Is an ordinand in training an employee? Gabe – Law & Religion UK

Posted July 20th, 2018 in clergy, contract of employment, news by tracey

‘In Ms F Gabe v The United Reformed Church [2017] UKET 2204367/2012, the claimant was accepted to train for the ministry of the URC as a full-time student at Westminster College, Cambridge. She was given a grant and allowances amounting to some £11,000 a year; ultimately, however, she was not ordained. On successfully concluding the course at Westminster, a trainee minister receives a “leaving certificate” from the College which will generally but not inevitably lead to the Church’s Assessment Board, when it reviews matters, determining that the candidate is fit for ordination. The candidate then has up to three years to be accepted for ordination by a Pastorate and, once accepted, he or she will be ordained.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 18th July 2018


Regulation of third party litigation funding in England and Wales –

Posted July 20th, 2018 in champerty, news, third parties by tracey

‘Third party litigation funding is a growing industry in England and Wales, although the market remains largely unregulated.’

Full Story, 19th July 2018


Sir Cliff v BBC: A new era for police investigations? — Patricia Londono – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 20th, 2018 in BBC, media, news, privacy by tracey

‘Sir Cliff’s case against the BBC (Sir Cliff Richard OBE v (1) The British Broadcasting Corporation (2) Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police ) following the raid on his home in August 2014 was billed as of “enormous importance” in relation to whether the media are able to identify a suspect pre-charge, as well as having “massive implications” for the reporting of early phases of police investigations. The first trial of its kind in this country, this article considers the ramifications of this High Court decision on the press reporting of those subject to police investigation.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 19th July 2018


Emergency services liable where responsibility is assumed and detrimental reliance has taken place – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 20th, 2018 in duty of care, emergency services, news, police, suicide by tracey

‘Sherratt v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police [2018] EWHC 1746 (QB) (16 July 2018). This was an appeal on a preliminary issue from the decision of David Berkeley QC, sitting as the Recorder below. The question was whether the defendant chief constable owed a duty of care to the claimant’s partner, who had committed suicide.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 18th July 2018


Case Comment: Goldman Sachs International v Novo Banco S.A. [2018] UKSC 34 – Supreme Court Blog

Posted July 20th, 2018 in banking, conflict of laws, EC law, jurisdiction, news by tracey

‘Dana Feinsohn, trainee solicitor in the litigation and arbitration team at CMS, comments on the decision handed down by the UK Supreme Court in the matter of Goldman Sachs International v Novo Banco S.A. [2018] UKSC 34.’

Full Story

Supreme Court Blog, 17th July 2018


Indemnity costs, allegations of fraud and discontinuance: PJSC Aeroflot v Forus and others [2018] EWHC 1735 (Ch) – Zenith PI

Posted July 20th, 2018 in costs, fraud, indemnities, news by tracey

‘There are lessons for practitioners in all areas in the judgment of Rose J in Aeroflot v Forus and others. That case – a long-running chancery matter concerning skulduggery, political intrigue and alleged fraud –stands as a reminder that parties plead fraud at their peril.’

Full Story

Zenith PI, 17th July 2018


High Court dismisses fundamentally dishonest £850,000 personal injury claim – Litigation Futures

‘The High Court has dismissed in its entirety a £850,000 personal injury claim on the grounds of fundamental dishonesty.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 19th July 2018


MPs cast severe doubt on court modernisation – Legal Futures

Posted July 20th, 2018 in civil justice, courts, criminal justice, HM Courts Service, news by tracey

‘MPs on the public accounts committee (PAC) said today that they have “little confidence” that the court modernisation programme can be delivered.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 20th July 2018


Statement following the publication of the Justice Select Committee report on Disclosure – Crown Prosecution Service

‘The Crown Prosecution Service and the National Police Chiefs Council have today (20 July) issued a joint response into the Justice Select Committee Report over Disclosure of evidence in criminal cases.’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 20th July 2018


BSB seeks views on draft of new Bar training rules – Bar Standards Board

Posted July 20th, 2018 in barristers, legal education, press releases by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today launched a consultation to seek views as to whether their proposed new rules for the training and qualification of barristers provide the right framework to give effect to the new policies announced recently by the regulator as part of its Future Bar Training (FBT) programme.’

