basis that it was inconsistent with the Protocol. The potential constitutional effect of Article 4 is worth considering in view of the short time that Parliament is likely to have to consider the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill. While the UK courts have been able to disapply domestic legislation since the European Communities Act 1972 (this power was more more fully explored in Benkharbouche v Sec’y of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in 2017 – see Alison Young’s helpful 2017 blog post on the outcome) was enacted, what is constitutionally novel about Article 4 is the proposal that the courts would be able to do so when the UK is no longer a Member State.’
UK Constitutional Law Association, 19th February 2019
‘When does time start to run for making an application for permission to appeal? Does the answer change, depending on whether the application is made to the lower or appellate court?’
Hardwicke Chambers, 13th February 2019
‘The legal dispute between City giant Linklaters and its former global business development director over his intention to discuss its “ongoing struggle… with women in the workplace” has ended.’
Legal Futures, 19th February 2019
‘This was a conjoined appeal alongside Bresco v Lonsdale. In this case, Cannon and Primus had already participated in an adjudication, with the decision of the adjudicator favouring Primus. Primus would later enter into a Company Voluntary Arrangement.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 13th February 2019
‘The justice secretary has said he wants to end short prison sentences because they do not work and hopes that technology and more community sentences will provide better alternatives to jail.’
The Guardian, 18th February 2019
‘On 22 January 2019 the House of Commons Science & Technology Committee (“STC”) held an inquiry into “Japanese knotweed and the built environment”. It received written submissions from 27 interested parties, ranging from the Law Society and Royal Horticultural Society to companies specialising in the treatment of non-native invasive species and concerned individuals.’
Hardwicke Chambers, 11th February 2019
‘A claimant whose solicitors failed to amend the gross settlement box in the Ministry of Justice portal while negotiating with the defendant insurer was stuck with the figure, a circuit judge has ruled.’
Litigation Futures, 19th February 2019