EVENT: King’s Think Tank Society – Racism Post-Brexit

Posted February 15th, 2017 in Forthcoming events by sally

‘Racism is on the rise in the UK. Following Brexit what can only be described as an “explosion of blatant hate” has plagued the UK. Arson, vandalism, verbal assault directed at children and their parents, gangs patrolling the streets demanding people on the street prove they can speak English, men ripping Muslim women’s headscarves off. These are only a few scenes of post-Brexit Britain. But the question remains: is the racism a product of Brexit, or Brexit a product of racism?

– Mr Jon Burnett: assistant editor at the Institute of Racial Relations News, his research includes racial violence, domestic race policy in the UK and the economics of migration
– Mr Michael Fordham QC: barrister and member of Blackstone Chambers, he practises in the field of judicial review and human rights
– Dr Lucia Pradella: lecturer in International Political Economy at King’s College London, her research includes Europe in a changing world, migration and racism.’

Date: 16th February 2017, 6.00-7.30pm

Location: Waterloo

Charge: Free, registration required

More information can be found here.