Full press release

Bar Standards Board, 19th July 2018


There’s still no end in sight, says ‘winning’ husband in Mills v Mills – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 20th, 2018 in divorce, news, periodical payments, Supreme Court by tracey

‘The “meal ticket” phrase has long been loathed by family law specialists who see it as lazy journalism to describe a complex and nuanced area of their practice. But there was little comfort from this week’s Supreme Court ruling in Mills v Mills, trailed as the case that might do away with periodical payments for good.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 20th July 2018


Woman awarded £100k after husband’s death mid-divorce – BBC News

Posted July 20th, 2018 in damages, divorce, financial provision, news, road traffic offences by tracey

‘A woman whose husband was killed in the midst of the pair’s divorce has been awarded more than £100,000 in damages. Cathryn Craven brought a £676,985 claim against driver Terry Davies, who ploughed into Jayson, 48, in June 2014. She had argued there was a chance of reconciliation, while Davies’ lawyers had said the marriage was doomed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th July 2018


Radical proposal to make escaping ‘leasehold trap’ easier for homeowners raised by Law Commission – The Independent

Posted July 20th, 2018 in enfranchisement, Law Commission, leases, news, reports by tracey

‘A radical proposal to make it easier and cheaper for homeowners to escape the so-called “leasehold trap” and buy the freehold of their houses has been put forward by the Law Commission.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th July 2018


Parents set to lose right to veto sex education at age 15 – BBC News

Posted July 20th, 2018 in age of consent, news, parental rights, school children, veto by tracey

‘The government plans to let 15-year-olds overrule their parents’ wishes and opt in to sex education lessons they have previously been withdrawn from.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th July 2018


Ex-traders handed 13-year jail sentence for Euribor rate-rigging – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 20th, 2018 in banking, fraud, news, sentencing by tracey

‘Two former traders have been jailed for more than 13 years for trying to rig a key financial benchmark at the height of the financial crisis.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 19th July 2018


Moped mugger who stabbed man to death for his Rolex jailed for life – The Independent

Posted July 20th, 2018 in murder, news, robbery, sentencing by tracey

‘A murderer who stabbed a father to death while trying to steal his Rolex watch has been jailed for a minimum of 35 years.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th July 2018


Windrush scandal: Compensation could be capped under proposed scheme – BBC News

Posted July 20th, 2018 in citizenship, colonies, compensation, immigration, news by tracey

‘Compensation promised to the victims of the Windrush scandal could be capped under government proposals. Launching a 12-week consultation on a compensation scheme, the Home Office said a cap would ensure no-one got a “disproportionately high payment”.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th July 2018


Plans to close courts across the UK could see suspects failing to turn up for hearings, report warns – Daily Telegraph

‘Plans to close courts across the UK could see suspects failing to turn up for hearings, the public accounts committee has warned.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 20th July 2018


Director of public prosecutions criticised for ‘insufficient leadership’ over failings that saw evidence withheld from defence lawyers – The Independent

Posted July 20th, 2018 in Crown Prosecution Service, disclosure, evidence, news by tracey

‘Weak leadership by the director of public prosecutions failed to tackle failings that led to innocent people to be wrongly imprisoned, MPs have found.’

Full Story

The Independent, 19th July 2018


DNA tests on asylum seekers dubious in law, Home Office admits – The Guardian

Posted July 20th, 2018 in asylum, children, DNA, families, news by tracey

‘Asylum seekers who were subjected to DNA swabs to prove their origins may be able to sue the government after the Home Office admitted the lawful basis for taking those samples was “dubious”.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th July 2018
