The Equality Act and Regulators – Which Forum? – Littleton Chambers

Posted April 14th, 2016 in appeals, courts, doctors, employment tribunals, equality, news, tribunals by sally

‘Dr Michalak’s name may be familiar to you. She was the doctor who brought a claim against her NHS employer (‘the Trust’) for sex and race discrimination, amongst other matters. Not only did the litigation reveal eye-watering events, it resulted in an eye-watering award of compensation (close to £4.5m) from the Leeds Employment Tribunal (‘ET’). The ET found that there had been a sustained campaign of unlawful conduct by various individuals against Dr Michalak culminating in a sham dismissal and causing post-traumatic stress disorder in Dr Michalak (Michalak v Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Others [2011] ET 1810815/2008).’

Full story

Littleton Chambers, 24th March 2016
