‘The Common European Asylum System is strongly focused on the individual asylum-seeker, and the coercive regulation of her predicament and processing. In contrast, international refugee policy has long been engaged with the concept of ‘mass influx’, reflecting the realities of flight, in particular from conflict. Several EXCOM Conclusions recommend practices to be adopted in such instances. Aside from the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive, the concept of ‘mass influx’ and the practices surrounding it have little traction in EU law and policy. This talk will contextualise and problematize the concept of ‘mass influx’, and suggest that notwithstanding its many shortcomings, global refugee policy sets out important standards that are lacking in EU law.’
Date: 2nd March 2017, 6.00-8.00pm
Location: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (Council Chamber), 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5DR
Charge: Free, registration required
More information can be found here.