We launched the Current Awareness Blog in April 2007 as a way of providing a free and simple way for people to keep up-to-date with legal news.
Information professionals at the Inner Temple Library monitor a range of news sources and select news items, case updates and legislation to post each day. Key-words are then added to each post, to enable readers instantly to collate items on the same topic.
Since its inception, the Current Awareness Blog has evolved to cover other materials such as long-form comment and analysis produced by Chambers, as well as information on forthcoming law lectures.
The blog has been received very positively and valuable user feedback has not only helped shape the service but also helped justify the time and effort invested. Its audience has grown from members of the Inns to the wider legal community (including academics, law firms and libraries located both in the UK and overseas).
We would like to thank everyone who has supported this project over the years and, of course, all of our readers, subscribers and Twitter followers.
Please let us know what you think! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9CFXB6F