‘The need for and the many benefits to be derived from the introduction of a national system of Financial Remedies Courts have been persuasively argued by HHJ Martin O’Dwyer, HHJ Edward Hess and Joanna Miles: Hess and Miles, The recognition of money work as a speciality in the family courts by the creation of a national network of Financial Remedies Units [2016] Fam Law 1335, and O’Dwyer, Hess and Miles, Financial Remedies Courts [2017] Fam Law 625. I have made clear my support for this: Note by the President [2016] Fam Law 1340, and 17th View from the President’s Chambers: divorce and money – where are we and where are we going? [2017] Fam Law 607.
Following discussions with HMCTS, I am proposing to pilot the Financial Remedies Court (FRC) concept in three places, starting, I hope, in February 2018: London, the West Midlands and South-East Wales. I envisage that further pilots will follow quite shortly on a rolling programme.’
Full press release
Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 1st December 2017
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk