Council tax, periodic tenancies, and the end of L&T law avoided – Nearly Legal

Posted August 2nd, 2016 in council tax, landlord & tenant, local government, news, tribunals, valuation by tracey

‘We’ve seen the issue of who is liable for Council Tax when a tenant has left a property before the end of a periodic tenancy arise before. Here, the Upper Tribunal decided that a statutory periodic monthly tenancy following a 6 month fixed term did not amount to a ‘material interest’ of over six months such that the tenant would remain liable for Council Tax, while here in the Shropshire decision (and amusingly featuring NL) the Valuation Tribunal decided that a contractual periodic tenancy following on from a fixed term of 6 months did amount to a material interest such that the tenant remained liable.’

Full story

Nearly legal, 1st August 2016
